blood analysis

  1. L

    Dialing in my TRT, next steps

    I've been running TRT for a while but am finally dialing in my TRT. Before and during TRT, my libido and EQ have been so-so. I have been taking 2.5mg of tadalafil daily, which sometimes does not work. I am thinking about raising it to 100mg every four days (175mg a week). These labs are based...
  2. M

    3 months blood advise

    Hi all, I’m sending off my 3-month blood test results to my clinic here in the UK and wanted to get some thoughts. For the first two months, I was using U-40 needles instead of U-100, which caused me to get my dose wrong. The blood results I’m sharing now are from 6 weeks after correcting my...
  3. B

    Pre TRT Blood Labs - 27 Year Old Male

    Hello everyone, I’m a 27-year-old male, 155 lbs, 5”11 and I want to share my journey so far. I’ve been athletic my whole life, playing soccer, hockey, and rugby. I was even on my national soccer team for a few years. In high school, I transitioned to competitive kickboxing. I went through...
  4. B

    High SHBG/Low oestriadol

    Good evening from the UK, had my bloods done and it looks like my testosterone is normal but my SHBG/Albumin are through the roof and my Oestradiol/FSH are through the floor, any ideas why this is happening and how I can correct it? I'm 42, 5'10", 12st(76kg), keep in decent shape. My sleep is...
  5. D

    Slightly higher TRT regime (200mg per week) [+ Proviron] and recent blood results just in!

    Hello all, I just thought I would share my latest blood results with you all. I have been injecting Test E three times per week, instead of just one or two shots per week. Total of 200mg per week (for 10 weeks now). Befor increasing testosterone from 120mg to 200mg, I noticed some slighlty...
  6. D

    Why did my total testosterone drop even though my weekly dose increased?

    To summarize what you can see in the spreadsheet -- I started taking 105 mg/week of testosterone cypionate in July 2023 -- in September of 2023 my total testosterone was 948 ng/dL -- I then did an 8 week cycle of Anavar (20 mg/day), which ended on Novebmer 14, 2023 -- on December 20, of 2023...
  7. hempdog

    Enclomiphene citrate 5 week progress and questions.

    Had testing done a while ago, and my testosterone levels were LOW TT was 156ng/dl and FT was 2.9 - I have been taking Enclomiphene citrate 12.5mg eod for 5 weeks and had just my testosterone levels checked. Levels are up to TT 281, and FT 7.6 and I am thinking I will start taking 12.5 every day...
  8. W

    Can't get it up... Ferritin that is. Blood issues after 5 years. HCG related question. Labs attached.

    I have been on TC for over 5 years with varying results, mostly positive until the last year. I have had to do a few blood donations within the last 3 years due to rising HCT. It dropped my ferritin levels to 10, range 30 - 400. I can't get my ferritin levels up. My Mayo PCP said that if I take...
  9. O

    Cold turkey bloodwork - 6 weeks since last shot (576 ng/dl!!!)

    I'll start with a bit of background. I have been on AAS/TRT for ~8 years. The first 5 or so full blown steroid use and the last 2.5/3 years on TRT. I never used hcg while on AAS and sporadically on TRT. I pposted this thread on Nov 16 looking to lower my trt dose after a off the charts FT and...
  10. T

    15 nmol - not suitable for TRT

    Hi, I'm a 40 year old man, 178cm, 75kg. I do 4-5 sports a week. For the last 4-5 years my libido and interest in women has decreased, I have a problem to maintain muscle mass and I can't build new one. If I compare the libido 10 years ago, it's a drastic reduction. My energy intake is...
  11. L

    Does anyone know what these results mean?

    Hi guys I am on 2000iu hcg x3 a week and menopor 225iu x2 a week I have primary hypogonadism and last seman analysis was azoospermia so menopor injections was added. I have recently done another seman analysis still waiting for the results but I am no expert but my blood test results are not...
  12. N

    Timing bloodwork with ED injections?

    Hey all. I have been taking 15mg Test E per day, and ~150iU of HCG Monday and Thursday (this is as frequent as I can inject without experience a ton of high E2 sides like acne, water retention, etc.). The HCG has helped with penile sensitivity, but my libido and erections are still not where I...
  13. A

    Normal Total T, Normal SHBG and Estradiol.. but low Free T??? why?

    Got my bloodwork back. Im not on TRT. for some reason everything looks fine besides my free T. any idea why that might be?
  14. D

    Mass spectrometry the same as LC-MS?

    Hello, I tried searching the forum and web and can't seem to find a direct answer. Is mass spectrometry the same as LC-MS? (Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry) My fiance (biological female) just completed blood work at a hospital and she got her results in. Total t - 255, free t - 25...
  15. R

    Creatine and rbc H&h ?

    So my question is basically does one on trt who has an elevated H&H hematocrit and hemoglobin around 54 and 18 and habitually works out with weights 4/5 days a week want to use creatine without causing any side effects . I know creatine does a lot of wonderful things like increase atp and...
  16. S

    Hematocrit levels: what’s “high?”

