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  1. D

    Wanted: the benefits of HCG, but without the anxiety it gives me. Titrate dose?

    That's interesting to know. Perhaps there is an "adjustment" phase to be pushed through in order to find the peaceful side of hCG therapy. I may start out with 50 UI every other day for awhile and see where I find myself at. Then, bump it up a bit...and so forth, until I find a sweet spot...
  2. D

    Wanted: the benefits of HCG, but without the anxiety it gives me. Titrate dose?

    DW, when you state: "pregnenolone hits the spot for me", what exactly does it do for you that DHEA didn't/doesn't do for you? What dosage are you using and for how long have you been adding it to your daily routine?
  3. D

    Wanted: the benefits of HCG, but without the anxiety it gives me. Titrate dose?

    Thanks SJ, for the comments and the confirmation that there are just some people to whom hCG is not an option. I will try what you described too and see if possibly I can fit through the crack hopefully, we'll see. If not, I will try maybe to go off T and then restart again as you've done...
  4. D

    I replace all my hormones. Here is what I learned.

    Have you experimented with injecting daily vs. your 2x/week protocol? If so, what differences were felt? Do you prefer to have the larger rises/drops in levels vs. more steady state?
  5. D

    Wanted: the benefits of HCG, but without the anxiety it gives me. Titrate dose?

    The "convenience" route seems easy enough, and would likely give me the information needed to understand any cortisol changes via hcg or without. Thanks.
  6. D

    Wanted: the benefits of HCG, but without the anxiety it gives me. Titrate dose?

    I haven't been tested in either state. Perhaps I should do so. What is the best way to test one's cortisol levels? Simple blood test from a local lab? Or, something else?
  7. D

    Wanted: the benefits of HCG, but without the anxiety it gives me. Titrate dose?

    Been on basic T replacement now for 2 years and still haven't dialed in that "I feel great!" level of satisfaction. I read often that those who add HCG to their protocols improve their situations. I've tried it twice before, but anxiety is all I get for it. At the time of this writing, I...
  8. D

    Blood Results Today Show Low Estradiol vs. TT - Advice?

    My current thinking is to indeed lower my dosage first from the 122.5mg it is currently per week, to something around 87.5mg and inject daily now (12.5mg) to mimic more the daily diurnal cycle. I would like to improve my DHEA and progesterone numbers and see if there is a positive effect on my...
  9. D

    Blood Results Today Show Low Estradiol vs. TT - Advice?

    Gman86, I went back and re-checked my numbers and you are correct, I've been mis-dosing and instead am injecting 35mg EOD/122.5mg per week. May explain the malaise and it would help to lower my dosage amount to 100mg per week to see if things improve. In our eagerness to get things right, often...
  10. D

    Blood Results Today Show Low Estradiol vs. TT - Advice?

    Here's my current protocol: EOD injections of 14mg Test E for weekly total of 49mg of Test E. 10mg Cialis EOD Blood drawn on morning of injection BEFOREHAND to show trough Results As Follows: TT: 1033 (ref range: 193-740) FT: 58 (ref range: 8-27) E2: 37 (ref range: 41-91.9) Hematocrit: 47.3...
  11. D

    New Start w/HCG(250ui EOD) Now Recurring Herpes Outbreaks

    Thanks for weighing in Nelson, but I'm not taking any arginine, and I'm not unduly stressed at the moment either. I've had herpes for over 30 years and have never had such a rough time with outbreaks as I'm having now and I'm well aware of all the 'triggers'. I have added taking some...
  12. D

    New Start w/HCG(250ui EOD) Now Recurring Herpes Outbreaks

    Wanting to know if others have had a similar result of having more frequent recurring HSV-2 outbreaks when using HCG. It is the only change in my protocol within the last 3 weeks and I have had now 3 separate outbreaks back-to-back-to-back. I'm clipped so not needing HCG for fertility, but...
  13. D

    Significant Loss of Orgasm Sensation from Very Low E2?

    Once I get my E numbers back up and my equipment working better, I may attempt to do just this. I've experimented with dissolving a tablet of Arimidex in vodka and see that it is a bit non-scientific, but adding 2ml's to 1mg of AI gets it pretty close to a micro-dose amount that may be suitable...
  14. D

    Significant Loss of Orgasm Sensation from Very Low E2?

    With E at 75 I honestly didn't feel all that good. My libido was next to sexual thoughts, no stirring in my penis seeing my naked wife, etc. I could get an erection just fine using Cialis, but the arousal+libido connection wasn't there. I normally run TT from 750 to 1100 using...
  15. D

    Significant Loss of Orgasm Sensation from Very Low E2?

