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  1. xqfq

    THE DEA And ACCESS TO TRT TELEMEDICINE Looks like, as of May 1st, that the DEA has backed down at least temporarily. So come May 11th there won't be any changes to care, at least not yet. My...
  2. xqfq

    Wellbutrin (Bupropion) Users...

    Yeah, these forums are also where many men come for help when they have problems. There is a high degree of bias here. Most men on TRT probably don't even think about it! Studies have shown that TRT improves libido in many men who previously had low testosterone. This is in fact one of the...
  3. xqfq

    Wellbutrin (Bupropion) Users...

    Thanks for sharing your experience. For me, I feel like there are two kinds of libido: reactive libido and proactive libido. I can get strong erections as soon as my partner touches me (or if I start touching my partner). But the 'drive' to be intimate, at least just based on looking at her...
  4. xqfq

    Wellbutrin (Bupropion) Users...

    Now that it's been a while, how has the bupropion worked out for you? I am noticing similar issues. Just got a prescription for bupropion and I'm going to try it out and see how I feel.
  5. xqfq

    Bringing TRT on a cruise? worth it? legal?

    I am 99% sure you'll be fine, though it might depend on what country you are entering (if you're doing so) There are only a handful of countries where possession of testosterone is treated like criminal narcotic possession. And the US is the outlier here, with the strictest and most draconian...
  6. xqfq

    How transmen testosterone access advocacy can protect current TRT telemedicine access for all men.

    Good overview article with specifics about how trans masculine people will be affected if the DEA proposal is implemented:
  7. xqfq


    I believe that if you are already a telemedicine patient you will be "grandfathered in" to an 180 day extension, but after that will need to meet with the telemedicine physician in person or do the telemedicine physician <-> local physician group meeting. I certainly hope this does not go...
  8. xqfq


    Looks like we ended with 32,125 comments! Let's hope the DEA reconsiders this plan.
  9. xqfq


    Now at 24k comments, surpassing the Kratom ban proposal and with half the time to do so. 24 hours left.
  10. xqfq

    How transmen testosterone access advocacy can protect current TRT telemedicine access for all men.

    I'm seeing more discussion now in online trans communities. Here's an article I saw just today: Unfortunately many of these posts miss the critical reason why this is particularly bad for trans people taking testosterone: if these...
  11. xqfq


    We are now up to 14,000 comments in just a few days. The Kratom ban proposal had 23,000 comments with two months of time to comment. The telemedicine ban proposal has a total of less than one month to comment, so we are already ahead. I think we can beat this if we keep spreading the word.
  12. xqfq

    How transmen testosterone access advocacy can protect current TRT telemedicine access for all men.

    Collecting some trans community info / postings as I find them. Here's one from a trans telemedicine company: "Act now to protect transgender health care access"Plume – Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy From Anywhere Act now to protect transgender health care access Good instagram post from...
  13. xqfq

    How transmen testosterone access advocacy can protect current TRT telemedicine access for all men.

    This is a huge issue. I think the only reason we haven't heard more outcry from the trans community is the short timeframe of this DEA proposed rule change. Think about this: if you're a trans man and you're living in a place without many (or any) trans-friendly healthcare providers, what are...
  14. xqfq


    I'll admit to having not read the text yet, but my understanding is there are significant changes now. Just going to get a physical will no longer be sufficient for e.g. Defy to treat you. You will need to: 1. Get an exam by a practitioner with a state DEA license. Not all of them have this...
  15. xqfq


    In case others find it helpful, here is the comment I submitted: I sought out care locally for my hypogonadism for years before finding a physician via telemedicine that was able to treat me properly. The testosterone treatment I receive has dramatically improved my life and I cannot imagine...
  16. xqfq

    Hard Cardio while on AAS? Ally/Enemy/Indifferent?

    Regardless of whether or not a testosterone level that high can directly cause heart failure, a "blood pressure of 167/95 mmHg," sustained for several years can. If I had to bet, it was his (likely) sustained hypertension that caused the heart failure. The testosterone likely caused or worsened...
  17. xqfq

    The alcohol swab before the needle: A point of debate Or a waste of time?

