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  1. B

    150mg testosterone enathate a week

    Nope. My E is under control without any AI.
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    Low Fat Vs Low Carb and Weight Loss

    Yeah I'm with rafapark. Diet is a horses for courses thing - whatever suits your body, tastes and lifestyle is what you should go with. There are a lot of diet zealots out there for low carb / high fat in particular who will claim it's superior to anything else for health and body composition...
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    150mg testosterone enathate a week

    Try it and see. I too have high SHBG and was going really well on 125mg every 7 days, am now on 125mg every 5 days and feel like it's even better for me.
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    Companies still marketing administration of testosterone shots once every 2-3 weeks

    I also think that it's in the interest of big pharma to sell their products. Nobody particularly enjoys receiving injections, especially if they can't/won't self administer. If you want to sell a medication, it's going to be be more attractive to people if you sell it as a...
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    New here with new lab results

    125mg of test E every 7 days bumped my very high SHBG down a little, but it's still really high. Saw a new doc this week and he's prescribed Azol to try and reduce it. Will be interesting to see how that goes.
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    Testosterone and depression ..Dr. Mark Gordon

    I don't think this necessarily applies to everyone, of course we are all different. I'm on a T only protocol as well and six months in, I don't feel as if my depression is coming back at this point, that's not to say it won't in future though.
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    probably being prescribed sustanon-250 every 3 weeks; options?

    I don't know about injecting it subQ but there's no reason it can't be split up into smaller doses. I tried 125mg every 7 days when enanthate first became unavailable here, but found (based on both bloodwork and the feels) that I needed higher than that to keep my levels where they were. But I...
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    Should I Have Morning Wood Every Day on Testosterone?

    I would argue that your libido (and whether you can perform on demand) is more important than whether you get morning wood or not anyway. Personally, like I said above my morning wood came back pretty quickly after starting TRT. What I didn't say was that I still really didn't have the urge to...
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    Weightlifting supplements while on TRT?

    Creatine, ZMA, Vitamin D, melatonin, BCAAs, pre workouts, I just dropped Ashwghanda. Also not really weightlifting supplements but I take St Johns Wort for mood enhancement / depression (have been since pre-TRT days) and started low dose (5mg) cialis daily a few months ago for BPH (don't think...
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    How many days a week do you inject testosterone poll

    I said once a week, but I'm actually injecting every 5 days. High SHBG. Seems to be the sweet spot for me based on how I feel.
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    Should I Have Morning Wood Every Day on Testosterone?

    Well I hadn't had morning wood for a year or two before starting TRT, but within a few weeks of starting it became pretty consistent - I wake up 2-3 times a night to pee and pretty much always have a tent in my pj pants. It's like I'm 20 again (although I didn't need to go so much back then...
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    What's interesting is after 6 months on TRT mine don't seem to have shrunk much if at all. Maybe they just weren't that big to begin with (I am secondary). If it was going to happen surely I'd have noticed by now? Seeing a new doc next week and was thinking of discussing HCG anyway (for the...
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    should we avoid fruits in our diet?

    Generally no. Fruit is good for you and full of micronutrients and fibre. Like any food group though, just don't overeat it. Everything in moderation :) Obviously if you're doing low carb most fruits will be off the table. But that's not everyone.
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    Why Sensitive Estradiol test?

    Thanks for pointing that out. I assumed in my head that inflammatory markers were high. Like my CK for example is always way high even though I don't train for 48 hours before having blood taken (I really need to take a break from the gym.....) but it turns out this last test was the only time...
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    Why Sensitive Estradiol test?

    The lab here advised someone I know that 'the sensitive oestradiol assay is only worthwhile for levels less than 70pmol/L - otherwise the normal oestradiol assay is sensitive above these levels'. I tested it out myself, I've always had the non-sensitive test done because that's all the main lab...
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    Spreadsheet for Calculating Free T & E2

    Thanks Simon. I’ll have a look at this later today - we don’t test total E here either (only free) so as a high SHBG guy I’m curious to see how the calculations look.
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    It’s different for everyone. Could you please keep your questions to one thread instead of continually asking them in all different ones?
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    Spreadsheet for Calculating Free T & E2

    Confirmed, it won't open for me either - Excel says the file is corrupt and cannot be opened.
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    LDL cut in half

    Excellent! Well done. I've really got to figure out how I can see some improvement in my lipids...
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    High SHBG and Free T

    At 131 my testosterone was pretty much non existent. Calculated free test was 6pmol/L! As I said that was before starting TRT. Since being on TRT my last two SHBG readings have been 66 and 69 nmol/L - total T 37 and 35 nmol/L, free T 590 and 517 nmol/L respectively. I don’t think these numbers...
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    High SHBG and Free T

    My SHBG was as high as 131 nmol/L before I started TRT! Even now it was at 69 on my last blood work, at trough (on a single 125mg injection each week).....
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    Carb or fat diet maybe the war is over by this consensus

    The best diet is the one that you can sustainably stick to. For some that will be low carb, for others it won’t. The bulk of the research suggests that when calories and protein are matched there’s no statistical difference in weight loss results between low carb and other forms of caloric...
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    Creams with new application over injectable?

    Interesting, as my endocrinologist tried to get me to go with cream/scrotal application a few weeks back when we were discussing a change of ester. I turned him down flat, but wonder if it's something worth trying in future. Not that there are any major issues with my current injection protocol.
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    Split Ampule into 50mg doses.

    Yeah you can split them up, there’s a few ways, what I do now is I have some syringes and sterile caps for them, draw into the syringe then cap them off til ready to use. Size of syringes and needles depends on your injection method. I use a 3mL syringe, but my doses are 125mg/0.5mL. You might...
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    Is feeling sore after lifting weights tearing the fibers for growth?

    The cause of soreness is still not conclusively proven in science, but it has been shown that it’s not caused by lactic acid. Yes you can be sore without tearing the muscle. Mostly soreness is caused when you do movements that your body isn’t used to. And just because you felt sore after a...
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    Starting protocol for high SHBG

    I’d start at once a week, and lower than 200mg. More like 100-125. Better to start too low than too high. You can always increase if needed.
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    Thoughts on my latest bloods?

    Yep, that's what it's called. Log into ******** | ********
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    Thoughts on my latest bloods?

    If that's what it is, then yeah definitely. That's actually cheaper than Sustanon.... I would be keen to look into that! I have made an appt with Dr Z in Jan. But anyway, I've derailed your thread enough, probably should be focussing on getting your symptoms improved!
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    Thoughts on my latest bloods?

    There is a TRT in Australia ******** group. PITA = Pain In The Arse! How much do you pay for 3ml of compounded T? I would much rather that than what i am doing now. I just switched from Primoteston to Sustanon due to the shortage of Primoteston, and I don't think I like it. Think I'd much...
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    Thoughts on my latest bloods?

    Ahhh haha.. yes I am seeing one of those doctors at the moment which is why I want to change. He has been working with me ok but I would prefer someone who is better educated. Have heard good things of Dr Z in the FB group - will have to try and get an appointment with him next time he is in...