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  1. Keith Willse

    How to Increase Ejaculate Volume

    Just as Nelson has already said, this is a common side effect with age and TRT. It also occurs with the use of certain drugs. In my experience, I have found the following combo works well to increase ejaculate volume. HMG & HCG BCA supplementation Zinc supplementation Drink plenty of fluids...
  2. Keith Willse

    Does testosterone replacement cause primary hypogonadism?

    @paco, As I said before. Talk to your physician about a low does of testosterone cream EOD ( 25mg ) with your HCG mono therapy. ( Scrotal Area Only ) Your T is well within the target range but I'll bet your DHT is middle range to low.... Also if fertility is a concern, you can also talk to your...
  3. Keith Willse

    How to Increase Ejaculate Volume

    There are a few options but it is dependent on the root cause. Do you currently have a lower volume. Here is a very good read. Steps in the investigation and management of low semen volume in the infertile man
  4. Keith Willse


    @ Jeff Cantwell / SamSpade, The question is… did your libido spark at all since starting TRT?
  5. Keith Willse

    Doctors have no idea why...

    Based on your LH and FSH it doesn’t appear to be a problem “down below” primary. It looks like the problem might be “upstairs” secondary if anything with the low LH but I wouldn’t come to that conclusion with one lab test. Talk with your physician and see if he is willing try a clomid...
  6. Keith Willse

    Does testosterone replacement cause primary hypogonadism?

    Talk to your Dr. about adding a low does testosterone crème (25mg EOD) to your protocol. In my experience, I have seen this work very well. I believe this would provide the benefits of pure testosterone, that you’re looking to achieve.
  7. Keith Willse

    Doctors have no idea why...

    Welcome to our site, James and congrats on the NED. What type of cancer did you have and have you ever taken a 5α-reductase inhibitors?
  8. Keith Willse

    Recommdations for a low cost decent tablet?

    Brooksy, I have tried and tested just about every tablet on the market and I can tell you from countless hours that nobody... and I mean nobody compares to apple, when it comes to an easy to use consumption device. If you were looking to do work from your recliner than I would recommend a...
  9. Keith Willse

    Need to burn fat and not loose muscle

    IMO, You need to add health fats to your diet. Grains, processed carbohydrates and even fruit are all quick sources of fuel - any excess calories from those foods will be stored as fat. By increasing your fat intake and lowering carbohydrates, you will allow your body to burn fat and use...
  10. Keith Willse

    Need to burn fat and not loose muscle

    @SoCalSurfer, try MyFitnessPal. This program is great and works very well for tracking. I use it everyday and track everything with my iPhone.
  11. Keith Willse

    Anastrosole (armidex) dosage

    Are you currently experiencing any signs of high estrogen? I am asking because I have personally crashed my Estrogen and I can tell you firsthand … it’s no joy. In my experience, I have found .20mg twice a week is an excellent starting dose.
  12. Keith Willse

    6 month labs

    I would say your not absorbing well since your Vit. D levels haven't increased, even when taken properly. Talk with your physician about emulsified Vit. D3. In my experience, I have seen the following work very well when absorption is a problem...
  13. Keith Willse

    6 month labs

    I forgot to say Congrats, BigSky. I agree with Nelson and Gene. Your number look great. Keep it up ;)
  14. Keith Willse

    6 month labs

    Vitamin D is a fat soluble and needs to be taken with the proper food. It’s best taken with the largest meal of the day. One of most common mistake with this supplement is that it is taken in the morning without food or the wrong food. You can 20,000 IU’s of the best and most expensive...
  15. Keith Willse

    Scrotum application of testosterone

    Yes, I would run the test from Quest or LabCorp. I personally like Quest for this lab but it’s just a preference with this particular lab.
  16. Keith Willse

    Can Niacin Fight Heart Disease?

    Niacin has worked great for me in the past. The only problem I have is it always triggers a rosacea flair for me.
  17. Keith Willse

    Scrotum application of testosterone

    I believe it should only be used this way, if DHT is low. I also believe it should not be used this way long term. DHT is king and all things male but too much will have diminishing returns and nasty side effects. In my experience, its best used in conjunction with HCG mono. It can bring the...
  18. Keith Willse

    How to mix 11,000iu HCG vial?

    I suggest the whole book. It’s a great read and Nelson does an excellent job with the explanation. Testosterone: A Man's Guide- Second Edition: Nelson Vergel: 8582093077777: Books The easiest way to dilute an 11,000 UI vial is to use 11mL of BAC. This would then equal 100 IU’s for...
  19. Keith Willse

    Creatine supplementation and aging musculoskeletal health.

    Try using micronized, this should help with the bloating. I have personally had very good success with Optimum Nutrition’s.
  20. Keith Willse

    Using HCG alone versus Testosterone alone or Testosterone + HCG

    Paco, Here is a plan English explanation from Jeffrey Dach MD's website. :D Younger males have plenty of reserve ability to make testosterone, and testosterone levels will promptly go up after an injection of HCG. In older males, above the age of 50, the aging process reduces the ability of the...
  21. Keith Willse

    Using HCG alone versus Testosterone alone or Testosterone + HCG

    paco, exactly what the wise one above just said ;)
  22. Keith Willse

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    @Tinman, The dizziness sounds like a drop in blood pressure. Have you discussed this with your physician? If not, I would highly recommended it.
  23. Keith Willse

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    @Tinman, The dizziness sounds like a drop in blood pressure. Have you discussed this with your physician? If not, I would highly recommended it.
  24. Keith Willse

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Gentlemen, This thread is epic and I love but …I can’t stress it enough!!! Please make sure if you are using any of these medications that they are used under a physician’s care.
  25. Keith Willse

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Gentlemen, This thread is epic and I love but …I can’t stress it enough!!! Please make sure if you are using any of these medications that they are used under a physician’s care.
  26. Keith Willse

    Using HCG alone versus Testosterone alone or Testosterone + HCG

    HCG Mono works well in younger men, when done properly. The problem is in most cases the dose titration is not done properly. Dose titration should be done based on clinical data and how the patient feels. The T to E ratio is crucial. Radom dosages without regular lab work will constitute to...
  27. Keith Willse

    HCG Source

    For me personally, anything under 500 is useless. I have tried every combination of dose's and scheduling etc.. etc .... My current dose and schedule is 500 IU's twice a week.
  28. Keith Willse

    B12 injects

    Brooksy, SubQ work great for me and I personally think there is no need to inject it IM. It is preference more than anything with B12.
  29. Keith Willse

    B12 injects

    Rachael, if your injecting 1mL of the Lipo-C then you are already getting 1000mcg or 1 mg of Methylcobamain per mL . :D This is already considered a large dose and in my experience is more than sufficient. I would also say IMO; any additional supplementation would just be a waste. Here is a...
  30. Keith Willse

    Nite time eating

    Brooksky, I have gone thru my share of late night munchies so I can relate … My worst was on Remeron, for a stubborn bout with insomnia …It kicked the insomnia and reset my circadian rhythm but… it left me 30lbs heavier in all the wrong places. The stuff is insane when it comes to an appetite...
  31. Keith Willse

    New Gadget

    So Far ...I love everything about the Polar Loop. A complete review is coming shortly :D