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    Benefit of taking DHEA

    If you are taking daily then that's likey going to be too high for you. Most start around 5mg and increase from there based in labs and how you feel.
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    Stopping Testosterone Injections for Enclomiphene

    No, it was legit. I got it prescribed by Defy and filled through them. I've also tried some other sources.
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    Stopping Testosterone Injections for Enclomiphene

    I tried enclomifene for a while having similar hopes of the OP. I didn't have any increase in LH, FSH, Test, etc. so I am back on TRT now. That is just one persons experience. I think it could work for some and not others Depending on what is causing your hypogonadism. For those that stated...
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    Anyone Get Lightheaded on Cialis?

    I think at 2.5 mg (even daily) you wouldn't experience sides but you might just be extra sensitive to it.
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    Test prop, not feeling anything? How long to notice libido changes?

    I don't think he's saying 8 mg injected equals 8 mg natural. Also, agreeing with @Cataceous that it's not a great idea to say "This is wrong" and then not back it up.
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    Thinking of Buying a CPAP

    If you are snoring it's likely your 02 saturation is dipping. A CPAP is going to keep your O2 up and let you both get better sleep. If you are on the fence deciding to get a CPAP or not get one of the many SPO2 rings on amazon. You wear it at night and sync with your phone in the morning. It...
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    OSA and Snoring on TRT

    I've never snored or had any signs of OSA. Since being on TRT I am now a significant snorer and have OSA (body weight and competition is the same). I went off TRT a while back for 3 weeks and snoring and OSA symptoms completely stopped. Now that I'm back on TRT snoring and OSA symptoms have...
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    Getting off TRT by Using Enclomiphene

    I started at 12.5 mg daily and went up from there. I had no LH/FSH response. As far as the OPs original concern I didn't experience any sides but then again I didn't really notice any sides when on clomid so perhaps I'm not a good data point.
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    Getting off TRT by Using Enclomiphene

    Tried enclomiphene (not clomiphene/clomid). My LH and FSH were still very low so didn't work for my case.
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    Using Enclomiphene to keep GnRH levels

    Yes. Assuming T levels are acceptable.
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    Using Enclomiphene to keep GnRH levels

    @Cataceous So you are recommending transitioning from T to HCG then to enclomiphene?
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    Using Enclomiphene to keep GnRH levels

    Just thought I'd get some feedback. Currently I am on T only HRT. Of course, my GnRH, LH, FSH, etc. are about zero. I'd like to try getting my GnRH levels back up to normal (since I am secondary hypogonadic) and see where my T levels end up. then if T levels are still low work on keeping GnRH...
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    Determining Primary vs Secondary after TRT

    This is all good information. Thanks for all the replies. I can probably get a baseline blood test then take HCG and see if testosterone production increases. If so, then I can assume secondary. Sound right?
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    Determining Primary vs Secondary after TRT

    I don't mind going off T to find out but for how long? And maybe, as you suggest, I could go off T but continue to take HCG and/or enclomiphene?
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    Determining Primary vs Secondary after TRT

    Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, I know LH indicates primary/secondary. The problem is while on TRT LH is artificially low regardless. I am looking for a way to determine after being on TRT for some time.
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    Determining Primary vs Secondary after TRT

    Hey guys, I'd like to determine if I am primary or secondary hypogonadic. Unfortunately, the blood work I had done pre-trt were very minimal and only show TT. Of course, my current blood work shows my LH, FSH, etc. are near zero. Is there a way I can determine if I am primary or secondary...
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    Female Target Hormone Values - Getting Started with HRT/Thyroid

    Thanks Systemlord. That helps use get a idea before we go in for our visit.
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    Female Target Hormone Values - Getting Started with HRT/Thyroid

    Perfect, thanks. What about for estrogen, & Prog? Shoot for high-normal or low-normal? T3 I am guessing we want high-normal?
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    Female Target Hormone Values - Getting Started with HRT/Thyroid

    Sysetmlord, Thanks for the reply! I'll check out Defy Medical. The place I go to locally is pretty good and a decent price but if Defy can get us dialed in for a similar price maybe we can switch. So her testosterone is obviously low. Question is how low... what is i mean by targets is the...
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    Female Target Hormone Values - Getting Started with HRT/Thyroid

    Hey guys, I've been on TRT and feel like its really made some changes in my life. Well, my wife (fit 39 yrs) noticing symptoms of her own is interested in looking into HRT/Thyroid for herself. She got a blood test and will be going in for her first visit. After looking at her results I am...