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  1. M

    Anyone currently using metformin and getting it online?

    Anyone currently using metformin and getting it online? If so, where from and do you feel it is working for you? What benefits are you getting? Any issues?
  2. M

    1 Mineral for Everything: Magnesium

    Anyone else find that after just supplementing with magnesium their blood pressure is maintained as well as taking bp prescription meds?
  3. M

    Hi Gents

    which estrogen blocker are you taking and what is your frequency and dose.
  4. M

    Blood Test Results/Thoughts From Panel

    Definitely add SHGB as well.
  5. M

    Calories and putting on muscle mass?

    Something that stands out to me is you state your protein intake is 40% of your calories. If I remember correctly based on your previously posted labs your fasting glucose is high. Your high protein intake could be converting excess to glucose which would keep your blood glucose high which...
  6. M

    Second Test(Full Panel) Update. High SBHG and Estradiol

    What sysmpoms are you experiencing?
  7. M

    Hcg advice

    What are your lab results on your current protocol?
  8. M

    Eat Meat. Drink Water. Zen, and the Art of Zero-Carb Living

    I believe it did. It was less to carry around literally. It also did wonders for my joints to allow me to move around better. I found the more I moved the less sore I was. I also found a chiropractor to work with and that helped immensely.
  9. M

    Eat Meat. Drink Water. Zen, and the Art of Zero-Carb Living

    That was me. I was able to lose about 60 lbs just by changing my diet. I didn’t go to the gym at all since my back was injured so I figured I would just experiment with diet. Just basically would walk a few times a week as I could. I’ve been basically low carb/keto for the last 9 months but...
  10. M

    Eat Meat. Drink Water. Zen, and the Art of Zero-Carb Living

    I have to get back to low carb. Had pizza and birthday cake with my kids tonight and feel awful.
  11. M

    Help with my TRT treatment

    Agreed. At 100mgs a week 1mg of Adex is a massive dose imho. I take 40mg EOD and I won’t touch a dose even close to that.
  12. M

    Going Hypothyroid ?

    Are you supplementing with anything to support thyroid? Iodine?
  13. M

    Are my numbers too high for treatment?

    Your total t may be climbing, but what are your free T results and reference ranges? Your SHGB is rather high. Do you have ranges for that? There are several threads regarding baseline lab work you should look at before you start treatment. It is fantastic that you have a doctor willing to...
  14. M

    New Labs Please Comment

    this is friggin fantastic! What do you store this in?
  15. M

    New Labs Please Comment

    I use a pill splitter after I score the top
  16. M

    TRT- Increased desire to stretch and ends in Charley horse.

    I have been having pain in my quads, hamstrings, glutes and IT bands. I have been supplementing magnesium for a while. I stretch constantly and it provides some relief but is short lived. For the last 3 days I have also started supplementing iodine and selenium beyond what is in my multivitamin...
  17. M

    My wife is thinking about HRT

    What is your wife’s diet like? Her triglycerides are high and HDL is low which may point to possible insulin resistance.
  18. M

    Belly fat wont go away

    TSH is a bit high. Have you had any further thyroid labs done?
  19. M

    Hello, new member here. Questions about my start so far on TRT

    First, welcome!. This is the place to be to get the best info to decide what is best for your protocol. Let me also congratulate you on how quickly you have smelled the turd. It took me a year to figure out I wasn’t on the right protocol. What you are doing now makes more sense based on your...
  20. M

    Thyroid labs

    What s it that you take? Is it otc or prescription?
  21. M

    Thyroid labs

    I’ve never posted anything about my thyroid labs and figured I would post and see what people think. They looked ok to me. I don’t have much experience with them
  22. M

    Anyone lowered T and felt better?

    For sure. For a while I was on 200mg weekly which put my TT at 1750 and my E2 in the triple digits. I was bloated constantly and developed gyno. I lowered my dose and now am at 40mg EOD and on AI .25mg once a week and now I’m at ~900 TT in trough. E2 stays between 30and 40 and I’m OK with...
  23. M

    In the hospital. Almost died of low potasium

    So glad you are home and doing better. I just logged on to see if you had posted any additional updates. That’s scary as hell. I saw in all 3 lab reports your glucose was extremely high though coming down each draw. Do you have any lipid profiles or hemoglobin a1c results? I whole heartedly...
  24. M

    40% drop in total T with no dose chg in T Cyp

    I’m wondering if your endogenous T has finally shut down and now you are seeing your stabilized levels with your current dose. Being 6 months in I would have thought that would have happened but everyone is different. Could also be an issue with your hcg potency.
  25. M

    Dr starting me out on 100mgs a month

    dont walk away from this dr. Run and don’t look back. My wife also does not like the idea of me being on test replacement as all she knows comes from what she has seen on the news or in the media, but I do what is best for me despite her opinions.
  26. M

    Looking for Good Multivitamin - Without Calcium

    have you added vitamin K2 as a supplement to help with serum calcium levels?
  27. M

    Heartburn Medication use

    Agreed. I stopped all PPIs and now drink a concoction of water, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar. Haven’t had reflux or indigestion since. Seems weird and counter intuitive but works well. Taste takes some getting used to but isn’t horrible.
  28. M

    Defy Medical Blood Work-SHOCKED AT RESULTS!

    Completely agree with Blackhawk. If heart disease is a major concern you could always schedule yourself a Coronary Artery Calcium scan. It will let you know if you have a problem. Otherwise your HDL and trig to total ratios look pretty good.
  29. M

    Testosterone Increases Response to Stress

    I have to agree. I am much more calm and level headed. I found I’m even more calm now at ~900 then when my levels were 500-600.
  30. M

    High Free T? also Q on Metformin for me

    This morning it was 110 (ranges 99 to 111) and decreases throughout the day to usually 84-90. My last a1c was 5.1 so I know I’m not spiking for long periods of time.
  31. M

    High Free T? also Q on Metformin for me

    Check out “dawn phenomenon” in regards to your fasting glucose. I’m seeing the same thing and I’m doing LCHF /keto and recently stumbled onto this.