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  1. L

    What is the % of those using SQ vs IM T shots here?

    I'm a thin guy. When I look at the VG area in the mirror I see a lot of veins. I'd be terrified to inject there, but that's just me. I never aspirate.... and I inject in the upper glute. I wish there was an alternative for me. My legs and shoulders aren't meaty enough.
  2. L

    Test cyp plus HCG - high estradiol

    So you'd mix 5ml of sterile water with 5000ius HCG correct?
  3. L

    What is the % of those using SQ vs IM T shots here?

    I'd be interested to know how many here are using SQ injections now instead of IM for T. I am considering switching to SQ after injecting my sciatic nerve IM. Very painful!
  4. L

    Test cyp plus HCG - high estradiol

    Wow great dialogue guys thanks. My cardiologist says LDL needs to be below 55 to achieve plaque regression per the latest research studies. I think this is for guys who have a high plaque burden, not for healthy guys' levels. So they have to go on the dreaded crestor to lower it and reduce...
  5. L

    Test cyp plus HCG - high estradiol

    HCG has gotten very pricey due to the huge demand by trannies. Hopefully our T won't increase in price but likely it will. I've been using Pregnyl HCG. $185 Anyone with better ideas on HCG?
  6. L

    Test cyp plus HCG - high estradiol

    Wilson, 1056 is high. Wow. Was that number on day one or 5 on your T shot? Also, how do you do your HCG in the schedule? I do day 1 and 2 HCG shots and day 3 my T shot. Are you having high hematocrit issues?
  7. L

    Test cyp plus HCG - high estradiol

    Good luck. Try your cold turkey method. You are much more knowledgeable than I on these topics. When I tried it I noticed weight and muscle loss, and energy loss. Awful sleep. You can always come back if if doesn't work.
  8. L

    Test cyp plus HCG - high estradiol

    How high were your T levels? I've found that guys who go too high are the ones with headaches etc. That's why I am staying conservative with 100mg a week plus HCG. My levels are good for me there, feel strong and well, good libido with twice a week sex, not bad at 70! I tried going off it...
  9. L

    Test cyp plus HCG - high estradiol

    Thanks Systemlord. So in your opinion, do you think an end of cycle T level of 580 and Estradiol level of 42 is good, or would you bump up the T a bit?
  10. L

    Test cyp plus HCG - high estradiol

    Estradiol is at the top of the range? Is the consensus here that 42 is ok? Thanks. Crisler's HCG protocol has worked well. No testicular atrophy. I'd like to bump my T up a bit but at 580 (100mg/week) on day 7 I guess I'm ok. I just don't want my blood too thick since my hematocrit is...
  11. L

    Test cyp plus HCG - high estradiol

    I am on the old Dr Crisler protocol: I do .25cc of HCG on day 1 and 2, and 0.5cc (100mg) injection of Test cypionate on day 3. It works well for me. The problem is on day 7 my T level is 580 which is OK for me, but my estradiol is 42. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Many thanks for...