
  1. J

    TRT isn't forever? Natural T came back? Lab results suggestions please

    Back in early 2018...Panic attacks started out of nowhere, heart acting weird, some stress, etc age 39 Total T = 295 Free T = 15 E2 = 9 Pretty low for everything right? Did clomid for a while, numbers went up all to normal ranges, even up to 1100TT at one point, maybe felt a little better...
  2. S

    New User, Looking for advice, Questions about HCG, Thyroid, DHEA, etc.

    At age 33, After years of depression, anxiety, fatigue, weight gain, sleep problems, ed, etc. I convinced my doctor to test my hormones. I was specifically interested in my Cortisol levels due to prolonged profound amounts of physical anxiety. The results of what he tested were; Total...
  3. J

    Just starting TRT

    I am a 49 yr old male and have struggled with anxiety disorder for over 20 yrs. About a year and a half ago it became debilitating after having it under control with medication so my doctor started looking for answers. He found it when my lab work came back with a total test at 25! Lab results(...
  4. bochinit

    Anxiety and anger on TRT

    Hello! I would like to know why sometimes I feel anxiety or anger in trt? I would like to live in a constant state of comfort but apparently that ideal point is being difficult to reach. how do I stay calm in trt? does this have to do with dosage or some hormones affected?
  5. T

    I get anxiety when using hCG with TRT

    I've tried starting HCG several times over the last two years with similar results. By day 7 I start to have anxiety from it. I've tried 500 eod, 350, and 250 with the same results. I keep trying because it helps with my mood and well being the first couple of days. The doc seemed stumped...
  6. I

    Thinking of coming off TRT after 6 months...

    About 6 months ago I started TRT with a TT that ranged between 450-550 and a free T that was 10-11 ng/dl (range was 5-20). My symptoms were anxiety, no morning wood, poor erections, v low libido, no motivation etc for many years. I did 2 short steroid cycles in the past that probably didn’t...
  7. A

    I feel my social anxiety has increased on TRT

    I've been on TRT for more than 2 years and when I think about it my social anxiety increased around the same time I went on TRT and basically stayed the same till this day. The level of anxiety in my life has not increased. This together with negligible libido are mysteries to me. Can it be...
  8. P

    HPTA Recovery Log to Re Start Testosterone Production

    Hello everyone. Following my failed attempt at restarting my natural testosterone production, I'm back on HRT in the form of 500iu HCG 3x p/w. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current issues: Always cold, especially extremities Absent Libido...
  9. J

    Can’t get balanced

    Been on TRT for about 3 months now and it has been a roller coaster to say the least. I started on 125 a week split up on Monday and Thursday of each week. Also with HCG and .25 of an AI on injection days. started having bad palpitations and hot flushes. Had me double up on AI and it tanked my...
  10. D

    Blood Work results Thyroid questions and slightly elevated estrogen and prolactin also low shbg

    So I'm a long time lurker on the forum first off I wanna say that thanks to this forum. I have been able to recover from the damage. I have done to my body with steroid abuse during my competition days. My situation is a typical low SHBG case but I have managed to find a protocol that works 90%...
  11. I

    New Vitamin/Supplement/Nootropic Suggestions

    I am looking for a couple of vitamins/supplements/nootropics to try. I am 44 male, 6'2", 215lbs, and in decent shape. I recently had a full battery of tests done and the the only significant finding was low ferritin (see test results in "Blood Test Discussion" section). Here is a list of what...
  12. J

    Side effects awful TRT

    I’m seeing all the positives from people with TRT which is great. However I’m 5 weeks in on 125 total, injecting twice a week with HCG and an AI and feel terrible. I feel so out of whack and have bad headaches, horrible anxiety and palpitations. I redid my labs this week early as they think it...
  13. S

    Trouble squashing some side effects related to anxiety and addiction

    I've noticed that sometime after the honeymoon period, and sometime probably around shut down, all of the ruminating thoughts and underlying anxiety I've had my whole life just vanished. And then they came back, but slightly worse. It's not unbearable, but I find myself more prone to anxiety...
  14. M

    New to the site. Current symptoms and findings. What should I expect?

    Realized this post was a bit long. I've summarized up top. Details further down. QUICK VERSION: Been feeling like crap for 3 months. Have had numerous expensive doc / specialist appointments, imaging scans, blood tests, and more tests, tests, testsssss etc with normal results. I saw doc on...
  15. W

    Wonderings Journey

    Fairly new here, thought I’d start a log detailing my journey and hopefully my progress. I am 49 (hard to believe), developed issues young. Minor issues in my early 20s and major sexual dysfunction around 26 years old. One thing that stands out from my earliest issues was having some ED when my...
  16. H

    All the sudden have high T and E after two years of stable TRT dosage.

