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  1. M

    Pharmacology of testosterone pellet implants

    Thanks for posting this MadMan! Great data, pellets are time tested. I've only had experience with injections since 2018. Are there any threads of guys sharing their experience between IM Injections and pellets? I'm very stable right now, is there a 1 for 1 translation from injection dose to...
  2. M

    All I’ve learned in 4 years of TRT

    Interesting. Will read more about it. Thanks
  3. M

    All I’ve learned in 4 years of TRT

    You could but there are varying reports of effectiveness of SubQ vs Intramuscular injections and bc I’m stable, feel great, have no pain using ice pack and no discernible scar tissue yet, I’m going with if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. But, I did say it’s a watch item so may switch to smaller...
  4. M

    All I’ve learned in 4 years of TRT

    Haha - no, but could have been I guess
  5. M

    All I’ve learned in 4 years of TRT

    50YO male - Been on TRT since October 2018 when I got tested twice and testosterone was under 150 with depressive lethargic symptoms. I inject 0.2 ML or 40 mgs of testosterone cypionate twice a week and have a trough total testosterone level of 600. Very stable and feel great. Here are the...
  6. M

    My Defy Medical Experience......

    I'm in this exact same situation minus the Thyroid issues. Have you started the HCG yet? Has it helped with testicular atrophy?
  7. M

    The 4-7-8 breathing exercise could be the trick to quality sleep

    Navy seals use it to manage stress. It sends a signal to the brain that the breathe is slowing so you’re not in danger. Lots of science behind this
  8. M

    Will testicles return to original size on HCG?

    Thanks so much for the quick responses and great info. You’re the man
  9. M

    Will testicles return to original size on HCG?

    Good to hear, can you list some of the sides that other guys get or point me to it in the forum if it’s already out there
  10. M

    Will testicles return to original size on HCG?

    Any sides to watch out for with HCG?
  11. M

    Will testicles return to original size on HCG?

    Been on TRT for 4 years. My dosing schedule and bloods are all dialed and have been for 6+ months. I’m only taking Test Cyp, no other meds for TRT. My testicles have shrunk by more than half and are slightly less than the size of a grape. Will starting HCG thru Defy or another men’s clinic...
  12. M

    Switching from IM to Sub Q injections

    Thanks for the input
  13. M

    Switching from IM to Sub Q injections

    I feel great now, just want to lessen the chances of scar tissue over time by switching
  14. M

    Switching from IM to Sub Q injections

    I inject in my thigh and alternate legs, concerned about scar tissue build up over time so if SubQ is equally effective than it should help with scar tissue since it’s into fat and not the muscle
  15. M

    Switching from IM to Sub Q injections

    Did you do only IM then switch to SubQ and is so, did you need to change your overall dosage to achieve same results. In other words does the body absorb less of it when going SubQ vs IM?
  16. M

    Switching from IM to Sub Q injections

    For those that switched from IM injections to SubQ, did you have to adjust your dosage at all to get the same effective Testosterone levels? I inject 0.18 ml of testosterone cypionate 2x per week and am at a trough blood level of 600 which is perfect for me, all other measures such as estradiol...
  17. M

    When does natural production return when stopping TRT?

    If your protocol is working for you probably best to stick with it given what you went through. What was it like being that low. I remember when I was at 150 I could barely lift my head up my energy was so crashed. Only reason I’m considering stopping is having difficulty controlling...
  18. M

    When does natural production return when stopping TRT?

    Several folks have recommended PCT, post cycle therapy, clomid and/or HCG, to stimulate LH and FSH to get Leidig cells reactivated. Did you do any of that?
  19. M

    When does natural production return when stopping TRT?

    Thanks for sharing that and hope your cancer is in remission. Do you know if you had primary or secondary hypogonadism? Or know what the possible cause of your low test was? Could your prostate cancer treatment have suppressed your natural test?
  20. M

    When does natural production return when stopping TRT?

    Thanks man. When my total test was 155, my LH was 3.1 and FSH was 7.0
  21. M

    When does natural production return when stopping TRT?

    So are all your responses just jokes? Or you being serious?
  22. M

    When does natural production return when stopping TRT?

    Wish you all the best with that!!
  23. M

    When does natural production return when stopping TRT?

    No - low testosterone does not run in my family at all. Ideally, I’ll have normal testosterone and lower my hematocrit bc high hematocrit is bad for heart too. Did you have to do anything to trigger LH and FSH to get HPTA to fire back up or did it just do that automatically after 4 weeks?
  24. M

    When does natural production return when stopping TRT?

    Does natural production come back when stopping TRT? I’m 49 and have been on TRT for 3.5 years because I had severe depression and my Test levels were 150 tested 2 different times. I also had untreated sleep apnea at the time and was drinking a lot. I didn’t take any supplements at the time...
  25. M

    Where to buy syringes

    I get mine at
  26. M

    Citrulline the new star for increasing nitric oxide

    Just realized I had these terms inverted in my original post which may have caused the confused. I fixed the original post.
  27. M

    Endo says SHBG doesn’t need to be tested. Need advice

    This site has been a huge help to me on my TRT journey, so big thanks to Nelson and the other mods for running it and responding to posts! I’m 48 YO and Ive been on TRT since 10/10/2018 after my 3rd bout of MDD and 2 blood tests that showed I was at 110 and 150 TT. Traditional ADs were not...
  28. M

    Citrulline the new star for increasing nitric oxide

    True but the levels of both are highly correlated. Creatinine is the waste byproduct when your muscles break down creatine. High levels of creatine can lead to high levels of Creatinine, but isn’t always the driver
  29. M

    Citrulline the new star for increasing nitric oxide

    I supplement with L-Arginine and I'm at the higher end of creatinine too, but I also drink BANG energy drinks and they have a lot of creatine in them. Check your supplements and energy drinks, they may contain creatine, which breaks down to creatinine when used by the muscles
  30. M

    Anyone inject inner thigh? Getting Muscle Spasms (daily injector)

    I’m not a doctor, but one of the largest arteries in your body, the femoral artery, runs down the inside of the thigh and you definitely don’t want to hit that. See pics of front of thigh and inside of thigh. Not sure how deep it runs, but it’s risky injecting inner thigh. Good luck