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  1. J

    Newb here, how do you not gain weight in trt?

    I’m an endurance athlete, being lighter is going to be better.
  2. J

    Newb here, how do you not gain weight in trt?

    I’ll go down. I started at 1/2 a cc cause when I was going to am office for injections that’s what they were doing.
  3. J

    Newb here, how do you not gain weight in trt?

    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction
  4. J

    Newb here, how do you not gain weight in trt?

    Hello everyone. So I’ve joined this forum in hopes of getting some help on not putting on water weight from test. I’m currently injecting 120mg test E each week and every time I start, my weight shoots up around 10lbs from water retention. How does one stop this without crushing estrogen...
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