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  1. S

    1 Yr Update with 250mg/mL Lab results are in!!

    Thanks for the comments guys. I kind of figured there would be a lot of debate on this when I posted. When my insurance flex plan ran out of $$ 4thqtr of last year I dropped my dose to 200mg for about 3 months. During that time I think my T/E ratio was bad because I didn't feel good at all...
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    1 Yr Update with 250mg/mL Lab results are in!!

    Had my lab work done last week during my trough, Wed morning. Had the Dr. visit today and reviewed the results. I am very pleased with these results and will continue my protocol. :D Protocol: Inject 0.5ml every 3.5 days for a total of 250mg/ml per week, Test Cyp. (Wed. night and Sun...
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    icy hot, ben ***, etc.

    It is getting more common these days, but not all drug stores carry it. Our local walmart has it now. You can get it off Amazon too.
  4. S

    icy hot, ben ***, etc.

    Two things. Bio-Freeze is a great product. The other is Foam Rolling, which helps loosen and stretch those sore tendons.
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    Anxiety - Hormone Related?

    Thanks for the responses guys! GSE is Grapeseed Extract, studies show that it helps with E2, but not like an AI by any means. I guess the challenges could be something other than hormone related, like sleep apena. Although it has never been an issue in the past, but I guess things that appear...
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    Anxiety - Hormone Related?

    So I know my E2 runs high, but my T is also quite high and thus my ratio tends to work itself out. I don't typically have bad E2 symptoms except swelling sometimes. However, I'm curious about a condition I have had a couple times that really freaks me out and I think it is related to high E2...
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    Specific Protocol for Needle Length IM

    One recommendation on pinning in the delts. Don't pin the delt if you had a shoulder work out earlier in the day. I've found that if I pin the body part that I previously worked that day I get a lot of blood after the pin, especially the delt. :eek:
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    Natural Testosterone Levels vs TRT Testosterone Levels

    My dosage is 250mg/week split into 1/2 ml twice/week. On my last test I came back just over the recommended High range. I'm not taking an AI & my E2 registered at 80, which is also high. However, I don't have any of the high E2 symptoms so I'm apparently the T/E ratio is in check. I've...
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    Natural Testosterone Levels vs TRT Testosterone Levels

    You have gotten some great feedback in the above. I'll share some of my similar experience. I'm 42 and have been working out on quality Resistance training programs for over 6 years. The last two to three years I just couldn't make very much progress in the gym. Strength gains were stalled...
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    New labs for your review/amusement

    Have you considered taking Grape Seed Extract 400mg and ZMA at night. Might help somewhat.
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    Labs Tomorrow & I'm Concerned

    I donated after getting labs and seeing that the Hemocrit was high. I started the protocol 2nd week in July. So a little over 4 months in now. Labs were taken end of September so roughly 12 weeks of protocol.
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    Labs Tomorrow & I'm Concerned

    Thanks for the comments guys. The labs were taken on the day before my 3.5 day injection. Labs on Tuesday morning, injection Wednesday night & Sunday morning. Not sure what all you are interested in within the CBC, but here are a few. Platelet Count 167 Hemoglobin 16.1 Red Blood Cell 5.55...
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    Labs Tomorrow & I'm Concerned

    Sorry for not getting back with an update sooner. Had to travel out of the country on business and just now getting around for the update. I got my labs back and had an interesting follow up with the Doc. And as mentioned before, no AI, but was willing to give this a shot. Estradoil from...
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    Labs Tomorrow & I'm Concerned

    Well it was an interesting visit. To my surprise he was extremely familiar with the protocol that is mainly used as described in many of the forums (balancing T and E). Was very aware of Life Extension and many of the other Male Aging Clinics and their protocols. However, his stance is...
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    Labs Tomorrow & I'm Concerned

    I will definitely do that if he doesn't agree to pull the test tomorrow.
  16. S

    Labs Tomorrow & I'm Concerned

    So I really like my GP and now worried that TRT with him might not work out. Started on TRT in July based off Low T results. (He did test TSH so Thyroid was ok, as well as PSA). Discussed the benefits of TRT and he seemed to be very knowledgeable. Asked me about HCG or if I was planning on...