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  1. J

    Wait and Watch Urged in More Prostate Cases

    I think this link will show the same version of the article; just from the Yahoo site instead of NYT. Too Many Older Men Are Still Screened for Prostate Cancer
  2. J

    cheap HCG (23usd/10k IU) - reliableRX - experience

    Ref: Grey Area - It's important to understand that there is no "grey area" regarding buying and using these products from an overseas pharmacy without a prescription. I'm sure laws in other countries may be different, but it's absolutely illegal for someone in the US to do so. I'm sure the day...
  3. J

    Defy Shipping/Order Processing - Gotta be better

    I've never had an issue with Defy that I couldn't work out over the phone, and with their expanded customer service hours they made it even more convenient. Certain issues that I've experienced, but were all worked out. I've had the email stating "Your medication is ready to be refilled" issue...
  4. J

    Defy 'Call-in Fee'?

    I'm a Defy patient. I just ordered labs through the website on Jan 27th. The next Monday I gave them a phone call, and said I would like to add two more labs to the order. They actually had to cancel the previous order, add the labs, make the new order, and process it for payment. I couldn't...
  5. J

    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    I've tried DIM multiple times over the last several years. Each time I used it, it started to have negative effects within a short period of time. It didn't help libido, and it definitely hurt erectile function.
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    Semaglutide: Preventing/Dealing with Side Effects

    I tried Semaglutide a few months ago, and hated every minute of it. I don't have very much body fat, but I thought that it might help with a little remaining visceral fat. I also thought I'd try it to help with blood sugar and for its touted positive effect on any metabolic issues. My GI tract...
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    Buy-Pharma Company

    Thanks for letting us know about this. They carry hydroxyprogesterone, which I had a hard time finding anywhere else, and at a great price. I don't use BitCoin, but they do accept credit cards (would not accept VISA, but did accept M/C). Of course, the bank instantly declined the transaction. It...
  8. J

    Weight Loss, Cancer Screening, ED, Diet, Exercise & More!

    Great information! Thanks for posting.
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    Forum Etiquette

    I've been a member of this forum for several years. I rarely post, but do visit from time to time. People used to be able to disagree with each other respectfully, even when opposing views were on opposite ends of the spectrum. Over the last few months I've noticed a trend of folks bashing...
  10. J

    Experience with HCG from Reliable Rx?

    I placed an order last week with Defy for HCG with Hallandale (at the time I placed the order it was showing available through their portal), but they called earlier this week saying that was no longer an option. They provided a refund on that portion of my order, and stated I should discuss...
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    Advice for short term Oxandrolone use

    If you're "not going to be talked out of it", I can tell you exactly what to expect. Keep in-mind that I'm a fan of oxandrolone and have a prescription for it along with the rest of my TRT protocol. 1. You're going to have very minimal gains, if any. 2. If you're having joint issues, a drug like...
  12. J

    Experience with HCG from Reliable Rx?

    I've ordered HCG many times from ReliableRx, multiple brands, over several years and never had an issue with the products. I'm not a fan of what they send with the kits to reconstitute, and always used whatever Bacteriostatic water I had on-hand. Payment was easy with E-check, and my bank...
  13. J

    Defy Medical HCG Shortage?

    There are many drugs sold by Empower that aren't compounded (e.g., Cabergoline, Avodart/Dutasteride, Exemestane, Synthroid). They even sell branded testosterone cypionate. I'm hoping that when they are no longer allowed to compound HCG, they will be able to do the same thing with branded HCG...
  14. J

    Defy Medical HCG Shortage?

    Ref: Empower....I've never had a bad experience with Empower that was anything other than a miscommunication. When it comes to compounding pharmacies I don't think there's a single one that has welcomed more oversight and has more verifiable certifications. I feel the same way about Defy. If...
  15. J

    Empower vs Defy and/or Recommendation of Compounding Pharmacy

    Defy is a clinic, and not a pharmacy. Even if Defy wrote the Rx for testosterone propionate, the only standard option I see on their website to get it filled is through Empower. I've used many other compounding pharmacies in the past for testosterone, but my favorite by far is Empower. They have...
  16. J

    Clinical Efficacy of Shockwave Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

    Thanks for posting. That's great information! Is this something that is generally available now in the U.S, or something we may have to wait years for before being offered as a general service in clinics?
  17. J

    Anyone here taking progesterone?

