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  1. P

    Anyone use Prostamax peptide?

    What was your dosage and how long was your cycle? Thanks!
  2. P

    No drawing needles - is this normal and best practice for SubQ Testosterone?

    Yes, that is the typical method for SubQ injections. It may take a little time to draw the amount you need but just be patient.
  3. P

    What other supplements are you taking in addition to your TRT regimen?

    I take Zinc Glycinate 20 mg, Vitamin D3 10,000 IU, Vitiamin K2 40 mcg, Vitamin C 1000 mg and SuperBeets Heart Chews (twice daily). 5 mg daily Cialis.
  4. P

    Using CBT

    Thank you for sharing Mountain Man!
  5. P

    Umbilical repair surgery

    I had the same surgery done in December. I can say I had very little pain as compared to the inguinal hernias I had repaired in the past. I took Bromelain supplements (before and after surgery) and they seemed to help with healing. Hope this helps!
  6. P

    Happy Birthday, Nelson!

    Happy Birthday Nelson and Thank You!
  7. P

    Which Book Would You Recommend?

    I would also recommend Dr. Crisler's and Jay Campbell's books. I have read them both and they both provide valuable information. Another book I read that I enjoyed and would recommend is "The No-Nonsense Guide to Testosterone Replacement Therapy" by Bill Hamzi.
  8. P

    I use 27 gauge 1/2 for delt injections, how much pain is normal?

    Vince, what size needle to you use? Thanks!
  9. P

    Webinar on Clomid, Anastrozole, HCG, DHEA, finasteride syndrome and much more

    Yes, please continue these, a lot of excellent information in them!