    Taking the advice of my HRT doctor addressing my high E2 numbers from my last tests...75, she prescribed for me to take .25mgs of Arimidex 2x's weekly to see if my numbers could fall into the range of 15-20. However, from my past experience having crushed my E2 to <5, I decided to only take...
  16. D

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Update: Hydroxychloroquine and Other Treatments

    After seeing a video on it last night, I very quietly went to 4 different pharmacies here in Puerto Vallarta and found only 3 boxes of CQ, which was all my wife and I would need should it be necessary if we come down with covid-19. All other pharmacies were out.
  17. D

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Update: Hydroxychloroquine and Other Treatments

    A New York Post article today states that a New Jersey man's life was saved by hydroxychloroquine. He is Chinese and has relatives in China who suggested his doctors give him that protocol. He said he would be dead if he hadn't taken it...
  18. D

    8 Months on Daily Scrotal T Cream, E2 Still High

    That is quite the program...I'm glad it is working well for you. I'm not certain I can put that much effort and finesse into mine, but will try to implement at least its purpose of a base, then rhythms on top to mimic natural ebbs and flows. Maybe in time, I will get to where I'm at your level...
  19. D

    8 Months on Daily Scrotal T Cream, E2 Still High

    What DHT derivative are you using? What is your protocol? What effect is it having on your overall program?
  20. D

    8 Months on Daily Scrotal T Cream, E2 Still High

    Yes indeed, I'm well aware now that everyone responds differently to many of the same things in TRT. One is feeling fantastic on "X" amount on "X" days and another doing the exact same thing, dosage and timing, and feels like they're near death. What I like about his protocol is that he failed...
  21. D

    8 Months on Daily Scrotal T Cream, E2 Still High

    Thank you for your advice...and I agree that cream is not the answer for me. I found a post here on Excelmale forums from last summer from someone(said both he and his wife are doctors in Spain) that after 3 years on and off of TRT struggling with high E2 symptoms, high BP etc., that he...
  22. D

    8 Months on Daily Scrotal T Cream, E2 Still High

    The FT reference range on my lab report is between 1.00 - 28.28. And I agree, my FT is very high as is my E2. And I'm only doing one application of 100mg. per day, generally late mornings. I think I'll stop with the cream and begin pinning 2 times a week beginning with 50mg. of Sustanon and...
  23. D

    8 Months on Daily Scrotal T Cream, E2 Still High

    Gman...currently, and for some time now my free T is around 66 pg/mL. So, I don't think I need any more Total Test. TT= 954.85 ng/mL FT= 66.40 pg/mL E2= 78.91 pg/mL SHBG= 26.90 nmol/L I've been at these levels for a few months now after I stopped taking 200mg of cream each day, then down to...
  24. D

    8 Months on Daily Scrotal T Cream, E2 Still High

    Advice Needed From Others In The Same Boat... I've been on a daily regime of scrotal T cream application of 100mg and running my TT at around 950 ng/dL after about 8 solid months. My E2 has settled around 80 pg/ml and while I feel generally alright, I'm wishing for a better libido feeling...big...
  25. D

    The Amazing Bremelanotide PT-141 (Vyleesi)

    When you purchased from Nootropics, were you able to use a credit card? I see they use some sort of "e-check" or something of the sort and it asks for your online banking sign-in and password...which I WILL NOT give out. Anyone find this strange...or, is this normal?
  26. D

    Year and 1/2 on T wife and I love is what she said.

    Yes, I was referring to the general E2 test levels. Where I live, the standard test for E2 is the only one available currently.
  27. D

    Year and 1/2 on T wife and I love is what she said.

    I've been doing some reading on the T/E ratio "sweet spot" here and on other boards, that men on TRT are reporting that a ratio of T to E of between 15:1 - 18:1 is where guys seem to be saying that they are at their very best...even if their TT isn't necessarily at 1100 and above. Your T/E...
  28. D

    DHEA makes me...

    Yes. 150gm around 6-7am in the morning and then another 50 around 11am after my morning shower before heading to work. Feeling pretty good. Morning wood each morning now and is so strong it's been waking me up but I go back to sleep easily. Today was the first time in a very long time...30...
  29. D

    DHEA makes me...

    I couldn't handle the mood swings of just a little bit of HCG, so dropped it altogether awhile back and feel better as a result. Hope you continue to improve back to where you were when you posted earlier. I just bumped up my daily test cream to 200mg from 150mg hoping to improve libido even...