    There's also studies showing that many insulin dependent diabetics reuse syringes and don't have high rates of infection. Does that mean it's OK to reuse syringes? Of course not. An infection from a needle prick is a rare event - the purpose of hygienic practice is to avoid these rare events...
  18. xqfq

    TRT to Supraphysiological Levels for Body Building

    This is a fairly old thread, but wanted to respond to OP's question with my own opinion. Simply put, I don't think that TRT at supraphysiological levels (let's call it "sports TRT") is going to give you what you're looking for, long term. You will gain some immediate water weight and...
  19. xqfq

    Supreme Court's 9-0 Ruan ruling is a win for TRT clinics

    Ruling itself: Cato Institute (libertarian think tank) summary: Supreme Court Sets Higher Bar for Prosecuting Doctors Who Prescribe Opioids for Pain It seems like this decision is a win for HRT clinics and all doctors who prescribe...
  20. xqfq

    Future FDA restrictions on trt use?

    Folks commenting or reading this thread, please take a few moments to sign the petition Nelson linked in the previous thread. This is really important stuff. I think we need to find a way to include more people in the trans community in this. Many trans people depend on compounded hormones...
  21. xqfq

    CVS Caremark denies (TRT) prescription

    Can you clarify that this is due to the insurance company not wanting to cover the medication at the pharmacy and not the pharmacist denying a fill of the prescription? I have never heard of a pharmacist making a decision that someone's testosterone levels were not low enough for a prescription...
  22. xqfq

    Bioavailability of testosterone enanthate dependent on genetic variation in the phosphodiesterase 7B but not on the uridine 50 -diphospho-glucuronosyl

    If I am reading this paper correctly, these individuals will cleave the ester faster than others. So the area under the curve for testosterone may be the same, but the testosterone might be processed much faster by the body? E.g. instead of having 10mg of testosterone cleaved in a day, these...
  23. xqfq

    PHENIBUT any reviews?

    I would not use it for anxiety, libido or sleep problems. You can easily develop a crippling dependence on it so it is too dangerous to use for any of those things. It's sort of like benzodiazepines in that sense and it has hellish withdrawal symptoms.
  24. xqfq

    Shallow Testosterone IM versus SubQ Injections - Lab Results

    Thank you for sharing this interesting information & data with us. I think I will do a similar experiment at some point as well. I notice no major difference between subQ and shallow IM, but I do think subQ takes longer to "kick in" (or it feels that way). For me, the "direct" RIA free T...
  25. xqfq

    Water Retention and Rapid Weight Gain Caused by Testosterone

    What's your history of your eGFR and creatinine numbers? You posted one in an earlier comment that was relatively normal, which is why I'm wondering. RE: spironolactone, ask your doctor about switching to eplerenone. Eplerenone has much less androgen receptor interference. There is also a new...
  26. xqfq

    Not so complex mathematical evidence for why Low Shbg men should inject more often.

    I was able to find some studies where metformin is used in PCOS. Conclusion seems to be it raises SHBG and lowers free androgen levels. Here is one that's more directly applicable. Danazol, when given to women, lowers SHBG and increases free testosterone levels...
  27. xqfq

    Not so complex mathematical evidence for why Low Shbg men should inject more often.

    I am not sure if there are specifically studies on men on exogenous testosterone + an SHBG-lowering-agent. I may dig further here later, but on my quick dip into research I found this paper describing studies on oral contraceptives in women (screenshot above), which raise SHBG and lower free...
  28. xqfq

    Iron Supplementation Protocol to Raise Ferritin FAST While on TRT

    I've never had serious problems with hemoglobin on TRT (knock on wood). For someone on TRT with ferritin that tends to be low due to diet, what is your recommendation in terms of supplementation? Should I take one of these iron bisglycinate pills daily? By the way, I did an initial loading...
  29. xqfq

    Iron Supplementation Protocol to Raise Ferritin FAST While on TRT

    Due to unfortunate diet and a substantial increase in my testosterone dose over the past ~month, I think I may have tanked my already-low ferritin. My diet is effectively vegan and my ferritin, which I haven't measured in ~2 years, was 32. I have only donated blood once and it was 2+ years...
  30. xqfq

    Not so complex mathematical evidence for why Low Shbg men should inject more often.

    1. Why do women with low SHBG experience hyperandrogenism? 2. Why are medications which increase SHBG used to treat hyperandrogenism? For instance, metformin and oral contraceptives. 3. Why do steroids which bind strongly to SHBG increase free testosterone levels for men on exogenous...
  31. xqfq


    Consider ezetimibe as well. It's not a statin but will lower LDL a bit. I have been taking it for two years and have noticed no side effects.