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  1. M

    Dont know where to start? Rock bottom

    It's been 3 weeks since last pin. So bloodwork it will be slmost month. Can I ask for a copy where she sends me yo get bloodwork complete? Snd if so I will post results . Thanks again
  2. M

    Dont know where to start? Rock bottom

    See the Dr on the 3rd July. I will screen shot what bloodworm that needs to be done. Thank you. Really thank you I appreciate uour help
  3. M

    Dont know where to start? Rock bottom

    Without typing a book I will give a brief description of my uneducated put bluntly stupid hole I've put myself in. Currently 49 years young. Starting messing with PEDs in my early 30's (nothing crazy Test/anavar/winstrol) at first it was 3-500mg wk. Then went down to 2-250 off and on for 10...
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