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  1. T

    How fast does hematocrit decrease?

    From what I've heard it does.
  2. T

    How fast does hematocrit decrease?

    Agreed. I was just on iron supplementation from my doc a month back, which I also think might have pushed it up. The range is 40-50 and I'm comfortable at 38-42. Or at least as comfortable as one can be.
  3. T

    How fast does hematocrit decrease?

    I think even Nelson's mentioned it in at least one of his videos that lowering TRT dosage will lower hematocrit. That's why I was wondering if a temporary reduction was possible.
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    How fast does hematocrit decrease?

    Thanks. I'll stick to my plan and see what happens, then. Didn't seem to bother the doc too much, but I'd rather be within the range than not for blood work :)
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    How fast does hematocrit decrease?

    Donating is out of the question. Phlebotomies are illegal up here and even though my blood type's in demand they group me with users of narcotics. I'm "a user of needles" to them. As for the hematorcrit, I only need it for this one blood test and I'm going to drop an injection. The question was...
  6. T

    How fast does hematocrit decrease?

    So...My hematocrite's a little high (54) and I need it to go down a bit. Granted, it's high because I've increased my dosage to help with a tendon tear (full tear) and I've also been a bit dehydrated lately. For show, I need to decrease it a bit for my next blood test in order for my doctor's...
  7. T

    T3 Only Dosing Advice

    Yeah, finding a doctor that believes in rT3 being "a thing" is hard. They claim it's inactive, and yeah - they're right. But it still binds to receptors making the active lT3 just floating around doing **** all. Lethargy is a hyper symptom. It can also be a hypo symptom. Weight gain should not...
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    T3 Only Dosing Advice

    Put it like this. You've gained a quarter lbs every day since starting. If that was fat you'd have to eat 1000kcal in excess every single day - while having a higher than normal metabolism. If it's water, then it might be even worse for your health. EDIT: Sorry. Brain fart. You've gained almost...
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    T3 Only Dosing Advice

    You should definitely go to a medical professional with experience with elevated rT3. Rapid weight gain, hyper symptoms, etc is not a good sign. I do have several potentially good ideas, but you need to get a professional opinion first. Someone who can assess your symptoms without bias.
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    T3 Only Dosing Advice

    Weight gain should be oposite, unless you're eating like a horse while tanking your own production. If it's water, you can see if mild laxatives can get rid of it. Can you get hold of dandelion root extract? Noticed an elevation in blood pressure? Edema? I'm not giving you the short answer...
  11. T

    T3 Only Dosing Advice

    FFS - look at your rT3. No wonder you're exhibiting symptoms. 25mcg T3 won't clear up your rT3. You need the big guns. Your TSH doesn't indicate hypothyroidism at all. Mine's 0.02. Your endogenous production is alive and kicking, and as long as you're producing T4 you'll convert to rT3. You need...
  12. T

    T3 Only Dosing Advice

    What's your dosage? My initial thought is overdosage and hypertyreosis. What's the reason for your medication? Thyroid shutdown? If so, I'd be pretty sure your thyroid's not shut down. What does your blood work tell you? If you have sides you should always try to look at the blood before asking...
  13. T

    T3 Only Dosing Advice

    If you read experienced bodybuilders notes on T3 they recommend no more then 100mcg/day unless on gear, but some can handle 150mcg without going catabolic. For me, 100mcg assures I'm at 37,5C (normal body temperature) and I can still gain muscle just fine. I'm sure a lot of people can do just...
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    T3 Only Dosing Advice

    Agreed, 100mcg is not a starting dose, but it's not unheard of. Actually, it's my dose. And I'm gaining muscle so I'm certainly not hyper. I'm not catabolic either. So - lesson to learn: it's individual. 100mcg = full replacement dose. To combat rT3 issues you might have go get up to these...
  15. T

    How long does it take to upregulate deiodinase enzymes?

    Hi, Does anyone know how long it will take the liver (?) to upregulate its' conversion from T4->T3? The reason I'm asking is that I'm going to cut my T3 (will continue on replacement doses of T4) and it would be interesting to know when I can expect to see changes. Cheers!
  16. T

    Blood Tests Needed Before and During Testosterone Therapy

    Why is TSH important and what does it tell you? My TSH is elevated, probably because of my misdiagnosis as hypothyroid for 15 years. My fT3 and fT4 are fine, and so is rT3. Also, you mention being tired - I'm having problems sleeping through the night but think it's mostly because of the...
  17. T

    Patient satisfaction with testosterone replacement therapies: the reasons behind the choices.

    I was wondering about the memory and other executive functions - has there been reported a point of no return? A point where there's a decrease again?
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