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  1. S

    Morning wood when overdue for a dose

    I think it's just a new change in the body chemistry. Kinda like that initial sweet spot. You've introduced a level change and the body reacts differently to it. This happens to me if I'm a day late on my shot and also the day after a shot. Just a hunch, but I've experienced it too.
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    Is it possible to become reliant on Citrulline if you take it to improve erection strength?

    I think your body will adjust to it over time. This I only use it occasionally to keep it guessing. Seems to work.
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    discarding my 10ml vial after 28days more than half full...??

    I take .35mL twice a week out of a 10mL bottle. No way I'm discarding that at 28 days. Several years into this method and no issues.
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    Are BCAA/EAA, HMB, Collagen Supplements worth it?

    Tranont Glow is the brand.
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    Are BCAA/EAA, HMB, Collagen Supplements worth it?

    Collagen does work if you are willing to purchase the high quality liquid stuff. Made a huge difference in my wife's skin, hair, and nails.
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    32 y.o. male starting TRT [200 mg / ml @ 1 mg / wk]

    I would do every 3.5 days at 1/2 dose. If you are injecting yourself no need to even run it by the doc. I personally do Sunday morning and Wednesday Evening.
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    Compounding pharmacy that takes insurance?

    Nope. The only way I've been successful is to purchase with no insurance and then turn the receipt in to your pre-tax flexible spending account for re-imbursement.
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    Decreasing TRT dose leading to low libido

    Similar to you I was on 250mg/ml for about 5 years. And yes Madman blasted me too. However, I will say I felt great (no AI), and all my health numbers were green. My problem was super high libido, to the point where it was causing issues since my wife is perimenopause. I also didn't like my...
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    Success stories for managing TRT induced increase in hematocrit?

    There are many different views on Hemocrit concerns, similar to E2 concerns. I'm not saying it's right, but a very well respected doc has told me not to be concerned with Hemocrit on TRT. His own values are 62 for several years and no issues, also on TRT. I'm not saying I agree with it, just...
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    Shallow IM with 1/2 insulin syringe. Is it sufficient for the glutes?

    I use the insulin syringe for all my pins. No specific order, Ventroglutal, shoulders, butt cheeks, stomach fat roll. I've noticed no difference in how I feel from testosterone absorption.
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    Pain in quads after injection

    I stopped injecting the thighs for the same reason. Ventroglutal, butt cheeks, shoulders and stomach sub Q for me. There are a few posts on the topic. Also, I would recommend you drop your needle size to 27 gauge and split your injection to twice a week at .5ml. 1ml is a lot of liquid to inject...
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    Therapeutic Phlebotomy (oregon)

    I think some have had success with the extract. I hated the juice at first too, but have come accustom to it now, LOL. I've never tried the extract.
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    Therapeutic Phlebotomy (oregon)

    Drink one cup of grapefruit juice (from the refrigerated section, not concentrated), every night for two weeks. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water every day. Do some cardio at least once per week for 30 minutes. Re-test and your numbers should be lower, at least low enough to give...
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    Increasing precum

    L-arginine and L-citrulilne increase the amount of pre cum produced for me. Significant difference if I've taken them vs not.
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    Can you help me calculate testosterone dose in 0.5 cc syringe?

    Thanks guys. I thought I was correct in my original assumptions, but was very worried there for a few minutes.
  16. S

    Can you help me calculate testosterone dose in 0.5 cc syringe?

    Holy crap, I didn't realize the difference in CC and ml. I always thought they were the same. I got insulin syringes several weeks ago for the first time. Wanted to reduce my dose from 250mg/ml to 200 mg/ml. Injecting half doses twice per week. So .80 times 250 is 200 so .4 ml twice per week...
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    Does TRT effect eyesight?

    Yes likely due to age. Just turned 46 and figured reading glasses would be required at some point.
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    Does TRT effect eyesight?

    So I'm on week 4 of a dosage reduction. Dropping from 250mg to 200mg. (Will likely drop to 175). I noticed yesterday that my right eye is very blurry at 2 feet away (computer screen). I had Lasik several years ago and have had better than 20/20 vision every time I'm tested. So wondering if...
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    TRT and “blasting”

    Hope over to Tnation for those types of questions. Excel Male only supports TRT for health purposes.
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    Question for those married > 15 yrs

    Thanks guys. Kinda what I thought. I've been happily married 22 years and like many of you only had passionate kissing if sex was involved. So I thought to try and rekindle the fire I would try passionate kissing outside of sex. This has really only caused more problems and thus not worth the...
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    Question for those married > 15 yrs

    For you guys that have been married longer than 15 years how often do you and your wife kiss passionately without sex? I realize that kissing passionately likely occurs during sexual activity, but do you have those type kisses before work or just coming home from work or just because? Is it a...
  22. S

    Can't control hematocrit even on low dose??

    Drink 1 cup of grapefruit juice (refrigerated type, non concentrated) every day. It will help lower a point or two. Then just donate every 90 days. Over time it should level out.
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    Current Labs <> Libido is still Hoffa <> Suggestions? Thanks!

    Sleep and stress as well. I normally have a high libido, but either of these two can jack that up.
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    Significant Loss of Orgasm Sensation from Very Low E2?

    Agreed Nelson. My doctor was would never give me an AI based on exactly what you described. So glad too. I've never taken an AI, my T is >1000, my E2 is a higher value and I feel great. Morning wood, always horny, will make love to the wife every chance she gives me. I struggle with HCT but it...
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    Going from cialis 5mg daily to 2.5

    You could take 5mg every other day as another option.
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    I asked about it a year or so ago when they were changing up the forum programming. Nelson was against Tapatalk for some reason. I'll see if I can find the old post.
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    High Hematocrit and sexual function

    I think GF juice may interfere with statins. Do a little research on this before jumping in.
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    High Hematocrit and sexual function

    Successfully lowered my Hemocrit
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    High Hematocrit and sexual function

    I thought similar to you. I felt less sensitivity with higher hemocrit. I would take L-Arginine an hour before sex and it helped me a lot with sensitivity. I also take daily Cialis. I was able to lower my Hemocrit by drinking a cup of grapefruit juice every night. Non- concentrate.
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    Drawing Test Cyp into the needle / issues

    I use two different needles 18 gauge for draw and 27 gauge for injection. Just switch the tip out. No issues.