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  1. rafapark

    The more I learn the more confused I am - DHEA and Estradiol

    These are my blood markers - all Labcorp Total Testosterone: 1080 ng/dl Free Testosterone: 19.2 pg/ml Estradiol sensitive: 34.2 pg/ml DHEA : 103 ug/dl IGF-1 : 206 ng/ml I started TRT in April of this year This is what I take Cypionate: 74 mg twice a week (0.37 ml twice a week) . (started with...
  2. rafapark

    Band Training For Older Guys

    I’ve been doing these workouts with bands for the last few months I’ve been doing these workouts for the last few months. The workouts are hard! But effective and I have dexa scans to prove it! Went from 24% body fat to 15% and increased muscle by 40%. I never thought that was possible at my...
  3. rafapark


    Thanks Vince. That is what I thought. My estrogen is pretty much under control ( 35 sensitive test). My prostate problems are pretty mild. Thanks for the guidance.
  4. rafapark


    Hi Guys: Is anybody taking beta-sitosterol? I did not find much information in the forums on this and what I found in the internet is confusing and sometimes contradictory. I read beta-sitosterol inhibits activity of 5-alpha-reductase and Testosterone is metabolized to DHT by the enzyme 5...
  5. rafapark

    Questions new protocl

    Yes. I checked one of the many tests that I have done in the last moth. Great input, thanks! I run an organic acids tests and I do have some some Neurotransmitter imbalances. I don't remember what my doc said about it but I will ask her tomorrow. Good point. Just curious, have you tested for...
  6. rafapark

    Questions new protocl

    Humm.. Maybe you are right. I will look into this. Thank you
  7. rafapark

    Questions new protocl

    No issues with HCT or nay other marker. I run a complete blood panel with my functional medicine doctor. 17 pages! Everything is good. What puzzle me is how quickly the change happened. 4 weeks of feeling like 20 again and then all the sudden this change. I can and do get erections but not as...
  8. rafapark

    Questions new protocl

    Yes, that is the way I felt. I miss that!
  9. rafapark

    Questions new protocl

    I am injecting 0.4 ml twice a week from a cyp/prop 160/40 mg/ml twice a week. This is 80mg twice a week if I am doing my calculations correctly. It fact my total T was a lot higher and my T was in the mid 20s when I started with Defy. My total T has come down to the number quoted above and my...
  10. rafapark

    SubQ - Testostrone compounded with Anastrozole

    Sorry for stealing the post but how do you extract the T oil from the vial with a 28 or 29 g needle? I am trying to use a 27g x 1/2 inch needle and I can't seem to be able to extract the oil from the vial. I use a 20G to extract, then switch needles to the 27 to inject (shallow IM). I'd love to...
  11. rafapark

    Questions new protocl

    Hi Vince: Sorry I missed your response. I made the mistake I guess of changing two things at the same time: AI and DHEA. I was coming to Defy from a local doctor and the Defy doc put me on 25mg of DHEA and reduce my AI from 0.5mg to 0.125mg and that took my Estradiol level to 41.9 pg/ml. I...
  12. rafapark

    Questions new protocl

    Thanks Vince. I never felt anything good with DHEA anyway.
  13. rafapark

    Questions new protocl

    Hi MarkM: Hi MarkM: The same day of the injection but before the injection.
  14. rafapark

    Questions new protocl

    Hi MarkM: I do blood test the day before injections. I inject twice a week.
  15. rafapark

    Questions new protocl

    Hi Vince: Thank you for your input. That is what I thought. You can feel these things. I assume that DHEA supplementation increases Estradiol so the question is: should I increase my Anaztrasol eto where it was before or should I reduce the DHEA. Not sure if I am feeling any benefits from DHEA.
  16. rafapark

    Questions new protocl

    Hi guys: I've been in TRT since April of this year. I started with a local clinic and then switched to Defy on July 1. Before switching to Defy in July 1 these were my markers (all labcorp) and protocol: Protocol before Defy: T cypionate/propianate : 80 mg twice per week Anastrazole: 0.5 mg...
  17. rafapark

    Shbg values

    It wasn't that difficult to get to the desired free T level. Not sure what you mean when you say : " see what you had to do" as it it was some impossible task. It was really easy.
  18. rafapark

    Shbg values

    Not sure why having higher SHBG would be problematic ( having it too low would). Your doctor would just adjust your T dose to overcome that barrier. I always had SHBG in the high 70s but now my current free T (direct) is 29 (6.6-18.1). It took a few months to tweak my T and other things to get...
  19. rafapark

    Blood work and TRT input

    Yes, thank you. Good point.
  20. rafapark

    Questions On Injection - spots , gauges , sub q or IM

    Hi AntCon. I am pretty lean so I use 27G, 1/2" inch long needle to inject T in my tight. I sometimes inject in my delts. Pretty painless. I inject HCG subcutaneously in my stomach with a 31G, 5/16" insulin needle.
  21. rafapark

    Blood work and TRT input

    Yes, thank you. I already take 8 mgs of Boron. Maybe I should increase to 12mgs.
  22. rafapark

    Blood work and TRT input

    I found this link that talks about fiber/protein intake vs SHBG. Interesting that there are two conflicting studies. However the summary of the study is: Summary: "An increase in...
  23. rafapark

    Blood work and TRT input

    Madman thank you for your response. When you say high fiber, how much is it? more than 30 grams a day? 50? 100?. I track my nutrition using the nutrition app Cronometer which is pretty detailed and I am usually around 30 to 40 grams of fiber (out of around 140 grams of carbs). According to my...
  24. rafapark

    Blood work and TRT input

    Yes, thank you. I was planning in using discount labs. Pretty reasonable.
  25. rafapark

    Blood work and TRT input

    Yes, I was thinking in repeating the SHBG test to make sure. I have tested SHBG throughout the years and never seen it so high. Mine is usually in the low 70s pretty consistently before and after TRT. It should not change so much. Thank you for the comments.
  26. rafapark

    Blood work and TRT input

    Hi Feelinglost. Thanks for your reply. Yes, I will continue as is until I talk to Defy. I did not know that a workout would raise SHBG. I did have a hard workout less than 24 hours before the test so maybe that was causing in. I was also fasting that day, not sure if that has anything to do with...
  27. rafapark

    Blood work and TRT input

    Thanks for the input. Yes it makes sense about Tadalafil. I will research that. I understand about the alcohol. I don't drink anyway... but veggies? How would veggies impact SHBG ? Any veggie in particular? There is no way veggies can be eliminated from a healthy diet.
  28. rafapark

    Blood work and TRT input

    Hello Guys: I’ve been in TRT for about 3 months and I am puzzled about my blood work. I am switching to Defy from a local clinic in June. In the meantime, I’d appreciate some input. I am 61 yo. Baseline results: BLOOD WORK 1 1/15/2018 Estradiol (non sensitive): 30.8 pg/ml Testosterone...