I can only speak for myself. You can see my thread here for more details on how I feel with ferratin. I recently discovered I had almost no ferratin (5, min was 24) and I can't keep my eyes open. Chronically feeling fatigued. High test and normal E help but I still feel sleepy. Always thought I...
Never tested for that but worth a try.
I really questioning myself if I caused harm to my body from donating blood too often or I naturally have an anemic condition. Until recently I wasn't doing regular blood draws.
Since 2021 I really ramped up the blood donations and have gotten...
Hi everyone,
After 11-days, I got another blood test.
By going to only .20 mg of anastrozole per week in one setting, i was able to bring my estradiol numbers completely in range with a dose of 300 miu of HCG 3x per week and 120 mg of cypionate broken between two doses (60/60) on day 3 and...
one thing i suffer from is an extreme feeling of tiredness often. i struggle to read a newspaper without having to drowse off. i fall asleep at irregular times in the day even after normal sleep. used to attribute it to low testosterone but now i think it is low ferretin. rock bottom levels...
i took 0.25 mg and then took another .15 mg a couple days later with an hcg shot. it was the first time i ever had labs when anastrozole so quickly so had no idea what kind of an impact it would have. all i can say is that my penis sensitivity came back albeit not full throttle and i regained...
I get to ~800 with a dose of 100 mg which is on the high end of the reference ranges in Canada so 1500 using twice the testosterone doesn't seem out of the ballpark at all.
Thanks for the information here, I really appreciate your feedback. My TSH has been above 4 since I started therapy about 10-years ago in my late 20s. Read online that there is controversy about it being 'subclinical' and whether it is treatable. Like testosterone I have read normal range does...
Hi everybody,
I thought I would share something a bit interesting for me as I got advanced labs finally.
Of note, my E2 which had been very high is now LOW after taking 0.40mg of anastrozole in the past week. From 300 to only 22 (81 pg/ml to 6 pg/ml). Meanwhile, my testosterone is excellent at...
well it is for me and some others. tough thing about this is that everybody is different.
once e2 gets high my ED and other low T symptoms come back, even with high testosterone.
i have really rock bottom SHBG so seems i convert faster.
clomid worked like a charm by numbers. i probably should...
I have taken Clomid before and my penis lost feeling and it made it almost impossible to ejaculate.
same problem i had at times on hcg/test-c, which i attribute to estradiol.
my e2 was astronomical on Clomid after initially working which led me to quit.
based on my research, high e2 results...
Totally agree with you. I had a urologist in Saskatchewan until I moved back to Quebec who was bright in hormones but still doesn't have the background the pros on here do as he just doesn't see enough cases. Now that I'm in the Montreal area, there is a lot more options but private ones which...
I have had similiar experiences. It has been 10-years now that I have been on HRT. Started very early in life with secondary hypo, idiopathic.
To get to your point, it wasn't until the last year that I realized without HCG I do not get good libido. Like you, the positive impacts are very...
Actually they do, but it costs a lot more:
I have been using this site mainly for the E2 readings. Did a few in the past few months. Astronomical high E2 in my case at 298 pmol/L, dwindled down to 149 pmol/L a month...
never tried it ED but took numerous times day-after-day and never had side effects over numerous years.
in my case, as a trt + hcg user, when I can't get an erection the PDE5 pills do not work in any dose.
when i started (20-25) i could take them in half dose and get a perfect erection.
at 40...
This is a great thread, much appreciated you sharing your insights.
I'm 40-years old now but started out with secondary around 15/16. After years' of trying Clomid, Test-C + HCG, Test-C alone, I found myself last year getting the best results with monotherapy for a couple months before I run...
Your bloodwork is very similar to mine absent the hematocrit issue, perhaps because I regularly donate blood numerous times per year after an initial scare many years ago which has never re-surfaced since beginning donations.
On around 100 mg cypionate a week and 1500 miu/week of HCG, my...
Thanks for sharing your experience.
I have never had a blood test while only on HCG.
But I find my SHBG goes up to the 30s when I am not on exogenous testosterone with a natural sub 200 ng/dl natural level of testosterone production. I have never had higher then 17 SHBG on cypionate going back...
Hi everybody,
I thought I would share some results with others of my high E2 situation.
Have been on Cypionate for years; cycling on and off at times on HCG with suspected secondary hypogonadism that began when I was around 14 (I am 40-years old now).
This year I made quite a nice discovery...
Hello everybody,
Have been doing some reading some reading thru archives about SHBG.
Going over my blood results in the past 10 years, I noticed I always had very low SHBG. In my last bloodwork, it was around 14 and that was with a High Free Androgen Index (121.8, ref: 14-95)
Testosterone was...
Hi everyone.
Noticed on this forum some talk in the archives about prefilled syringes. Well, it has been something I have been doing for numerous years at times without realizing it was wrong. Below you can see a picture of a syringe filled with cypionate about two weeks ago, now showing great...
Came across this term for a condition caused by repeat injections to the same spot. Seems mostly applicable to diabetics who do daily injections but I am running out of tricks as to why my test-c lost efficiency.
I have been injecting to the same area in the thigh for 5-years now. I don't see...
I fathered a child very quickly without effort while using enanthate with 1500 miu per week of HCG. That was within the first year of starting therapy and I had not run HRT without HCG prior to that point.
One thing I recently noticed with my results is that my SHBG is very low. Forgot to include it in the original post for this bloodwork but it came in at 14.6 nmol/l (ref range 13-71). Going back multiple years, my SHBG always came in low while my albumin never changed much within range.
One thing I found with my short stint of Clomid is that taking 12.5 mg 3x a week gave me the same testosterone results as taking 25 mg per week with lower estrogen. I probably should have taken it longer to see if it worked but was eager to get on enanthate injections with hcg after a horrific...
Thanks for the great information here, Cataceuous!
Yes, I did initially use HCG (1500 iu/week) which is how I fathered a child.
My hematocrit climbed on HCG.
There were times I felt unbelievably amazing and times E2 also climbed.
When I stopped, I never had elevated hematocrit or E2 again...
Your age and results looked nearly identical to mine when I started HRT, although I suspect my problems started around 15-years old. Never got on HRT until 28.
Like you, started with Clomid. Initially I felt absolutely amazing and testosterone skyrocketed which proved my hypogonadism was...
Hi everyone.
Thought I'd contribute to this section by letting everybody know I've used this online company 5 times in the past year for bloodwork and each time went smoothly.
All you do is select the test you want, pay (including with Paypal) and print off a requisition (or upload online) to...
Hi. Yes, you were a great help over there for many and I do remember you. Very happy to see you active here continuing on with the mission. My handle was ChrisCanada.
My original dose was 200 mg every 2-weeks of Cypionate; like many, I swung to 100 mg every week before that felt like it tapered...
Good day everyone
Came across this site when looking for a replacement to PeakTestosterone forum thanks to a note from Nelson Vergel.
I've had low T- since around 15-years old - secondary. Now 38. Still never found the culprit but have tried multiple treatments (clomid, hcg, now on...
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