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  1. R

    Looking for TRT docs in Toronto

    Just called, he's not taking any new patients unfortunately but thanks...
  2. R

    Help! Insomnia, Irritability, and Libido Issues on TRT

    Myj clinic put me on Arimidex to lower my E2 (they don't have a E2 sensitive test anywhere near me that I can find), half of the lowest pill they make, for a month now and my libido is so in the tank it's laughable...
  3. R

    The alcohol swab before the needle: A point of debate Or a waste of time?

    I always use a wipe on both the vial top and my skin (takes 2 secs and costs next to nothing) and I don't wait for it to dry.
  4. R

    The alcohol swab before the needle: A point of debate Or a waste of time?

    I have a cousin who was gardening in jeans and was kneeling in his garden. Next morning one of his knees was swollen right at the point of kneeling contact. He ended up in the hospital with his entire leg swollen like the Michelin man and on IV for 2 weeks, they were concerned he could lose his...
  5. R

    Is Maintaining Morning Erections Important?

    Been there too. It works, first time my dick was so hard it almost felt too hard, almost like it hurt a little but it was rock hard for over an hour and a half until I came then it went down as you'd hope (unless you want to go Got to make sure you get the injection site dead on...
  6. R

    Is Maintaining Morning Erections Important?

    $4500 wasted for me... Did dabsolutely nothing.
  7. R

    Is Maintaining Morning Erections Important?

    Not necesarily... PAD (Peripheral Artery Disease) is the usual cause of loss of morning wood as it's the small vessels that get hard and/or partially blocked. While it often goes hand in hand with Coronary Artery Disease, it's not usually by itself the direct cause of ED IMO. Loss of Nitric...
  8. R

    Is Maintaining Morning Erections Important?

    Could you elaborate on the "unconventional" protocols....
  9. R

    Iibido without hcg

    I always inject Monday Morning and Thursday Evening and always get my blood work done Tuesday Mornings. I do usually get CBC and liver panels at the same time just didn't for this particular draw. I will wait another 4 week and test (getting close to Xmas at that point) and heading south 3rd...
  10. R

    Iibido without hcg

    Sorry for the long time between replies but I had to get some blood work to properly answer your question.. I upped my shots from .12cc twice a week to .2cc twice weekly SubQ of 250mg/ml Test in MCT oil (same stuff I've been taking all along) 3 weeks ago and most symptoms went away. Clearly I...
  11. R

    Iibido without hcg

    I think I'll take your advice and ramp it up a bit...
  12. R

    Iibido without hcg

    I've been taking 14 units subq for about 2 years now twice a week, I'm 61. When I first started HRT morning wood came back and all was great, joint pain went away, flexibility increased, muscle mass, all the great stuff. The last 3-4 months, no wood, decreased libido, etc. Generally feeling...
  13. R

    Fatigue? Depression? Anxiety? Here is the blood work

    I'm having the same symptoms for last 2 months, out of nowhere, did you resolve yours?
  14. R

    Marijuana Use Prior to Sex Improves Orgasms in Women

    Depends how much you smoke. My wife only takes 2 or 3 tokes every couple of days. Not like shes smoking cigarettes. Shes been doing this since her teens and she's 62 with no issues. I think eating fast food would be much more harmful long term than 6-9 puffs a week.
  15. R

    Marijuana Use Prior to Sex Improves Orgasms in Women

    Absolutely. My wife smokes a little every time we have sex now and she definitely cums harder. She says it lets her focus on what she's feeling and minimizes distractions.
  16. R

    Trimix users: can you still have normal erections?

    Tried Trimix for 1st time a few days ago and wow, amazing. .10ml and got rock hard for an hour. Does increasing the dosage just increase duration? If I'd really like 1.5 hours, any suggestions on dosage? Thanks
  17. R

    PT-141 and Trimix?

    Good to know, thanks
  18. R

    PT-141 and Trimix?

    With no supporting evidence other than my own opinion... I can't see how they would interact in any meaninful way, they both operate in 2 completely different ways. I can see an increase in the possibility of Priapism only in that the PT-141 boost of Libido may increase the chances of an...
  19. R

    What are your experiences with PT-141? (as an aphrodisiac)

    I'm much more sensitive that I used to be and it does take me a long time and occasionally, I get tired of fucking before I get But the ladies don't seem to mind! lol
  20. R

    Marijuana Use Prior to Sex Improves Orgasms in Women

    I haven't yet, takes so long ot kick in but now that you meniton it I might try. The wife prefers to smoke for sex as it's much more immediate, like 1 or 2 minutes.
  21. R

    What are your experiences with PT-141? (as an aphrodisiac)

    Anyone know where I can get Tri-Mix in Ontario Canada other than through a prescription? I have an appointment with a doc to "teach me" how to inject it but it January next year!!!
  22. R

    Soooo confused about what to do about ED

    I will get bloodwork done this week and include SHBG and see if I can get the sensitive Estradiol done.
  23. R

    Soooo confused about what to do about ED

    Never had any issues with bloodwork till I went on TRT but the EGFR has been the same for most of the time since I went on TRT. I know that I don't drink enough water (well hardly and I'm working on correcting that last few weeks. Biggest problem is getting a doctor to actually help...
  24. R

    Soooo confused about what to do about ED

    Im 61, 205, good health. Not interested in bodybuilding just want to be 20 OK, who doesn't. I've been on TRT at .45mg twice a week Subq for over a year and my typical low T symptoms have improved tremendously, concentration, agility, strength, muscle mass. Of course here in...
  25. R

    Trimix users: can you still have normal erections?

    I'm 61, in pretty good shape, been on TRT about 1.5 years, 37.5mg twice a week SubQ in CMT oil I get from a friend (not easy to get in Canada, no doc will prescribe it). Before TRT, no libido. About 2 months after starting, bam, morning wood, no issues. Now, between Covd stress and work stress...
  26. R

    Marijuana Use Prior to Sex Improves Orgasms in Women

    My wife uses all kinds but finds smoking in a bong much better for sex purposes. Edibles are a totally different "stone" she says and yes, takes way too long (hours). Her favorite is Super Critical Silver Haze for sex but as others have said, anything helps.
  27. R

    What are your experiences with PT-141? (as an aphrodisiac)

    How bad is the nauseau for you? Just mild or are you actually vomiting?
  28. R

    What are your experiences with PT-141? (as an aphrodisiac)

    Are you using the PT-141 SubQ or IM? Also, how long does the nausea last...I hate nausea!!!
  29. R

    What are your experiences with PT-141? (as an aphrodisiac)

    I take .12ml at 250mg/ml, subq, twice a week. So .3mg x 2 technically I guess. Works for me for about the last year until last few months where I've put on 9lbs of Covid fat so I've had to up it to .15ml x 2
  30. R

    What are your experiences with PT-141? (as an aphrodisiac)

    That's been on my list of possibilities for sure. What did you take and how much?