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  1. E

    Higher Estradiol, T and DHT correlated to higher libido in older hypogonadal men than T alone

    I read this study on pubmed and was going to post it but it's here already. I think the short version of the study is that libido is enhanced #1 by increased estradiol and #2 by DHT. Or both is better. They never state any specific numbers/blood levels but just talk about increase from mean...
  2. E

    Greetings, hoping to learn more and gain some benefits on my TRT.

    Thanks for the input. As I said I have just switched from T cyp to the T prop EOD this week. That was my question, ED or EOD, so I may switch to ED. As I said it is to early to make any decisions but the T prop does seem to make me feel different. The only thing I ever got from the T cyp was my...
  3. E

    Greetings, hoping to learn more and gain some benefits on my TRT.

    Thanks for your input. I retired 4 years ago. Life long truck driver, last 13 years driving a car transport. Loading and unloading cars all day long, lots of walking, climbing up and down on the truck. Since I've been retired I work around the house, cutting trees, working on the cars etc. Last...
  4. E

    Greetings, hoping to learn more and gain some benefits on my TRT.

    Greetings to everyone on the boards. I've read many posts here sporadically over the last few years but decided to hop on and hopefully get some guidance on my TRT journey. I've been on TRT for 10+ years and have never really gotten the benefits I expected. I originally tested sub 300 T, low...
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