
  1. B

    4 months TRT, back acne just started

    Been on 2x "100mg Test C" & 2x "500IU HCG" for nearly 4 months and really enjoying the results. About a month ago I noticed that acne on my back started showing up and is slowly getting worse. Is there something that's not harsh which I should start taking now before it turns to scar causing acne?
  2. F

    Adding some nandrolone to TRT?

    Hi all- I’m a Defy patient that had stopped TRT for a few months due to international travel and is restarting. I was pretty dialed in but had one side effect that I just couldn’t manage before. Acne mostly on my legs that was bad enough to cause some scaring. Penile sensitivity could was a...
  3. N

    Does testosterone thicken the skin?

    “The cause of PCOS acne is elevated levels of testosterone. This masculinizing hormone is produced in the bodies of both males and females, especially during the teenage years. In addition to causing hair growth, muscle growth, and aggressive mood, it also thickens and toughens the skin...
  4. N

    Flaxseed milk and Phytoestrogens

    Well, long story short... I switched to flaxseed milk a month ago for the extra 3000mg omega 3’s daily.... been having a really bad acne breakout for about two weeks. In the past I learned high e2 gives me horrible acne... looks like I’m switching back to regular or almond milk.
  5. TestAdvocate

    Low Dose Accutane for TRT Acne

    Acne is so frustrating while on TRT! I'm thinking of trying "off label" therapy with Accutane - micro-dosing with just 10mg of generic accutane every other day. One of the problems I see is my "go to" overseas pharmacy (All Day Chemists and ReliableRX) do not carry generic accutane. Has...
  6. N


    It’s not really a testosterone side effect for me though. I’ve always had bacne since I was a teen. Lots of people say it’s caused by DHT but, I have minimal body hair, and absolutely no male pattern baldness. Is there anything besides accutane to get rid of it? Defy Medical can’t prescribe it...
  7. R

    new acne

    was on 50mg e3.5 days for 3 months. on 62mg e 3.5 sq for 7 weeks. feel great. switched to 62mg im 3.5 days ago noticed acne/zits what ever we call it these day. is this a quincidece. don't think that I feel any better. only other difference is slight increase in carbs.
  8. C

    Acnes on back of head after 1 week on TRT

    Hi, I just started TRT a week ago. This is what I'm doing, both every 3.5 days. I consulted with Dr Saya. 70 mg test cypionate 400 IU HCG Sorry I haven't got much time to read more about TRT and acne management. I haven't got acne in a long time. I did look at the side-effect management table...
  9. T

    Shoulder Acne and Thyroid

    So for those that know i posted a while ago that i was taking 125mcg a day of iodine and it cause my shoulders to break out with crazy acne. Well I have also been having thyroid problems for a while too and my free t3, free t4 always at the very bottom of the acceptable range and tsh normally...
  10. TestAdvocate

    Propecia (Finasteride) for Acne Control?

    Have any of you guys used Finasteride specifically for acne treatment? The theory being reducing DHT production, thus reducing the cystic acne. For me, it seems like the acne comes and goes......thus far no matter the treatment. When I have the bad breakout on my back, the discoloration from...
  11. S

    Acne? Try skipping the whey

    Many of us on TRT are on it precisely because we are interested in managing our overall health and fitness. Many guys who are interested in fitness also commonly use whey protein shakes as a post-workout supplement. If you're struggling with acne, it may not be the TRT that is causing it. Try...
  12. C

    Does High Estrogen Cause Acne?

    In general does elevated estrogen from TRT cause acne?
  13. M

    nandrolone causing all my acne?

    i've been on nandrolone, testosterone and hcg for about a year now, without problems, but in the last two months, my skin has gone downhill. either rosacia or acne on my face. red bumps all over my back and, more recently, my chest. none of it is painful but it sure is ugly. my research...
  14. Nelson Vergel

    Dr Saya's Videos on Testosterone, HRT, and Weight Loss

    TRT Side Effect Management - Red Blood Cells TRT Side Effect Management - Acne TRT Side Effect Management - High Estradiol TRT and Prostate Cancer Testosterone Use in Bodybuilding vs Replacement Therapy
  15. Nelson Vergel

    Influence of IGF-1, DHEA and DHT on acne

    Arch Dermatol. 2005 Mar;141(3):333-8. Correlation between serum levels of insulin-like growth factor 1, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and dihydrotestosterone and acne lesion counts in adult women. Abstract OBJECTIVES: To determine if insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and androgen...
  16. J

    Can anyone decipher what happened to me and what my labs mean?

    I went to meet with a TRT doc because of the experience my friend had in treating his low T. I was experiencing night sweats and poor sleep (tried melatonin and even ambien), diminished ability to grow muscle (following a strict diet and 6 days per week weight training), and high/low libido...
  17. Nelson Vergel

    Whey and Acne

    Whey and Acne By Dr Peter Griffiths Can whey protein make acne worse? Whey protein is the most popular sport supplement used by bodybuilders and sports people due to its proven muscle building and anabolic effects. However many people have also reported that whey has caused them to break out...
  18. Nelson Vergel

    How to treat or prevent acne caused by testosterone.

    These are the best posts on acne and testosterone. acne increase on T Acne on back [Archive] - TRT, hCG,AI, Health Forums Thread: Testosterone Side Effect Management Table acne increase on T - Page 2 Acne [Archive] - TRT, hCG,AI, Health Forums Terrible chest...
  19. C

    acne increase on T

    Over the past week or two the body acne I have experienced has gotten worse. Primarily on my forehead and upper chest and shoulders. I have tried a new body wash that is supposed to be anti-bacterial and help with this but it has not helped. Any suggestions or ideas what may be causing it?
  20. Nelson Vergel

    Testosterone Side Effect Management Table

    It is suggested that you talk to your physician about the need for proper blood tests before and during testosterone. Problem Solution and Comments Acne/oily skin Caused by Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) effect on increased oil production · Accutane – a powerful prescription item - 40...
  21. Nelson Vergel

    TRT and Anabolic Steroid Side Effect Management Table

    It is suggested that you talk to your physician about the need for proper blood tests before and during testosterone. Read this first since it is the most common testosterone side effect: High hematocrit Problem Solution and Comments Acne/oily skin Caused by Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)...