    Went today for my “every three months” blood “donation.” I was at 47. That doesn’t seem so high. When should I be worried? I do 2x a week subq.
  17. L

    Do I qualify for HRT? Posting my Blood Test Results.

    Do I qualify for HRT? Posting my Blood Test Results. 53 Year old male. Symptoms: No sex drive, loss of self, loss of the tenacity I used to have, apathetic, affecting marrage. Surgery for bi-lateral torsion testicles when I was 16. Got tested in late 20's - sperm count was OK. My...
  18. J

    Labs after one month of hcg mono at 1000 IU 3x a week.

    Last labs done 3 months ago: Test: 550 ng/dL LH: 10 FSH: 5 Normal E2 I feel no change in my symptoms. Thoughts? Also do I need PCT for low LH and FSH?
  19. L

    Need assistance in understanding blood test results - Ranges not defined?

    Hello, My first posting. 51 year old male 5'8" - 235lbs Powerlifter build, muscular but 27-30% body fat Testosterone - Serum (Final) - Testosterone Result: 7.9 Reference Range: 5.2 - 23.7 The lab did not define what these reference ranges measurements are? Please help. Can...
  20. R

    Blood test analysis needed

    Hi all, So started TRT 6 weeks ago on 25mg test cyp every other day and 200iu of HCG every other day. Experienced some acne on back and shoulders. Felt great in the first 3 weeks then tailed off slightly. Please could someone have a look at the results and express thoughts? This was taken in...
  21. M

    Did labcorp mess up my test results OR did empower pharmacy give me bad batch of testosterone cypionate?

    Would like some opinions on the above title please. I’ve been running test cyp at 160mg split into two dosages of 80mg every 3.5 days now since 06/2022. I’ve had blood work done back on 9/2022 & 01/2023 and both times testosterone would come back at around 1000-1100 and estradiol at around 28...
  22. H

    Blood test feedback after 5 weeks on TRT

    Received my blood test after being on TRT for the first time. My protocol was Test E 40mg 2xweek every 3.5 days on Tuesdays and Fridays. My blood Test was performed on Tuesday before my subq shot so on through end. My Total was 700, Free 35 pg/ml and estradiol 45 pg/ml. Question since this was...
  23. J

    Recent Yearly Bloodwork- some help please!

    Would like some assistance from the great minds on here regarding my recent labs. Some history= I am 52 yo, 6'1" and 220lbs, but muscular build as I lift heavy 3x week and am in good shape for my age (so I think). Been on TRT for about 10 yrs now. I have had primary hypertension since my 20's...
  24. R

    Blood results after 3 weeks on 25mg clomid

    Hi guys, Just had results back after 3 weeks into clomid pct (been on trt for 2 years and off for fertility. Currently on 25mg per day. Does this look like I'm recovering or should the clomid had raised my levels further? Should I continue with 25mg per day? At a loss.
  25. J

    Timing for blood testing question

    I apologize as I am sure this has been posed many times, but I cannot find the resource- 1.=What is the optimal time to have labs done after pinning..... I do inj. on Monday a.m. and Thursday p.m. and plan to have blood draw on a Friday? 2. For PSA test, how long should one refrain from...
  26. T

    High iron, high % saturation, low ish ferritin. Feel shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing. Is it the iron overload?

    please see labs below. I feel fatigued and honestly kinda shitty. I’m a Defy patient and waiting to get scheduled with them. Is high iron likely to cause these symptoms? I was feeling well before this with high energy, banging libido, and productive energy. Over the last month, I’ve been...
  27. I

    Suggestion based on blood work : TRT or not?

    Hello Everyone, I am a newbie and need your experience and opinion. I am 38 years old male, I have been struggling with weight loss and motivation to go to the gym in the past 2 years. I feel energetic only from 8 am to 11 am (where I try to do most of my work done) and then the rest of the day...
  28. M

    Free testosterone conversion

    Hey guys I guess my doctor measured my free testosterone instead of total testosterone in latest bloodwork did I do the conversion if there is one if my free testosterone is 340 pmol/L
  29. O

    Please help me read my first post-TRT test results

    Hi everyone. So, my urologist ordered the first follow-up blood tests four weeks into TRT. I took those tests yesterday, prior to my weekly injection of 100mg. I have a follow-up appointment with him at the end of this week where I intend to tell him that the only changes I've felt after four...
  30. M

    Advice: Blood Test Results High Cholesterol

    I'm 38 years old. I've been on TRT for about 2 years now. I only take 100mg of test cypionate 1x/week. My lab numbers are high and my cholesterol is through the roof. I'm worried I'm doing something wrong. Any advice would be appreciated.
  31. W

    TRT lowers SHBG

    My TRT SHBG is 16 which is kinda low. I've read TRT lowers SHBG, but by how much? Is is possible my natural SHBG is around 16? I don't have bloodwork that measured SHBG pre TRT