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  1. P

    Sermorelin Help Needed

    See if this is helpful. Dosing information towards the bottom of the page. There is some UTube stuff out there as well. I do not know how reliable any of this info is.
  2. P

    Orgasm Problems

    My E2 was 64 I believe. I posted my labs a while back. My T was super high as well. I've moderated the dose of T, and that has brought my E2 down. However I was having the best orgasms of my life with that high E2. There are some great threads here about the balance of the two. I agree with...
  3. P

    how to cut tadalafil tab into quarters?

    I purchased the EquaDose one off Amazon. It can cut an anastrozole tablet into 4th's. Very carefully however.
  4. P

    Can Testosterone Protect Against High-Grade Prostate Cancer?

    Thanks CoastWatcher, I'll look a bit harder. Take a listen to that podcast I referenced, the discussion starts around the 20 minute mark.
  5. P

    Can Testosterone Protect Against High-Grade Prostate Cancer?

    Recently Jay Campbell had a guest on his podcast, Dr. Nick Sakkas, who is challenging the belief that TRT is contraindicated for prostrate cancer. Interesting podcast. I'm somewhat surprised that there is not more discussion on this forum regarding PC since 1 in 7 men get it.
  6. P

    Happy New Year!!!

    Happy New Year to all, and thanks to both Vince's for all your contributions to this forum. Dallas area +18, +5 wind chill, kind of balmy by comparison.
  7. P

    Is This Too Much?

    My T was in the dirt 215, and I was started out at 200mg as well. As Nelson and others have said that seems to be the upper limit. Your first test at those doses should be interesting. I've now gone to 75mg twice per week. As others have said, you will need a lot of testing before you nail the...
  8. P

    Zinc Improved my Semen

    Zinc sound like another good supplement we should be taking. I just got done with Dr. Shippen's book, recommended on this site. He touts 50mg of zinc twice a day to control estrogen (among other things). I had never seen that before.
  9. P

    Should I Stop Testosterone Before Surgery?

    Yes, that makes perfect sense. It would certainly be nice to know what my T levels were when I was younger.
  10. P

    Should I Stop Testosterone Before Surgery?

    I was to have a procedure done on the day of my scheduled injection (doing twice a week injections) I decided to postpone it a day, I figured probably best to not be peaking that day.
  11. P

    HCG and vasectomy???

    I was cut 23 years ago, I've been on TRT for a year but only on HCG for 6 months. I can tell you I was shriveled up down there beyond belief, the HCG has fixed all that. Very happy with it. I do wonder if my vasectomy has caused my low T levels. There are several video's on this site that...
  12. P

    Review: Novel Mechanisms of DHEA Action

    Sounds like DHEA is wonderful. Should we be using it with our HRT regimen?
  13. P

    Sudden Insomnia - Waking Early

    FL, I could have written this post, most nights only get up once however. I don't care what time I go to sleep, I'm awake at 4ish and seldom can stay in bed past 5. Hence I've started to go to bed sooner in hopes of getting 6 hours. My labs were a little high, maybe this will resolve with some...
  14. P

    First blood test -new to injections

    Thanks for the reply FL. Good advice, definitely a large reduction in T is called for. I've gained like 6 pounds of muscle since starting. T is amazing stuff, worked my ass off in the gym for years just to barely keep what I had.
  15. P

    First blood test -new to injections

    Just got my blood tests back: Total T - 1537 Free T - 39.3 Estradiol - 67.1 (sensitive) SHBG - 28.7 WBC - 6.8 Hematocrit 47.8 HDL 48 LDL 116 Current protocol 100mg T, monday, thursday. HCG 350iu Tuesday Friday. I'll start taking an AI, did last night to bring my E down. For a 60 year old...
  16. P

    Is there a cream or gel that's made for removing pubic hair?

    That stuff sounds pretty great if it works as advertised, after a while you can quit shaving. If that's the case the price is reasonable. I wonder how many tubes of the stuff it takes to get to where hair does not grow back. I shave once per week, and I'm not a fan.
  17. P

    Sleep on TRT?

    I took 5 grams a couple of times, that was too much due to my sleepiness the next day. Last night I took 2.5, seemed to do okay.
  18. P

    Sleep on TRT?

    I find that I don't sleep as well either since starting TRT. I sleep fine, just not very long. Six hours is the most I can muster. I tried Melatonin, it works, but them I'm sleepy all the next day. I should cut the dose in down perhaps.
  19. P

    Mobic Interaction

    I've been taking Mobic and I'm on the full TRT protocol for very low T. I've not had any issues with it. I don't stay on it for longer than 10 days at a time. I'm back on half a dose now. 7.5. The advice is great however ask your doctor or pharmacist.
  20. P

    No Prescription HCG

    Vince says it works, and I take his word for it. Everything I have seen him post seems spot on. I ordered the 5000ui of the ZyHcg. It's in transit now, so we will see. I got my BAC water from a US source per the advice here not to use the glass vials that come with the product. Be careful, do...
  21. P

    No Prescription HCG

    I just ordered from the site. I ordered ZyHcg 5000, I hope that will work. Looks like what I get from the us compounding pharmacy, I assume that's bac water with it.