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  1. G

    Anyone supplement E2 alongside TRT

    Catacecous, 100mg every 3.5 days; testing at trough for levels. SHBG is around 50 so I thought it better to keep the frequency no more than twice a week. Got started at the standard telehealth 200mg per week and thought it may be too much. Then got labs and saw that it wasn't so high after...
  2. G

    Anyone supplement E2 alongside TRT

    Thank you! Lowering T was a thought I'd had and you've underscored it for me. Maybe shoot for that 600-700 level. I'm guessing that would be 120-130mg per week.
  3. G

    Anyone supplement E2 alongside TRT

    I should mention...supplementing E2 was due to physically feeling weak/fatigued, brain fog, and joint pain (knees especially).
  4. G

    Anyone supplement E2 alongside TRT

    Not sure if I should start a new thread.....guess I'll post here first. I'm also a low aromatiser and seemingly a low responder (T-985; E2-15 on 200 Test C per week) . I'm 2-weeks into supplementing Estradiol Cypionate (2mg per week) to try and change my t/e ratio. Positives: EQ and...
  5. G

    Anyone supplement E2 alongside TRT

    Any of you gents with the low E2 having any success dialing in/modifying your regimen?
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