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    Interesting findings regarding my low SHBG after adding NDT when reviewing old labs....

    Do u guys think it will work for someone who have optimal level of Tyroid panel but have low SHBG levels. I mean, does SHBG increases if i increase my thyroid levels? Just a thought.
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    Low Libido, Low SHBG Protocol HELP - LABS x3

    Does testosterone cream reduces aromatising to estrogen n dht? Or the solution here is to use ester which doesnt aromatise. Can any experts way in please?
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    Paradox TRT results, very low SHBG

    Has anyone seen any benefits of adding metformin to their medication list? I am prediabetic. It runs in our family. Wondering if it helps to stay active and fit?
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    TRT+HCG fertility check

    Thanks, Cips. I hope my TRT protocol will be set for life now. Its unfortunate that TRT is considered as unhealthy even my so called doctors especially for someone who need it desperately. I am really grateful to Nelson and other excel members for their contribution in making our lives better...
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    TRT+HCG fertility check

    Awesome!!! Thanks so much for the detailed explanationJ I started with pretty high dosage for my body which is 150mg/ week which caused very high level of testosterone in my blood which was around 3 times the max level so I decided to quit everything and start again from lower dosage. I am...
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    TRT+HCG fertility check

    Thanks for the reply. I myself suffering from low sperm count even before TRT so i need to be little cautious. Anyways, I wish you all the best. Please do keep us update:) Btw, i was thinking 500iu twice a week is ideal but 250iu twice a week seems to work better. When do you take your TRT...
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    What is going on? I stopped my TRT.

    No Problem. I got it. Btw, I underestimated the power of testosterone. I was suffering from ED my whole life n after visiting so many doctors they mentioned my testosterone was normal and it wont help adding more testosterone. My testosterone was low normal and definitely low to my age. After...
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    What is going on? I stopped my TRT.

    Ya i figured that. I know the source is legit and its been around for years.
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    TRT+HCG fertility check

    Just wondering what is your sperm count? Your really lucky that ur count is normal. Usually it goes to zero after suppression. Wondering what is the reason to go to IVF? You can also use hmg or fsh to increase sperm count.
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    What is going on? I stopped my TRT.

    No i have not done Ugl testing. Ya now i started 25mg EOD. Lets see if that fixes my issue. Today was my first shot.
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    What is going on? I stopped my TRT.

    Its very much controlled substance. We need to submit our ID proof along with prescription. Its part of KYC regulation. Btw, Empower ships only within USA, so i need to give an address in usa and need to ask my friend to ship it to canada but its too much hassle and customs issue. I dont...
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    What is going on? I stopped my TRT.

    Thanks Blackhawk, I will consult defy. I was initially consulting a doctor in toronto. She only take appointment once every 3 months and doesnt give much attention. To be honest, i am fed up after meeting atleast 5 doctors. So thought ill do it by myself. But sure, i will check with defy also...
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    What is going on? I stopped my TRT.

    Hi BlackHawk, The reason for stopping TRT after just 2 weeks of usage is bcas of rapid resting heart beat of 100/min. I know people are saying its normal but i dint knew about it. So i did blood test n came to know that my test and estrogen levels are 3 times normal range as u can see in my...
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    What is going on? I stopped my TRT.

    Nice my DHEA is normal when i tested long time ago. Need to check again. Thanks for sharing all the info.
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    What is going on? I stopped my TRT.

    Thanks Stylo. Sure i will do the same. I will only use TRT now and think of adding HCG at later point. Its just that i got worried as my test level went 3 times the max level and estrogen was 2 times the max level and my heart was beating heavily so got scared.
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    What is going on? I stopped my TRT.

    Good blood results. Your TRT dosage is different from others. I am interested to try it. Probably try with 25mg EOD but not sure whether to use HCG or not. Whats the purpose of using DHEA and preg? Just trying to find dosage without having to use AI. I wanted to use HCG also as i already have...
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    What is going on? I stopped my TRT.

    I started with 75mg twice a week and 500iu twice a week HCG and it caused rapid heart beat of 100/min. I cant use the same protocol bcas i have very low SHBG levels. So i need to reduce my trt levels. So i trying to see what other people with low shbg are doing. For eg: if i take 50mg test...
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    What is going on? I stopped my TRT.

    There is chance it might be diet bcas i was following keto n then breaked the keto with carbs and get tested right away, so i read it might cause unsuall increase in triglycerides level especially if u test it right after food. So cant rule out bcas triglycerides are fat deposits. Ill get it...
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    What is going on? I stopped my TRT.

    Thanks System. I initially tried only TRT+HCG combination without the use of AI. So you want to try only TRT 25mg EOD without AI? I can try that.
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    What is going on? I stopped my TRT.

    Any recommendation on dosage levels? Some says 30mg EOD. I am thinking 50mg twice a week. What do u suggest? Also, since i am aromatizing a lot, do u think its a good idea to start with 0.5mg AI twice a week? I know we are not supposed to use it but i am very unstable due to low SHBG levels.
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    What is going on? I stopped my TRT.

    Hi Vince/Stylo, I read about that study too. As you know, i stopped testosterone as i was getting resting heart rate of 100/min so i thought of checking the blood and it showed that my testosterone levels are 3 times the max level and my estrogen is twice the max. At that time, my...
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    What is going on? I stopped my TRT.

    My triglycerides were normal before i started TRT. Its only after starting and stoping TRT my triglycerides level went really high.
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    What is going on? I stopped my TRT.

    I am thinking to take fibrates to lower my triglycerides level. thats what they give for somebody who has high lipids level. Its effective in increasing HDL and lowering Triglycerides but not so much of LDL. So i was thinking to try one of those along with TRT and 0.5 mg of arimidex as i have...
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    What is going on? I stopped my TRT.

    Hi Folks, If you remember, i told that i will stop testosterone until it returns to normal. Now it has returned to normal but i have very high cholestrol and tryglycerides levels. I stopped taking TRT as the levels were super high and also it caused rapid heart beat. So i stopped it but now...
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    Anyone on 200mg + HCG without an AI?

    That makes sense. Its about T/E ratio not just estrogen number.
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    Increase in resting heart rate

    My libido is always been very high since teenager but i had ED since the beginning. I also had low T my whole life and its only been 2 weeks that i started TRT. One thing is sure, it helped my erection and increased my libido. Always thinking about sex. Anyways, Regarding dosage, i am...
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    HMG and FSH prices??

    Thanks Nelson. I need to do that arrangement. Even if custom hold my package, i have prescription right? So i guess i will be fine. What do u say?
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    HMG and FSH prices??

    So Guys, i am from canada. Here, its impossible to get trt prescription let alone HMG or FSH. So, i was wondering if i can get prescription from the usa doctor? Do anyone knows who can prescribe it. I guess Defy does it right? Can anyone clarify? Thanks
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    Long term Clomid use

    Oh cool!!Its good news for people like me who has low shbg. So bottomline, clomid or nolva will increase SHBG right?