    Nelson, For your consideration. I have hemochromatosis, and was trying everything I could to not have to do the harsh chemical iron chelation treatments. I had 8 phlebotomies in less than 6 months, with very low-iron diet, and still extremely high iron saturation and ferritin. The doc said I was...
  18. J

    Trimix injections during natural erections

    There's no issue with doing that. Without using either Bi/Tri-mix, or something like Cialis, I can get an erection but have definite issues maintaining it during intercourse. (Which really pisses me off). I almost always have a 50%-90% erection before injecting, as I'm mentally stimulated at...
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    Anyone used topical estrogen?

    I'm very sensitive to high estradiol (anything >35), especially the classic negative effects on well being. However, in the rare instances that my estradiol is low, I've definitely used topical estradiol cream. It fixes my low estradiol symptoms, also related to well being, in very short order...
  20. J

    Compounded Bioidentical Hormone Therapy (cBHT)- FDA Ban Anticipated

    Nelson, I've submitted my stories in the past, stating how vital compounded hormones are for my spouse and myself. However, I just don't see it making a difference. This decision has obviously already been made, and the outcome architected, behind closed doors. I'm pretty jaded, so I don't see...
  21. J

    Considering Westward Test E

    I've tried most of the carrier oils (GSO, sesame, and several others), and have used Westward test, although it was cypionate vs. enanthate. I never felt any difference except maybe the viscosity. For many, the carrier oil makes no noticeable difference. However, I've read that many men have...
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    Ended up in ER last month

    I had problems with elevated heart rate for at least two decades. I had multiple heart tests done to rule out any of the usual causes, and they didn't find anything conclusive (except that all arteries were absolutely clear, a perfect calcium score, and no structural abnormalities). During one...
  23. J

    do you use clomid with TRT?

    Gerardo - I'm not sure my use of tamoxifen would be relevant to your situation. I'm extremely primary hypogonadal, so I have to use a pretty high dose of HCG to keep my POS testicles from shrinking. If I use it, they stay average size. If I don't use it, they will literally shrink to the size of...
  24. J

    do you use clomid with TRT?

    I use low-dose tamoxifen (10mg every 2-3 days) with TRT, but not to keep the axis less suppressed. I'm very sensitive to any sort of elevated estrogen, so the primary reason is to suppress gynecomastia.
  25. J

    Hormone Health and Wellness Palm Beach

    My experience differs. I'm not going to discuss or argue about dosing, or what constitutes "high end" for testosterone, as it simply isn't worth it to me. However, I will say that I have tried several times over the years to discuss nandrolone, oxandrolone, and stanozolol, and it was scoffed at...
  26. J

    Hormone Health and Wellness Palm Beach

    I'm a patient of both Defy and HHW. I use Defy for everything besides hormones. I use HHW for hormones. Defy is much less expensive, but will not provide the products or amounts I would like. HHW is much more expensive, but you're paying for access to a true concierge clinic, within legal...
  27. J

    Help keeping e2 up

    It definitely did.
  28. J

    Help keeping e2 up

    On for "Bio Labs Pro Estrogen". They have a Bi-est cream with estriol and estradiol. An even better place is probably which has a higher concentration of 1mg estradiol per pump in their estrogen cream. I only used it for 2-3 days at a time, when I overdid...
  29. J

    Help keeping e2 up

    If you're happy with the levels of all hormones except E2, there's a much easier fix. Instead of trying to manipulate conversion, just buy some estradiol cream from Amazon. A small amount should easily raise your E2 levels, without added complications.
  30. J

    Letting e2 run wild

    These E2 threads will never die...and there will always be well-minded and educated input from pro-AI and anti-AI camps. To answer your original question, if my E2 is 45 I have all of those symptoms, and it's awful. I need to keep my E2 below 35 regardless of where my total and free T levels...
  31. J

    TRT Health Care Cost Savings

    That's a great article. From a healthcare cost standpoint it seems so obvious that the U.S. should stop demonizing TRT and start embracing it. However, the healthcare industry at this time seems to be completely controlled by the pharmaceutical industry. They have no interest in losing the...