
  1. M

    Does adding AI increase T ?

    if AI (arimidix) stops the conversion of T to E, does that means higher T ? tried to search the forum couldn't find any answer, seems like a basic question :P
  2. DixieWrecked

    Questions about HCG, Arimidex, and Their Effects

    I have been reading this forum obsessively for the last few weeks. What an incredible group of guys you all are. I have only been on TRT for about 3 months so I am figuring things out. At 2 months my bloodwork looked good and I decided to add HCG because the doc recommended it. So I have...
  3. C

    Thinking of stopping my AI. Thoughts.

    Hi gang. Been on test cyp since Feb 2018. I am scripted at 200mg/week doing 100mg IM on Monday and Thursdays. Even though 200 is my script, I am actually doing a bit less prob 150-175mg/week. I was having some back acne flair ups and playing around with lower dose. Anyway, I am also on 0.5mg if...
  4. W

    Clomid and AI (w/ low T & low E2)

    Summary of my lab work: Okay total T Low Free T High SHBG Low LH Underperforming Thyroid Low E2 Estradiol senstive - 7.4 (normal = 8.0 - 35.0) Doctor has started me on 12.5 Clomid (EOD) and AI (Anastrozole) (3x per week) From what I gather, the treatment plan lis designed to elevate my free T...
  5. S

    Arimidex discontinuation update

    So for about the past month I had weaned off of arimidex in hopes of feeling better. I was using the 1mg adex/100mg test strategy prior to weaning off. E2 was around 21 and tt was at 1000ish. Felt awful, no sex drive, fatigue, aches and pains, hair shedding, mentally slow, brain fog, dark...
  6. Z

    High Prolactin and Estradiol in 33 y/o

    Been a while since I was on this site, but I just discovered this dedicated Prolactin subforum, looks like theres loads of good stuff stickied, so have lots of reading to do! In the mean time I thought I'd post here. I started a thread in the TRT subforum a while back, and have since had a few...
  7. D

    Ditch your AI now - you don't need it!

    I'm a long time lurker and haven't posted much (perhaps even never) but I felt I should contribute something in return: I have very mild gyno that I've had most of my life. As soon as my E2 goes up it starts getting sore. That's when I USED to take an arimidex and it would go away. This time...
  8. H

    Too much DHT caused permanent damage, or what?

    First of all , all help is appreciated, if you have some idea or input that might help then please share it. I have been dealing with the Side Effects caused by Arimidex for 5 years now. In 2014 ( i was 21 years old) i used Arimidex due to little bit High estrogen few months post cycle ( tbol...
  9. I

    Bloating causes by Arimidex?

    Has anybody experienced bloating as a result of too much arimidex? At one time I was on 200mgs a week and 3mg arimidex and STILL had a ton of stomach bloat. It got a lot better when I went to 40mg EOD and .25ai although I still get a little bloat now and again. Should I try my dose of 40mg EOD...
  10. S

    Feel WAY better with elevated e2

    So for the first 4 months or so of trt at 200mg test cyp per week with minimal ai usage. .25 anastrozole maybe once every 5 days or so, I felt good. Great workouts, insane pumps, crazy libido. Then I started reading on here about trying to stay within the low 20s on e2. So I began using the...
  11. M

    Alternative to Anastrozole?

    Hi everyone, Been following my protocol of injecting once every 4 days with a half inch insulin syringe, intramuscularly into my legs, around the quads mostly. Sometimes into my glutes. I inject 50mg each time. I also inject 500iu of HCG every time I inject testosterone, but into my stomach...
  12. M

    Need Arimidex??

    Need to get Arimidex (Anastrozole) but don’t have insurance OR you have insurance but every doctor you go to refuses to write you a prescription? Come to Colombia and buy a box of thirty 1mg pills over the counter for $32 dollars ($50,000 COP). I just bought this box one hour ago for the above...
  13. J

    Arimidex dosage timing schedule²

    Hello everybody, I am from France but i will try to do my best so you can understand me. My protocol is : Daily test 16mg HCG 500ui 2times a week And i need an AI but i wonder what is the best option of timing I am lean, i eat clean, and i do cardio and some weight lifting 2 to 3 times a week...
  14. M

    Liquid Arimidex - what liquid to use?

    I take a tiny amount of anastrazole -- about 0.1mg EOD. I have been cutting up the pills and measuring with a scale. My scale has become flaky and I'm thinking it would be more accurate to dissolve 1mg in 1ml of water and take it that way instead. Yes, I know I could get it compounded into...
  15. 3

    Super dry skin (face only)...E2?

