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  1. J

    Who Started TRT w/ "Normal" Levels @ What Age?

    How do I increase it? I already take 5000 - 10000iu of D3 per day (along with Mk-7) from Jarrow. Do I need prescription strength? What do you suggest?
  2. J

    How to increase dopamine?

    All great input, thank you! So who has a good dopamine detox/receptor reset strategy, schedule, plan that worked for them and can share?
  3. J

    Who Started TRT w/ "Normal" Levels @ What Age?

    Good thoughts, thank you! My e2 is already a bit lowish-normal at 17; I tend to feel better at 28-32, so wouldn't something like enclomiphene block estrogen and potentially make it worse? ...What do you consider are the risks? My interpretation of your thoughts on risk is that you feel it is...
  4. J

    How to increase dopamine?

    Subbed. This is an issue I'm having after quitting nicotine and porn. My girlfriend is understanding, and with her help, I'm looking at a plan to get through this low period more efficiently without using AD's.
  5. J

    Who Started TRT w/ "Normal" Levels @ What Age?

    Yup, I hear that from half the crowd & the other half says otherwise. I do take Mag daily, and a good B complex 4-5 days a week. My issue is I'm on that cusp, where I don't feel horrible, and my lack of desire for sex (with anyone) is hurting my girlfriend. I've tried anti-depressants, and...
  6. J

    Calling All Long-Term TRT Users! How is Your Libido and Sexual Function?

    Nice update. What were your levels and issues before you started TRT this year? Thanks.
  7. J

    Who Started TRT w/ "Normal" Levels @ What Age?

    Latest labs in August were all middle range, slightly lower for my age. I turn 45 tomorrow and I feel fine, mostly, but 'things aren't what they used to be'. All my friends my age are on TRT, and some telling to do 150+ once a week. That seems extreme to me with my numbers below. My DHEA &...
  8. J

    Compounded HCG now banned in California?

    Why is this happening? Do they want us all unoptimized?
  9. J

    Defy Medical HCG Shortage?

    This sounds crazy. I'm not on TRT, but looking at it for a while. What does this really mean? Why is the FDA doing this?
  10. J

    The boron supremacy

    So did he say Boron blocks DHT? I don't think so. Unless stress causes E2 to go down like that. I sleep great, eat great, and exercise 4+ days a week, weightlifting for maintenance, nothing crazy. I don't take any other supplement everyday. Usually 5/2 for everything like D3, K2...
  11. J

    The boron supremacy

    That's my understanding from what I've read; here's an example: Nothing Boring About Boron. But I'm hoping to get more information as I could be wrong.
  12. J

    The boron supremacy

    I think I've been taking too much: 9mg daily. My E2 is on the low side, and I need it to come back up from 17 to 25-35 as that's where I tend to feel 'best' for E2. I'm not on TRT yet as my labs are midrange and 'look good' for everything, but my libido and motivation have taken a hit...
  13. J

    Considering weaning off of TRT

    I'm gonna follow this post. I lost my libido, 45, girlfriend of 4 years getting annoyed, and I almost started TRT last week. My labs are middle range and 'good' for my age. I did not want to resort to TRT for the reason you started this thread. I wake up with raging boners at least half...
  14. J

    Group Tells the FDA to Restrict the Use of Compounded Hormones

    Awesome. I'm still trying to understand this and what it means for our collective health. Thanks for all your help staying on top of this.
  15. J

    Low Desire High T

    Curious as to any update or progress from the OP?
  16. J

    Who Started TRT w/ Normal Labs

    Yup, I think it’s more adrenal, stress, depression related more than my hormones, if you think my numbers support that.
  17. J

    Who Started TRT w/ Normal Labs

    Free T is just below middle of range at 109. See labs below. NAME Sep-17 Sep-18 Sept 209 Aug-20 Jan-21 Aug-21 REFERENCE RANGE 9:14am Fasted 7:30AM Fasted 8AM Fasted 10am Fasted 10:10am fasted 8:45am fasted ESTRADIOL 24.2...
  18. J

    Who Started TRT w/ Normal Labs

    Thanks, @Fortunate . I’m 45 and my labs are just below middle of range, so not low enough, but I’m experiencing low T symptoms, so I’ve been tempted to try it at a low dose, I.e. 100mg weekly. But to your point, I don’t wanna start if I really don’t “need” it, but lately I feel like I do...
  19. J

    Who Started TRT w/ Normal Labs

    I'm curious. Why did you start TRT when all your labs indicate your a middle of the range or 'normal' or 'bloods look fine/great' according to your doc. What protocol did you start on? Why? What told you to start despite having normal labs? Are you still on TRT or did you get off of...
  20. J

    45 Considering TRT: PCa History & Rate My Labs - Feedback Pls

    Ok, that's still my plan. I have 250ml test cyp.
  21. J

    45 Considering TRT: PCa History & Rate My Labs - Feedback Pls

    I'm reading a lot about guys that start slower, like 50mg a week. Weekly 50mg injections. Is that perhaps a better start?
  22. J

    45 Considering TRT: PCa History & Rate My Labs - Feedback Pls

    OK, gotcha. I'll seek these out when I test next. Thanks!
  23. J

    45 & Considering TRT: PCa Fam History: Rate My Labs

    Thanks, @Vince . So basically, the old definition of 'high-risk' = family history, is being debunked by newer studies.
  24. J

    45 & Considering TRT: PCa Fam History: Rate My Labs

    I think this is the part that confuses me. I am considered 'high-risk' because of my family history. So does that mean I am not a candidate for ever using trt due to this? The conventional definition for years of 'high-risk' is a man that has it in his 'family history.' What say you guys on...
  25. J

    45 Considering TRT: PCa History & Rate My Labs - Feedback Pls

    Here are my other labs for LH, FSH, TSH, non-lipid and CBC, which those are in great shape. LH, FSH, TSH have alwasy been 'lower-ish normal' for a few years. NAME Sep-17 Sep-18 Sept 209 Aug-20 Aug-21 REFERENCE RANGE 9:14am Fasted 7:30AM Fasted 8AM Fasted 10am Fasted 8:45am...
  26. J

    45 Considering TRT: PCa History & Rate My Labs - Feedback Pls

    You guys rock. This is great info; thank you for sharing! I’m gonna look it all over and reply later after I’ve digested it. I agree so far that a lower starting trt dose of 50mg every 3.5 days is a better approach. And doing that first without adding/pinning anything else. See how just the...
  27. J

    45 & Considering TRT: PCa Fam History: Rate My Labs

    You guys rock. This is great info; thank you for sharing! I’m gonna look it all over and reply later after I’ve digested it. I agree so far that a lower starting trt dose of 50mg every 3.5 days is a better approach. And doing that first without adding/pinning anything else. See how just the...
  28. J

    45 & Considering TRT: PCa Fam History: Rate My Labs

    Thanks, I'll give this a listen. I've been reading that TRT is good for folks post PCa, but still looking for the study that shows no correlation between TRT and PRE Pca folks with a family history like myself. But this should help so thanks for helping out and sharing info! I'm doing...
  29. J

    45 & Considering TRT: PCa Fam History: Rate My Labs

    Thanks. I have been collecting as many studies online as I can on this over the last two years. Do you have one you could point me to that supports this as it relates to men with it in their family history? BC of my history, my doc is vehemently against every considering TRT or at least...