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  1. M

    Primary or Secondary Hypogonadism

    I keep seeing a hormone map that people are posting showing that testosterone directly comes from progesterone and dhea. Maybe the testicles need those as ingredients so to speak? But yeah, my understanding is very limited when it comes to that. I am just trying to understand why LH indicated...
  2. M

    Primary or Secondary Hypogonadism

    I was wondering if it is possible for LH and FSH to be adequate and for the testicles to also be working fine, and yet testosterone be low due to low Progesterone and DHEA, which is where testosterone is derived from. This could be due to low conversion from cholesterol -> pregnenolone and/or...
  3. M

    full thyroid lab panel, input pls

    I'm not an expert myself but I was under the impression that RT3 issues and pooling were two different things? I thought pooling was when T3 was too high, and high RT3 means that T4 wasn't converting to T3.
  4. M

    My journey so far with low testosterone.

    So just reducing HCG made a huge difference for you? Just because of lower E2 you think?
  5. M

    Help Decipher Labs - Very Low E2

    Your LDL is barely elevated and your Total Cholesterol/HDL ratio is excellent. Nothing to worry about there.
  6. M

    Followup Labs 7 weeks into TRT- Comments?

    Basically don't get hung up on your low SHBG. Can't really do anything about raising it. Just inject more frequently. Only ways to raise DHT is to raise testosterone and/or ERO's advice.
  7. M

    Followup Labs 7 weeks into TRT- Comments?

    Yeah but you only tested total Estradiol, not free Estradiol. Like your total T is pretty low but free T is high. But again all of that is pretty debatable. I got free Estradiol tested for the first time last week and waiting on the results.
  8. M

    Followup Labs 7 weeks into TRT- Comments?

    Yeah I'm not an expert on the cholesterol part but I would look into that. I know that low cholesterol can contribute to hormonal issues but not sure how low that threshold is. It may not be anything to worry about. Like I said with the low SHBG, super high free estradiol may be the issue but...
  9. M

    Followup Labs 7 weeks into TRT- Comments?

    Though mainly anecdotal you will find that most guys on TRT with low SHBG have a tough time getting onto a good protocol and feeling the effects despite having such a high free T number (possibly high free Estradiol also). Myself being one of them with an SHBG of 11. I now inject daily and am...
  10. M

    DHEA/Pregnenolone Question...

    I think progesterone levels would give the best picture of your pregnenolone levels. Your high DHEA is a good sign for you though.
  11. M

    Increased FT3 increases Pregnenolone => Coversion?

    No one interested/knowledgeable in this topic?
  12. M

    Have to lower my Testosterone dosage

    LOL...why do you have to hit so close to home like that
  13. M

    Increased FT3 increases Pregnenolone => Coversion?

    I have seen Nelson cite a few times so must be reputable...just read this: Low T3 symptoms: Low Pregnenolone and High LDL (R) – anxiety, bad moods, and low motivation are indicators of low pregnenolone. T3 thyroid hormones convert LDL to pregnenolone. Unless you take...
  14. M

    Should I let Estrogen get higher?

    I was on Clomid for 3.5 years. I was always horny as hell but never had strong erections. Works different for everyone I guess.
  15. M

    High Transferrin, Normal Ferritin - Iron Overload

    Ok great. It might just be due to me eating too much red meat. I'm going to cut back then re test.
  16. M

    High Transferrin, Normal Ferritin - Iron Overload

    Right, I know that looks fine, I am just worried about iron-overload. Maybe iron-chelaters? Or just ignore it.
  17. M

    High Transferrin, Normal Ferritin - Iron Overload

    I had a blood test in mid-August. Ferritin- 116 (30-400) TIBC 354 (250-450) UIBC 154 (111-343) Iron Serum 200 (38-169) Iron Saturation 56% (15%-55%) Transferrin (calculated) 56.5% (24%-45%) Should I donate as soon as possible, or am I making an issue where there is none since my Ferritin is...
  18. M

    LOW SHBG increasing

    Yeah its just weird because my BMI is about 20 and fasting glucose is low 70's usually. I do have mild sleep apnea that is not yet treated properly, which may be contributing to insulin resistance. Not trying to hijack this thread though with my own issues.
  19. M

    LOW SHBG increasing

    I guess that would explain why when I was on Clomid my SHBG was in the 40's. The drug basically forced my body to shift my hormonal status back to normal and regain the potential to procreate.
  20. M

    LOW SHBG increasing

    Perhaps low SHBG in and of itself is not causing TRT to be innefective; maybe the cause of that person's low SHBG is why adding TRT to your life is not fixing the bigger underlying problem? ( coming from a guy on TRT currently struggling with TRT results and a SHBG of 11)
  21. M

    Please look at my recent Blood Work

    Yeah I remember signing something but didn't think to look at the tests being administered. Won't let that happen again! She was also supposed to check for B12 and DHT. Yeah perhaps I am overthinking things. There were definitely a few improvements in some areas. I am just upset that my...
  22. M

    Please look at my recent Blood Work

    I have posted screenshots of my labs (also available at if there are viewing issues on mobile devices). I had bloodwork peformed 6/15 and switched up my protocol from: -TEST-CYP 70mg E3.5D -HCG 500iu E3.5D -MG Citrate To: -TEST-CYP 50mg EOD -HCG 280iu EOD -MG Malate...
  23. M

    DHEA differences?

    I have been taking OTC from GNC (lol) for about a month now in evenings and working good so far. 25mg.
  24. M

    Pregnenolone Blood Levels

    Interesting. Thanks for your input!
  25. M

    Pregnenolone Blood Levels

    I recently moved to EOD and liking the results so far. Low SHBG guy. So I imagine daily would be even better. Speed - I wonder if the pregnenolone increased your Estrogen too much? Do you have estrogen issues? I have been thinking about trying it myself so trying to get as many opinions as...
  26. M

    Pregnenolone Blood Levels

    Hey Speed, still taking the pregnenolone?
  27. M

    DHEA Supplementation

    I take it with dinner every evening. I also take Magnesium a couple hours before bed. I too felt extremely groggy when taking it in the morning. I *think* that since DHEA has an inverse effect on cortisol, taking DHEA in the morning could exacerbate low morning cortisol issues that some...
  28. M

    Hcg ques to get my girl pregnant

    So what you are saying is that the HCG will preserve fertility?
  29. M

    Supplementing DHEA while on clomid?

    I would also get DHEA-S tested again before supplementing, in case Clomid raised your levels.
  30. M

    1 Mineral for Everything: Magnesium

    Many including myself like to take it at night due to its positive effects on sleep; also its possible that you are not deficient in Magnesium so you don't see a ton of benefit. Most people are deficient though.
  31. M

    1 Mineral for Everything: Magnesium

    The malate is helping big time with my sleep. I am taking one pill in morning one at night (It says take 3 a day but I am just taking 2). I feel like kind of sluggish in the mornings though after my morning dose, I might just start taking two at night.