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  1. L

    How do you prevent possible transfer of testosterone (gel) to your partner? (And still have sex?)

    The horror! Lol Ok so far I've heard the danger is if your wife has an awesome sex drive, you don't want to mess that up with more T. Any other massive dangers from a small (likely very small) amount of transfer?
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    How do you prevent possible transfer of testosterone (gel) to your partner? (And still have sex?)

    What's the major danger if a small amount of T is transferred? My wife was prescribed T gel but detested her skin "feeling greasy" so she quit. If a tiny bit transfers to her I don't think it's gunna kill the woman...
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    Grapefruit is off the menu with Cialis

    I finally discovered 2.5mg about every other day is my sweet spot for Tadalafil. Any more and the side effects become unbearable (nasal congestion, reflux, and hiccups - bleh!)
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    Grapefruit is off the menu with Cialis

    Well that figures. I recently moved to Florida and the locally grown grapefruits are out of this world!
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    Tadalafil 5mg Daily Side Effects

    I've used 5mg on occasion, looking for an extra erection bump, which works, but soon I'm downing antacids for reflux, fighting recurring hiccups, but even more problematic is the nasal congestion at bedtime since I need to use CPAP and there's zero chance for me falling asleep if I can't breathe...
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    More ejaculations decrease prostate cancer risk

    Anyone have a non-paywall link to this content?
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    Does Oxytocin nasal spray really work?

    It was prescribed for DE. Twas in nasal spray form, to be sprayed when you're ready to E. Tried it. Did nothing. Gave up on that.
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    Does Oxytocin nasal spray really work?

    I tried it once and it did nothing for me.
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    Email Newsletter Links Broken

    Still not fixed :’(
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    Email Newsletter Links Broken

    I received your newsletter and wanted to read several of "This Week's Highlights" but every click on the "Read More" link leads to a 404 Oops! We ran into some problems. The requested page could not be found. Further, when I pasted in the post title I was interested in, every time there were...
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    Lost Physical Libido

    I was on 0.25mg 3x per week. Then E crash last September, and have been off since. Switched at that time from T injections 2x to 3x per week. The thought was moving to lower dose, higher frequency would mitigate the need for the A.
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    Lost Physical Libido

    I launched a new tech startup this past summer. Stress? Wassatt? :rolleyes:
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    Lost Physical Libido

    T plus HCG 3x per week. Until last September they had me on Anastrozole but had me drop that when labs showed an E crash.
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    Lost Physical Libido

    It's with you Dr. Saya next week. Really hope we can get this dialed in.
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    Lost Physical Libido

    Ok, lab results received. I tested on a trough day: Testosterone, Serum: 614 Free Testosterone(Direct): 15.3 DHEA-Sulfate: 86.4 hCG,Beta Subunit,Qnt,Serum: 2 Prolactin: 25.6 Estradiol, Sensitive: 57.8 Progesterone: <0.1 Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum: 23.1 I've been with Defy since 2/2017 and...
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    Lost Physical Libido

    I have labs scheduled (dang why is Labcorp SO backed up??) which will also test prolactin. Probably won't get the results for at least two weeks :(
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    Lost Physical Libido

    Is my only course to get new labs?
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    Lost Physical Libido

    So I stopped the A beginning of last November, and I did come back feeling better & decent libido. It's only now - since late December that I've lost the libido / sensitivity again. Is it possible my E2 has crept back up since I've quit the A cold-turkey? Defy had me go to inject 3x/week over 2...
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    Lost Physical Libido

    My last labs were back in September.... Testosterone, Total 739 ng/dl Testosterone, Free 21.6 ng/dl Testosterone, Bioav. 507.0 ng/dl Sex Hormone Binding Globulin Adult 19 nmol/L Estradiol 21 pg/mL That particular E lab was not a "sensitive" and the true value was likely...
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    Lost Physical Libido

    Until I was a out 45 I had a strong physical drive that would remind me almost constantly in the groin area where I would have loved to have intercourse several times a day. Now at 49, I still think about sex frequently, but I have zero physical drive behind it. Absolutely nothing going on in...
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    Hematoma following subQ injection

    Thanks - just ordered a box of easytouch 29g 1/2", 1/2cc. I wonder how bad it'll be to draw the T into that...
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    Hematoma following subQ injection

    Interesting. I'm just using what Defy recommended. Is there a good cheap source for 29g 1/2" Luer Lock syringes?
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    Hematoma following subQ injection

    My last T injection, using a 25G x 5/8, was not a normal experience. Pulling the needle out gave a wee shot of bright red blood and then within minutes I had a nice big hematoma, at least 1.5" in diameter. Now the area is way bruised. The injection site was about an inch to the side of my navel...
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    Failing to Finish

    I was not at 37 when I started with them. I had started TRT with a urologist/DO about 8 months prior, first on pellets and then IM injections, and ultimately I convinced him to let me try subQ injections. But there was no AI and by the time I started with Defy my E2 was like 55 or something, so...
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    Failing to Finish

    At the request of Defy I wanted to clarify it wasn't the PA who advised me to increase AI to 3x per week but rather a nurse. They identified me from this thread & called. I was today advised to cease AI altogether as my E2 "has crashed". I've got another consult scheduled at the end of the...
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    Failing to Finish

    Acctually Defy has me taking the AI 3x per week. I believe I took a dose less than 24 hours prior to those labs
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    Failing to Finish

    @TMI You suggest I give up? I'd rather not. I agree that more is not always better. If the T receptors in the body are already saturated then more isn't going to help.
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    Failing to Finish

    Encouraging to hear. So the current consensus is: - get a thyroid check - schedule a new Defy lab work & consult, and go with a doc this time Anything else?
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    Failing to Finish

    @DaveK22 No, none of those.
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    Failing to Finish

    Yeah, I figured a new consult, with a doc this time, might be in my future. On a side note, I told a friend of mine who's a (fairly?) knowledgeable urologist how Defy had me also taking DHEA and DIM along with HCG. He about flipped, saying the DHEA is nearly pure testosterone and that I'm...
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    Failing to Finish

    I did have this issue on & off since before starting Cialis. It was also an issue from before starting TRT. My first T check was on 1/21/16 and it was 243. The T therapy has definitely helped some there but it's massively helped me in the overall life mojo department. Someone asked if I was...