
  1. I

    Low T and my 10 year journey through treatment

    Ok fellas I have decided to post my detailed journey here for the benefit of anyone who may find themselves in a similar situation. It's long so be warned. Happy to answer questions on whatever I can for you. Into my mid-20s I had still not needed to shave my face (having done so only in the...
  2. A

    DHT: Adding T Cream vs Higher Injections + AI

    Adding supplemental scrotal T cream seems to be the trend lately, and personally I've definitely seen some benefit. Based on information from some doctors and other board members it seems the DHT:E2 ratio is improved, which gives a better sense of well being and libido. However, couldn't the...
  3. T


    I've struggled with estrogen management since I began trt about a year ago. I've always injected Sub-Q and the research supports T levels through Sub-Q. However, at my Wit's end I decided to begin injecting in my deltoid about 2 weeks ago. It's really made a big difference in my estrogen side...
  4. H

    Would this likely be low or high E2?

    I am experiencing some symptoms that I suspect are related to high E2 -- but I also wonder if low E2 could be the cause. I'd appreciate any thoughts from the hivemind here. Current regiment: T Cyp 200 mg/ml and HCG 400 iu -- both twice weekly. Also take .25 Anastrozole twice weekly, taken at...
  5. M

    anastrozole dosage frequency

    Im on TRT. My Estrogen started getting up there around 60. They put me on Anastrozole. The pills come in 1 mg size from Kroger. Im supposed to take 1/4th tablet twice a week. These suckers are hard to cut. Is it OK to take 1/2 pill once a week?
  6. T

    Anastrozole - Stabilization

    I have been struggling with estrogen problems for over a year. I just can’t seem to get dialed in. I was at .1 anastrozole every 3 days, and after 19 days I went high, so I adjusted to .1 every other day. That brought me down to normal after a few days, then a little low, and now high after 15...
  7. T

    Changed plan slightly in coordination with provider.

    If you've ever wondered if the information that you provide to newbies ever does any good, the answer is yes. Because of the information I read from the experienced members on this site, as well as several of Nelson's interviews with TRT doctors as well as published clinical studies, I had an...
  8. S

    Arimidex discontinuation update

    So for about the past month I had weaned off of arimidex in hopes of feeling better. I was using the 1mg adex/100mg test strategy prior to weaning off. E2 was around 21 and tt was at 1000ish. Felt awful, no sex drive, fatigue, aches and pains, hair shedding, mentally slow, brain fog, dark...
  9. J

    Why Did AI Double My Test.

    After 4 weeks of .5mg Anastrozole my Total and Free Test more than doubled! I am now supra-physiological in my trough with 2400 ng/dl Total T and & 744 pg/ml Free T. My E2 also increased from 84 to 109 pg/ml. Can anyone explain why this might of happened?
  10. S

    How Much Does Anastrozole Lower Estradiol?

    My e2 via sensitive test is 35. I started to show some signs of high e2. I dr put me on .125 of Anastrozole once or twice a week. How much can I expect this to lower my e2? I think I'll start with .125 once a week and test after 4 or 6 weeks. Do you believe this is a good approach? -s
  11. M

    Alternative to Anastrozole?

    Hi everyone, Been following my protocol of injecting once every 4 days with a half inch insulin syringe, intramuscularly into my legs, around the quads mostly. Sometimes into my glutes. I inject 50mg each time. I also inject 500iu of HCG every time I inject testosterone, but into my stomach...
  12. H

    Anastrozole Dosage

    Hi everyone. I am new to the group and have just started TRT and have been on it for 3 weeks. I have been prescribed 200mg Test cypionate along with 2 mg of anastrozole a week. From what I see on my lab results my E2 was never even tested. My Doctor will not be doing labs again until I have been...
  13. T

    Arimidex/Anastrozole intolerant. Would Aromasin work?

    I can’t even tolerate a 0.0625mg dose of Anastrozole, I don’t know if it crashes my E2 or if I just get a bad reaction to the drug, but it takes about 2 or 3 days to recover. Has anyone had this issue and then had success with Aromasin?
  14. G

    Thoughts on my latest bloods?

    I've been on trt since early August. Still trying to dial in my protocol. I've just received my latest blood test results and interested to hear thoughts from those on this board. My protocol: 50mg testosterone enanthate every 2 days IM 250iu HCG every other 2 days SQ (so alternate between T...
  15. K

    The E2 Roller Coaster

    Hi guys, So my E2 levels have been all over the place. For the most part I've been on the high side, pre TRT and during TRT. However, recently with the help of Anastrozole it's been lowered, but wow it took a dip I wasn't expecting. Lately, I've been feeling anxiety and some weird depression and...
  16. 3

    Super dry skin (face only)...E2?

    I can't seem to find a definitive correlation to low or high E2, so here is what is going on. The last week or so I've developed really dry skin on my face and scalp. I used to have super dry skin before I started TRT, but after a couple of months on my skin was great, even slightly oily (no...
  17. J

    The TRT "trifecta"...Why?

