blood analysis

  1. Splash

    A simple but important request!

    Comments welcomed on how to carefully proceed with prescribing physician!
  2. B

    Opinions on my Blood Work

    Hi all, 27M 200lbs 20%bf. Been experiencing 3/4ths of low T symptoms for the last two years. Finally got my bloodwork done and am heavily considering TRT. I would love any opinions on how my SHBG, Estrogen, total T and free T levels look and how they may be effected (or how yours was effected)...
  3. Dreamamine

    26Y/O, Feel like Shit, Could You Guys Take a Look At My Blood Test Results?

    – Few caveats: I am not on TRT. Apparently the “Testosterone II and SHBG are assayed on the Siemens Centaur/Atellica”. Not sure if that’s important. Felt like shit since about 18 years old. I had a huge drop in wellbeing on every metric when I hit about 18. I had my testosterone tested when I...
  4. E

    Personal Follow-Up

    Hey guys. I've been injecting for a couple of months now and: -haven't taken one mid day nap at work -sleep all night -losing fat/gaining muscle -gaining lots of strength -I can focus again -sex is better I had some blood work done today for a follow-up and it wasn't very inclusive. My PCP is...
  5. S

    TT: 1100+ E2: 95+ on 150mg/week MWF. Sensitive/standard assay results compared.

    11 weeks in. IM VG injections. No adjuncts of any kind. TT 1141.2 ng/dl (LC/MS-MS) FT 347 (ordered the sensitive assay, labeled as MS/Dialysis? Mentions LC/MS-MS in the details, units not listed) E2 97.1 pg/ml (sensitive, details state LC/MS-MS) SHBG 25.1 nmol/L HCT 49.6% I also ordered the...
  6. C

    Possibility of "test booster" ingredients affecting lab results?

    This is simply a question/observation I am throwing out to the masses. I had been self dosing testosterone e last year for about six months. Approximately 80-100mg weekly - shallow IM. Stopped the first week of November due to some unwanted sides. No PCT. I did start taking a test booster...
  7. A

    Testosterone levels now too high?

    Hi Everyone, 37 year old here that started TRT back in February. The clinic I went to put me on 20% cream applied to the scrotum once a day. So far I've been really happy with the results, my libido has sky rocketed, more energy, and can lift more for longer at the gym. Yesterday I got my...
  8. D

    Blood Results Today Show Low Estradiol vs. TT - Advice?

    Here's my current protocol: EOD injections of 14mg Test E for weekly total of 49mg of Test E. 10mg Cialis EOD Blood drawn on morning of injection BEFOREHAND to show trough Results As Follows: TT: 1033 (ref range: 193-740) FT: 58 (ref range: 8-27) E2: 37 (ref range: 41-91.9) Hematocrit: 47.3...
  9. J

    High estradiol even on anastrazole

    I'm on a morphine pump for chronic back pain and my testosterone dropped to 190. For two years I've been on 1 mg of testosterone cypionate weekly (ships from Empower Pharmacy) and donate blood regularly to keep my hematocrit/hemoglobin levels in check. Last year my estradiol levels were...
  10. A

    Has anyone use retinol for acne?

    I know many have experience with Accutane, and claim that they cleared their Acne up permanently, But does anyone have experience with retinol, which is essentially topical Accutane? since upping my dose, I’ve experienced a bit of acne. But I don’t want to take Accutane due to the long-term...
  11. R

    Soooo confused about what to do about ED

    Im 61, 205, good health. Not interested in bodybuilding just want to be 20 OK, who doesn't. I've been on TRT at .45mg twice a week Subq for over a year and my typical low T symptoms have improved tremendously, concentration, agility, strength, muscle mass. Of course here in...
  12. A

    I feel great 24-48 hours after Injection, then feel bad on day 3

    To start here is my protocol: 50 mg Test Cyp evert 3.5 days Ive noticed that 24 hours after my injection, I feel incredible, and this persists up until right before my next injection and the day OF my injection. I feel irritable, tired, neurotic and semi depressed. Then 24 hours after my...
  13. P

    Lab Work - Can't Get Better It Seems

    I am going to post my most recent lab work and an bit of history of where I am and how I feel. I was with Low T Nation for three years before switching to Defy Medical summer of 2019. When I left Low-T. this was my regiment: .35ml test cyp twice a week IM...HCG 200iu twice a week...Ipamorelin...
  14. mairomaster

    Ejaculation effect on Prolactin blood levels

    It's widely known that ejaculation temporarily increases Prolactin levels in the blood. That's why it's commonly recommended not to ejaculate 24 - 72 hours before running bloods, if Prolactin is included. My question is, does anybody have a more specific idea about what change percent wise we...
  15. C

    Help reading Bloodwork

    I’m feeling low libido and fatigue with bad sleep. My workouts are not that great either. I used to cycle testosterone on and off but I’ve been off everything for almost two years. I’m 29 years old. total T looks in range but my free test is low. Maybe because my SHBG is elevated? Also is my...
  16. B