    I've been on TRT for the last 2 years and it's been great. My mood, anxiety, libido, and function have all been on point for the most part. I take .25cc of T and HCG twice a week and have never had to adjust. I get my blood work done twice a year and have been on track with good levels for...
  17. R

    Questions for men on anastrozole who have crashed their E2 Levels

    I have a few questions for those who have crashed their e2 levels. How low did your E2 levels go? How long did it take to recover? Did anything help you raise your levels? I have searched on this and other forums and all I can see is that people have either upped their test dose, which for me...
  18. DixieWrecked

    Questions about HCG, Arimidex, and Their Effects

    I have been reading this forum obsessively for the last few weeks. What an incredible group of guys you all are. I have only been on TRT for about 3 months so I am figuring things out. At 2 months my bloodwork looked good and I decided to add HCG because the doc recommended it. So I have...
  19. T

    Best medication for anxiety?

    TRT has definitely improved my quality of life in some areas but I still have crippling anxiety. For someone with mental health problems as severe as mine it doesn't look like Testosterone is going to be enough. I've had this anxiety/paranoia for my whole life, even as a kid. I don't feel...
  20. R

    Anxiety Low E2 can't seem to get my levels up

    I really need some help, I am having severe anxiety, I have never had anxiety before ever. I have been on TRT for over 9 years without issues, @ 200MGs per week and AI twice a week. My TRT doctor is out of the office till Monday, and I was hoping this issue would go away but its not. After my...
  21. S

    2 very different test results. Confused & seeking advice.

    Hi folks -- i heard this forum was where the experts are at ;) Seeking advice on blood results. My first testosterone blood was 59 ng/dl (i know crazy low) but the next test they did came back at 400 ng/dl. Both tested in morning and 2 weeks apart. Symptoms (really bad past 12 months but...
  22. Vince

    Jo Cameron, 71, has a rare gene mutation that scientists believe inhibits her from feeling pain or anxiety.

    The patient had been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the hip, which she reported as painless, which was not consistent with the severe degree of joint degeneration. At 65 yr of age, she had undergone a hip replacement and was administered only paracetamol 2 g orally on Postoperative days 1 and...
  23. P

    Magnesium Glycinate VS Xanax

    Hi all, I have been reading about the comparison between these two products. Has anyone with anxiety had a good response taking the magnesium instead of xanax or similar anti-anxiety medicine? I use magnesium for sleep but will be trying it during the day to try calming myself down.
  24. F

    Irritability and anxiety on Testosterone

    Original protocol was 80/500/.125 twice a week and I felt ok. Felt some flushing and red eyes the day of and day after my injections then felt good the final 24hrs before my next shot. Switched to MWF 54/350/.125 for my second labs and now I’m noticing anxiety, irritability, etc the first two...
  25. M

    Anxiety Attacks Recently For No Apparent Reason

    I have been on TRT since March of this year, 2018. I started on 200mgs of cypionate per week but in August I reduced the dose to 100mgs per week divided into two 50mgs injections on Monday and Thursday. The past two weeks I have been having severe anxiety attacks where I'll wake up with a rapid...
  26. theodore1983

    Too high of dose side effects?

    Today is my third day after having an injection. I can’t sleep and my anxiety is through the roof. Are these common symptoms of too high of a dose?
  27. Nelson Vergel

    Are You Neurotic? Take This Test and Find Out Your Score

    Neuroticism, also known inversely as Emotional Stability, refers to the tendency to experience negative emotions. Those who score high on Neuroticism may experience primarily one specific negative feeling such as anxiety, anger, or depression, but are likely to experience several of these...
  28. M

    Low SHBG and anxiety?

    I know there’s a handful of cases of which starting trt has increased anxiety. I have had bouts of anxiety while on trt and will admit I’m still trying get dialed in. I know estrogen levels play a role being high or low is reported for anxiety, thyroid levels as well. In Dr. Crislers book he...
  29. T

    cannot get stable on TRT: insomnia, anxiety

    hello all. i really hope to get some hints on what could be going on with me or my protocol. i've been on the TRT cream for about 4 months total. when i first started on the protocol my T numbers were extremely low and e2 was high. i felt like everything in my life became an unsurmountable...
  30. Vince Carter

    Weighted Blanket...anxiety relief

    Any experience with these? They claim the weighted blanket gives comfort to minor anxiety and improves sleep, but these things are a little pricey to just try it out. I notice I can tend to like two blankets and not a warmth thing but I like the heavier feel of two blankets though my recent E...
  31. T

    Anxiety, Again

    Back in 2009, I had anxiety, insomnia, night sweats, and panic attacks. My total testosterone was measured at <300, and I used compounded testosterone, and then HCG monotherapy to get my TT numbers up to 800-1000. I felt good, thought I had completely recovered, and gradually went off the HCG...