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  1. V

    How will I know my regiment is enough? Am I just not made for TRT?

    The point is that I cant get the test done anytime soon and I think it better to keep following my doctors regimen of 1mg tablet a week rather than not. I have no way of checking the methodology either.
  2. V

    How will I know my regiment is enough? Am I just not made for TRT?

    Switching to EOD for one. I only get 4 tabs of Anastrozole and I dont know what things are looking like. Better keep taking it to be safe than sorry.
  3. V

    How will I know my regiment is enough? Am I just not made for TRT?

    Yeah I get it. What about anastrozole? Stick to once a week? I only get bottles with 4 pills.
  4. V

    How will I know my regiment is enough? Am I just not made for TRT?

    Well I only have prescription for a vial of 200 mg/mL. You live in Houston as well? What other experiences have you had doing this and with Larry?
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    How will I know my regiment is enough? Am I just not made for TRT?

    Is it advisable to try what has been suggested here on my own?
  6. V

    How will I know my regiment is enough? Am I just not made for TRT?

    If you guys know, is there a way to check the method on MyChart?
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    How will I know my regiment is enough? Am I just not made for TRT?

    As a matter of fact. I just remembered that they cancelled my appointment for 29th. Earliest appointment i could get with Lipshultz himself wa November 28th
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    How will I know my regiment is enough? Am I just not made for TRT?

    Well ive only visited him about 2 times. Every other with a nurse. His schedule is very booked.
  9. V

    How will I know my regiment is enough? Am I just not made for TRT?

    Thats 200 mg/mL bottle and I inject 1 mL once a week.
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    How will I know my regiment is enough? Am I just not made for TRT?

    I meant to say SHBG instead of DHEA twice. Is there a way to raise my SHBG so I can get mileage out of the prescription?
  11. V

    How will I know my regiment is enough? Am I just not made for TRT?

    It is not, I am looking to see about the LC/MS test next time I go. My doctor is Larry Lipshultz of Houston. Do you believe Nelson would know best places to go being here as well?
  12. V

    How will I know my regiment is enough? Am I just not made for TRT?

    Similarly, is there any reliable way to increase DHEA to get more mileage?
  13. V

    How will I know my regiment is enough? Am I just not made for TRT?

    Would asking for/treating DHEA incur any benefits as well? I understand there is medication to raise it.
  14. V

    How will I know my regiment is enough? Am I just not made for TRT?

    Hello, My history with trt replacement isnt long but I feel its long enough. Started in adolescense but never did it regularly then. My doctor really didnt know what he was doing considering he was injecting me once monthly but it was understandable considering my age att. Now I am trying to...
  15. V

    Questions about my TRT regimen and way to help things along

    Thank you for your reassuring response. Im goig to try my best to cut through all this information. Concerning diet. Ive been trying to get that down for a while now. Right now Im hopping between diet to diet. Currently im doing a military diet (VERY small portions. Such as only 1 egg one slice...
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    Questions about my TRT regimen and way to help things along

    Im trying. I am easily overwhelmed with the information to sift through. Im just coming off of rehab and therapy for depression and am trying to figure a lot of things out. So far ive gathered that I need to get my Thyroid checked properly as well as insulin resistance. I need to follow a...
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    Questions about my TRT regimen and way to help things along

    Is there anything bad that can happen on a high Anastrozole dose?
  18. V

    Questions about my TRT regimen and way to help things along

    Ooooh why didnt you say so. It says 200mg/ml As for HCG it says 12000 IU What does it mean?
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    Questions about my TRT regimen and way to help things along

    I have the exact numbers now. Anastrozole is 1mg tablet once a week. It was prescribed at the beginning of my treatment when I was taking Clomid. Not very good at math. So the answer the internet gave me concerning my injection of 1ML of test cypionate every week is 1000 mg it told me. Im...
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    Questions about my TRT regimen and way to help things along

    So the best thing to do is add keto dieting? Again, this is simply a lot to digest. I have contemplated doing a keto and military hybrid diet. Accompanied by intermittent fasting.
  21. V

    Questions about my TRT regimen and way to help things along

    This blood was drawn at the end of May as I said. As I am just learning on how to inject, I dont know how particularly smart that would be atm. I do not know how to divide up the dose and whatnot for one. And my inexperience injecting might lead to an increased chance of infection or waste...
  22. V

    Questions about my TRT regimen and way to help things along

    Well Im not sure how id measure that or what most of that means. Are you saying theres no way to keep it normal? Additionally, does this mean I would still qualify for Metformin as a medication to treat it?
  23. V

    Questions about my TRT regimen and way to help things along

    Should I go to the same doctor and ask for the test or where can I go to get it done? If it is low, what is there to be done that can raise it? What are the benefits of doing so?
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    Questions about my TRT regimen and way to help things along

    I have no idea what those abbreviations mean. I ran the idea of hypothyroidism to my doc and we tested for it here. He said its normal range.
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    Questions about my TRT regimen and way to help things along

    Alrighty then, these results are from May 31st HEMATOCRIT 46.8 % 37.0 - 49.0 % CHOLESTEROL 146 MG/DL <200 MG/DL TRIGLYCERIDES 93 MG/DL <150 MG/DL HDL CHOLESTEROL 37 MG/DL >39 MG/DL LDL CHOLESTEROL CALCULATED 90 MG/DL <100 MG/DL LDL/HDL RATIO, SERUM 2.44 RATIO <3.55 RATIO...
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    Questions about my TRT regimen and way to help things along

    Hello ExcelMale Forums. Ive finally managed to switch to injections. I have risen from 200-something to 957 using clomid. I feel hardly different and I feel it might be because of the fact I was using Clomid, which ive heard it has effect on mood which is the main reason im switching to...
  27. V

    22 yo Good idea to try to T+HCG injections, as well as find doctor contemporary?

    Ah, I see, thats good. Thats 2 different shots the same day? Or can they be mixed together?
  28. V

    22 yo Good idea to try to T+HCG injections, as well as find doctor contemporary?

    He isnt opposed to it, just didn't want to jump straight into it since Im younger. Wanted to do a more natural method to not mess me up in the future I guess. Thats why I ask is it unheard of to go HCG and Test injections at the same time, since HCG is to preserve natural T production.
  29. V

    22 yo Good idea to try to T+HCG injections, as well as find doctor contemporary?

    Bump Can anyone help at all? At least concerning with whether to try another doctor or if its advised to stick with the same physician.