    I can't seem to find a definitive correlation to low or high E2, so here is what is going on. The last week or so I've developed really dry skin on my face and scalp. I used to have super dry skin before I started TRT, but after a couple of months on my skin was great, even slightly oily (no...
  16. K

    Some questions about HCG and Arimidex

    Hi, Regarding the use of low doses of both HCG and Arimidex while on TRT - and long term effects. - Should you take breaks from HCG use or should it be used continually like testosterone? Is the issue of the Leydig cell becoimng de-sensitized an issue when using a low dose (ie 500 IUs twice a...
  17. J

    Wildly Different E2 Numbers - LabCorp vs. Quest

    I won't bore everybody with details and fluff - the numbers speak for themselves. Bottom line, Quest and LabCorp E2 numbers are nowhere near each other based on recent lab work I had done (Quest numbers were 2x LabCorp numbers). Be careful if you are managing E2 with only a single lab...
  18. C

    Clomid and AI therapy help needed, low T, soft erections

    Hello to everyone, I have seen a lot of excellent info on the forum, but I would need some guideance on what to do next. Where do I start: Well, it can be a long story, but I will try to keep it as short as I can. Almost 39 yo, non smoker, 1 or 2 of drinks a week. Started training year and a...
  19. Airborne Warrior

    E2 crash on 12.5mg Adex?

    So I took just a quarter tab (12,5mg) of adex around 4 days ago and now feel like complete shit. Is it even possible to crash your E2 on a single small dose of adex?
  20. K

    Arimidex or Cialis Side Effects?

    So in my haste and rush to start feeling better in the sexual department I have been taking Armidex and Ceebis (Cialis) the past few days. Let me be more specific; I took .25mg of Arimidex on Wednesday and Friday as these are testosterone and HCG injection days. The doc at Defy prescribed this...
  21. 3

    E2 Recovery After Tanking (with results)

    I've posted on here several times that my previous Dr tanked my E2 by pre-mixing A'dex with my Test Cyp (200mg T with 1mg Arimidex). I switched Drs, who kept everything the same, but gave me 0.3mg A'dex pills. I was instructed NOT to take the A'dex for my first two injections (Friday, June 15th...
  22. 3

    How long for E2 to recover?

    I recently switched providers because my previous Dr was compounding the Arimidex with the Test Cyp (1mg of A'dex per 200mg of Test Cyp). This crashed my E2 down to 14, and I felt like hell. My new provider (who I really like so far), has split them. I am on the same protocol: 100mg Test Cyp...
  23. S

    HELP with TEST/ HGH cycle!!

    Hello everyone, I have been on TRT for a number of years now and after speaking to a multiple endocrinologists and an anti-aging doctor, I have not been able to get a definitive answer on a hormone program that works. I understand that all bodies are different and require different dosages and...
  24. G

    Labs, high E2, help...

    I was on 120 mgs of testosterone, split at 40 Mgs Monday/ Wednesday / Friday (No AI or HCG)... After 6 weeks... TT=616 Free T=99.8 Bioavialable T=200.9 SHBG=28 (up from 20) Albumin=4.4 Estradiol=51 (high) Hermaticrit=48.3 RBC=5.66 ( donated a pint of blood yesterday) I have been feeling pretty...
  25. J

    Puffy Nipples But Low E2

    A few months ago I got obsessed over estrogen control and stupidly increased my Arimidex dose from 0.25mg twice per week to 0.5mg twice per week. The reason is that the sensitive estradiol test is not available in my country so I tried to lower my E2 to see if I feel different or better. My E2...
  26. S

    E2 crashes, wondering anyone using estradiol supplies directly.

    It is a long long story. Well, I am a 24 yrs old Asian. Now in California. Have a car accident and got one of my testicle twisted ( at least shrunk...whatever. You know ... primary hypogonadal. Serious symptoms kick in : mental fog, ed, low libido, extreme fatigue and depression, joint pain...
  27. T

    New Labs Please Comment

    Hey everyone! I've been on my current protocol since June of 2017. I had bloodwork in between these most recent labs which didn't include the sensitive E2 test. My estrogen using the regular E2 test was similar to what is now. I don't have any overwhelming estrogen side effects but I've...
  28. M

    SHOULD I TRY ARIMIDEX? Labs attached

    Hey guys, First off, I'd like to sincerely say thank you to Nelson, ExcelMale, the regulars, and everyone else who contributes to the forum. You guys seriously helped me a couple years ago and I truly appreciate it. I'm 25, been on TRT for the last 3 years. Had pseudo-Cushing's syndrome, a...
  29. G

    Crashed Estradiol - How Long to Recover?

    Hi All, New to these boards, but have been lurking for a while picking up some great information, everyone seems very knowledgeable. Started TRT back in October 2016, I have yet to get dialed in, although I have found the elusive sweet spot a couple of times, so I know how important it is to get...
  30. Nelson Vergel

    Estradiol in Men: Interview with Urology Professor Dr Ranjith Ramasamy

    Nelson Vergel, founder of and and author of Testosterone: A Man's Guide, interviews Dr Ranjith Ramasamy. Dr Ramasamy is the Director of Male Reproductive Medicine and Surgery as well as an Assistant professor in Department of Urology at the University of Miami...
  31. C

    Is This Gyno? How Should I Eliminate It?

    I think I have gyno type 1. I was extremely fat and I ve never taken roids. I ve attached some pics with my progress.. Do you think Arimidex 1mg/day for 30 days is better than Tamoxifen 40mg/day for 30 days? I saw on the internet that after using taxomifen, fat is deposited on the hips and on...