    I see that most guys new to trt seem to start out on the trifecta of test-hcg-anastrozole, at least the guys starting their protocol with Defy. It strikes me as strange, since several of the more reputable trt docs like Crisler, Kominiarek, Matschke, et al, are pretty much down on A.I.s except...
  18. T

    SubQ - Testostrone compounded with Anastrozole

    I wanted to post and ask if anyone is doing Testosterone compounded with Anastrozole subcutaneously? I've read some of Dr. John Crisler's posts that make me want to give it a try but the fact that it is compounded with Anastrozole led me to this post to see if I could get more info from the...
  19. deejal01

    Oxandrolone, Ipamorelin, Clomid, Anastrozole, hcg

    Hello! I decided to post in this forum instead of peptides because the main focus is Oxandrolone. 45 years years old, did biohormone replacement testosterone pellets one year ago. After speaking with a doctor about my goals, he suggested Oxandrolone, Ipamorelin, Clomid, Anastrozole and HCG...
  20. W

    Anastrozole question

    Hello, I had a quick question. I’ve been doing TRT for 9 months. Weekly injections of .07 for T. 20 for HCG. My main question is : the doc had me on 1.5 of Anastrozole a week. My last blood test, apparently my estrogen score was 0. Not only am I concerned. I’m now realizing that he had me...
  21. A

    Ejaculate changes on Clomid - High E2?

    Hey guys, Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm a 27 year old, relatively active guy. Noticed low T symptoms, doctor decided to try fixing it (thankfully, given I didn't have the crazy low levels of some other guys seeking treatment). I recently started Clomid and switched my care to Defy...
  22. O

    Testosterone and Anastrozole starting dose for ED injections

    Can some of you knowledge gentleman help me formulate a starting dose for ED TRT injections. I am low SHBG, high free T, and high estrogen guy. Really stuck on how much test and anastrozole I should begin with given my situation.
  23. J

    Help with HCG and Anastrozole dosage

    Below are the blood test results of just about 2 years of using HCG that I have been tracking in Google Docs. I have secondary hypogonadism and am currently taking 1000IU HCG on M/W/F (3x per week) and 1mg Anastrozole 5x per week (so 5 mg per week!) on every day except for Monday and Friday. I...
  24. K

    Drug and/or hormone-related hair loss

    I'm 54 and have been on anastrozole and cabergoline for over a year. I've been treating high E2 and prolactin. I started with anastrozole and then, after seeing my E2 come down, added the cabergoline. I've normally got a good head of hair, but starting cab immediately caused noticeable hair...
  25. M

    Update: Clomid and Anastrozole

    When to the urologist this time and he told me to get on arimidex .5 very Monday and Friday and Clomid 50 mg ED. Basically the same protocol I’ve been on for quite some time minus the Arimidex. He did this because he said using hcg with TRT is not 100% saving fertility. Put me on arimidex...
  26. 3

    How long for E2 to recover?

    I recently switched providers because my previous Dr was compounding the Arimidex with the Test Cyp (1mg of A'dex per 200mg of Test Cyp). This crashed my E2 down to 14, and I felt like hell. My new provider (who I really like so far), has split them. I am on the same protocol: 100mg Test Cyp...
  27. M

    Problems with Defy and Hallandale Pharmacy

    I've really enjoyed my interactions with the Defy staff, but I've run into some issues with my prescriptions and appointments. After being on TRT for about 6 weeks, I was experiencing very bad bloating, feeling very tired during the day, major nipple soreness, and other symptoms of high E2. My...
  28. L

    Advice for coming off Test Cyp

    Hi, I am a 35 year old male and have been taking 80mg Test cyp twice per week. 160 mg weekly injections for about 9-10 months. I was originally put on by my doc for testosterone suppression while taking suboxone. Total T was in the low 200”s. My latest about two weeks ago was 900. My doc put...
  29. B

    Anastrozole and lipids

    I have read conflicting views on this. Some say anastrozole is really bad for lipids and others say there is nothing inherit in the drug itself but a by product of lowering estrogen to much which causes lipids to come back not good. Also most studies are referenced on women at 1mg per day. Does...
  30. D

    New to Anastrozole

    I've been on TRT for about 2 years now and have recently switched docs to Rand McClain in L.A. Nice dude. While I've not used an A.I. in the past, he's prescribing me one now, as my E2 is 44. I believe he's wanting me down in the 20 to 30 range. (not that we're treating numbers!) He's changing...
  31. Nelson Vergel

    Anastrozole at 1 mg/day Reduced Insulin Sensitivity in Men

    Aromatase Inhibition Reduces Insulin Sensitivity in Healthy Men. Randomized controlled trial Gibb FW, et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016. Authors Gibb FW1, Homer NZ1, Faqehi AM1, Upreti R1, Livingstone DE1, McInnes KJ1, Andrew R1, Walker BR1. Author information 1British Heart Foundation...