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  1. A

    Long term use of AI

    Hi, Has anyone used Aromatase Inhibitor for long time? I would like to know whats your thought on this? What are the side effects. It would be helpful if there is no serious side effects for low shbg guys. FYI: I am on low TRT dosage and I am trying to avoid AI but just wondering if anybody...
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    HCG Storage

    Thanks Cataceous and Nelson.
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    HCG Storage

    Thanks Vince. Wondering what is the reason for putting 28 days on the bottle.
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    HCG Storage

    Awesome. I will do it. Thanks for the tips.
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    HCG Storage

    Have you done it before?
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    HCG Storage

    Cool. Thanks fifty. I was worried.
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    HCG Storage

    Hi, My HCG which is pregnyl shows that the reconstitute solution is good for 28 days. That means, once the powder is mixed with solution then it can be used max 28 days right provided its kept in fridge. I use less dosage like 600iu per week and my HCG last for 2 months. What should i do...
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    Minimum Dosage or freq for low SHBG

    So Are you planning to increase AI? Looks like HCG might be aromatizing. Currently i am using 10mg test with 200iu hcg 3 times week and 0.5mg Armidex EOD as my SHBG is below normal. I am feeling good after daily injection. So now i am planning to cut Armidex for a month and check my estrogen...
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    Minimum Dosage or freq for low SHBG

    So all your results look good. So whats the normal estrogen level? Sorry i am from canada so its different reading here. So i believe its 40 is the normal high right? So, Are you having any high estrogen symtoms?
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    Minimum Dosage or freq for low SHBG

    Hi Gunga, What else are you using along with testosterone? I thought 10mg per day is minimum you can use without aromatizing too much into estrogen
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    Minimum Dosage or freq for low SHBG

    Thanks Slicktop, I understand your viewpoint. Sounds like perfect combination to combat estrogen n excess dht. I get rapid heart beat due to high estrogen. Also its a good idea not to use AI. I am trying to manage without AI by reducing the testosterone to 10mg per day, if this doesnt work then...
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    Are there any problems with having zero gonadotrophin?

    I have above normal IGF and also have high cholestrol. So thought ill just inform you. Do some research on high IGF1, you will come across some interesting findings.
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    Minimum Dosage or freq for low SHBG

    Thanks SlickTop, I live in canada so its little hard to get prescription but i heard about it but dint do much research. I did quick search and came to know that it doesnt not convert to estrogen or DHT. So, I have couple of quick question. 1)Does that mean HPTA axis will not be shut down right...
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    Minimum Dosage or freq for low SHBG

    Thanks for sharing your experience. I never tried testosterone gel. Its the symtoms that ultimately matter not the blood work. If your feeling good then its working for you. Looks like cream wont be converted into estrogen as much as injection. Hows ur erection n libido?
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    Minimum Dosage or freq for low SHBG

    Interesting..seems like it works better with clomid then for someone who wants to have kids while on TRT. Please do inform me if you come across any news. Story of every canadian-hard to find nice doctor.
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    Minimum Dosage or freq for low SHBG

    Just googled. Its says available in canada. I am from canada too. I live in Toronto. Looks like its a combination of clomid and testosterone. It ensures LH n FSH remains high while on TRT which clomid fails to do while on TRT. I want to try it honestly. Let me know if u figure out where to get...
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    Are there any problems with having zero gonadotrophin?

    If test n estrogen is in check then u should look other parameters like ur insulin, waistline n obesity.
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    Question for those injecting daily...

    Thanks Vince. Also, my testicles are only working say 30% as i am primary hypogonadism. My LH n FSH were above the normal range and my test was just below normal range. So i figured some part of my testicles are working so hcg will help to keep it running if not restore fertility. My sperm count...
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    Question for those injecting daily...

    I read that minimum 250iu is the optimal dosage for it to work. So i was under the impression that 250iu is bare mininum. Ok i will try lower HCG dosage then. Do u think 100iu 3x week will help to restore my testicles from shrinking? Thanks
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    Question for those injecting daily...

    Tats too much for me as i have low shbg. For me, 10mg per day is enough i guess. I am trying it out from today with 10mg test ED and 250iu HCG 3 times a week. Just in a phase of identifying proper dosage.
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    Question for those injecting daily...

    Awesome Cataceous. Thanks for the details. That make sense why certain esters, with 7 to 8 days of half life works better. Subcutaneous makes it absorbs further slowly making it possible to take once in a week.
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    Minimum Dosage or freq for low SHBG

    I dont mind using AI but what i read was it will convert remaining testosterone to dht and dht triggers prostate enlargement n cancer. So little worried about using AI for long term. Thats my last hope to use AI. I have some questions actually. Does AI blocks conversion to both estrogen n dht or...
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    Question for those injecting daily...

    I am no expert but ester with shorter half life is better for daily injection right? Or what ever the half life of natural testosterone which i believe is 2 to 4 hrs. May be testicles produces testosterone through out the day i believe and we cant mimic it so closest we can achieve is through...
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    Are there any problems with having zero gonadotrophin?

    Do u have high cholesteol or abdominal fat? Insulin n igf are closely related. High igf is a problem.
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    Interesting findings regarding my low SHBG after adding NDT when reviewing old labs....

    I checked mine with 2 labs actually one lab came low and one normal which is just 5 days apart. Looks like i need to give a shot. So, you take 1 grain per day right? Did it help to reduce your abdominal fat? Do u have high cholesterol?
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    Minimum Dosage or freq for low SHBG

    Thanks Vince. Regarding 250iu HCG. Is it ok? I believe your doing 500iu twice a week. Since i have low shbg, i was thinking to minimize the aromatization by using hcg 250iu three times a week. May i know ur thoughts about this? Thanks
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    Minimum Dosage or freq for low SHBG

    Thanks Vince. I am also using 250iu 3 times a week and planning to use 10mg everyday. I will do blood work after 2 weeks and let you know the results. I heard metformin or thyroid supplements might increase shbg levels. What is ur thought on this?
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    Minimum Dosage or freq for low SHBG

    Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anyone were able to decrease or stop the aromatization of testosterone without the use of AI. If yes, what would be the minimum dosage we need? Does daily injection reduces aromatization? Its hard to find proper dosage for people with low SHBG and they end up...
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    Heart Palpitations - Testosterone Injection Day

    I have been on trt n hcg from past 2 months and i have elevated estrogen. I think estrogen is the culprit here. Looks like test will not increase ur heart rate. Decrease ur dosage. I use 20mg test EOD.
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    Interesting findings regarding my low SHBG after adding NDT when reviewing old labs....

    Thats interesting. What was your thyroid levels before taking thyroid supplements? Research shows hypothyroidism is the cause for low shbg levels in men but i have normal levels of t3, t4 n tsh levels. Wondering if it help if i increase these levels. What do u suggest?
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    Interesting findings regarding my low SHBG after adding NDT when reviewing old labs....

    Thanks Billy, I will post my blood report soon. I started TRT two month ago and finding it hard to find a proper dosage bcas of low shbg. Right now, i am using 250iu HCG EOD and 20mg Test EOD and i using 0.5mg AI EOD. I am planning to stop AI and check again after 2 weeks to see if my estrogen...