    My Lab numbers

    I had went to a diabetes and endocrine clinic for lab work as after I went to a local TRT clinic. The doctor at the TRT clinic after having lab test done there told me due to my age (68 at the time) the wouldn't treat me. I don't have those results. I then went to the endo. Here are the results...
  17. S

    Blood work HCG Monotherapy low DHT

    Good morning everbody, Im 27 y. old, 80kg, 12% bf. I´m hypothyroid and and have hypogonadism. I´m on a HCG-Monotherapy. (750 I.E. Hcg eod, 125 mcg L-Thyroxin) I think that my thyroid gland is not yet functioning properly and therefore my testosterone synthesis is also limited. Hopefully when my...
  18. B

    When is the best time to get blood test checked?

    When is the is the best time to get your blood tested to check where TRT has your levels? Should one consider their own peaks and troughs? Currently on 2x "100mg Test C" & 2x "500IU HCG" a week for 4 months. Got my blood tested for the first time about 12hrs after my the most recent 100mg Text...
  19. S

    Some success, some challenges w/ daily protocol

    On the advice of Defy I switched to a daily protocol 12 weeks ago. I was on 140 mg of test (70 mg twice a week) and 150 IU/day of HCG. I now inject 18 mg of test daily w/ no change to HCG dose. I just ran my first labs after 12 weeks. In terms of side effect management it has been a complete...
  20. V

    My new test results.

    Here are my results after 2 months of taking Natesto, and while on a low iron diet. I was also taking 18g of inositol a night. No natesto on the morning of testing. Some days I would forget to take Natesto, or sometimes I’d double dose. I have a separate lab for SHBG which turned out to be...
  21. B

    When do you reach TRT saturation?

    At what week does one reach TRT saturation (when your serum blood level doesn't increase from week to week)? Is it dose dependent? I ask not only because I'm curious but also this will help guide when to get my first TRT bloodwork.
  22. T

    High free test

    What to do to lower free test and raise total or is it nothing to worry about if you feel ok but not as good as I'm wanting. Total TESTOSTERONE, SERUM 739 264-916 01 NG/DL Adult male reference interval is based on a population of healthy nonobese males (BMI <30) between 19 and 39 years...
  23. L

    Feedback on Blood Labs - 8 Months TRT

    Hello Gentlemen, 53 year old, 6 ft, 205 lbs, have been on Testosterone Cypionate 200 mg/mL 100 mg (0.5 ml) intramuscularly once a week since April 2019. No HCG or AI, Dr. is not very receptive. Any feedback on latest LABS would be appreciated. Feeling pretty good currently. Currently...
  24. goldenleft

    Blood Labs after 8 weeks on TRT

    Hello, reading others posts here I noticed that some experience users advice to novice like me to did blood test after 5 - 6 weeks on TRT once their hormones are balanced. This is my 5th week, I'm feeling good, so far... only using testosterone E3.5D, as per your advice in my first post, I'm not...
  25. J

    Major Low T symptoms but normal Blood work?

    40 Year old male. Suffering from close to zero libido, erectile dysfunction, and fatigue. I decided to get my blood tested for potential low t. My bloodwork seems to be in the fairly normal range but it doesn't match the way I feel. I can definitely use some extra eyes if anyone wants to help...
  26. E

    2.5 years of TRT not working that well

    Was put on TRT in april of 2017 after results showing ranges from 6-9nmol many times (about 160-260ng/dl). Prolactin was always high, around 400-500, which made them do a MRI on my brain, found nothing. SHBG always lower-ish around 18-24. Due to the shitty system in my country, given...
  27. A

    Pre TRT - Mid range T, but symptomatic

    Deleting my post....had my consult with defy and got my questions answered.
  28. B

    Back on TRT: Same old thing some of you may remember I stopped TRT awhile ago. And was feeling really good....for awhile. But after a bit, I was not having good workouts, my energy was less, I was having more pronounced mood swings, etc. I decided to reach back out to Defy and see what they thought. We spoke...
  29. S

    Please Help Me Review my TRT Blood results

    These are 60 hours after last injection im on 400 mgs test E week , I take .5 mgs of liquid arimidex twice a week . I inject 200mgs twice a week , (Sunday morning and Wednesday 6pm) I injected Wednesday at 6pm and had blood drawn Saturday morning at 9am. I feel total test is low for 400 mgs ...
  30. A

    The day before a blood draw

    Is there a routine to follow the day or two before a blood draw? I have heard that any ejaculation 48 hours prior to a blood draw can raise prolactin significantly but are there other things that you should try to avoid prior to a blood draw? like a heavy workout or a potentially stressful...
  31. D

    Is my doctor being too cautious?

    Hi all, Hoping to gain some insight with this question as I have plowed through these forums and several others and I’m suffering “paralysis by analysis” so here it goes. Is my doctor being too cautious? I’m 42 yrs old and have been on weekly injections for about 9 months. I had my...