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  1. maxadvance

    Resistance Exercise Can Increase Liver Enzymes

    True story, I had to check because I've really wrecked myself the past two weeks and am curious as to what this mornings blood tests will reveal Muscular exercise can cause highly pathological liver function tests in healthy men What is already known about this subject The occurrence of...
  2. maxadvance

    Bingo ! Low SHBG due to ...

    choline inositol supplement, all the old school bodybuilders swore by it
  3. maxadvance

    Oral growth hormone enhancer MK-677 (ibutamoren)

    I'm doing daily MK-2866 for past 3 months, 20mg oral dose. Very effective at recover and repair, my shoulders swear by it. For years I had a severe impingement, and any attempts at shoulder presses would wreck them for a week. MK and now I've added S-4 have made a huge difference in my life. I...
  4. maxadvance

    RESULTS of my full blood test.

    Tour T seems to be normal, though there is no free T test. Your blood pressure is high, your resting pulse is high, your hematocrit is already over 50%, and you have two liver markers out of whack, including your c reactive protein. I don't think T is your best option right now. I think you need...
  5. maxadvance

    What does test 300mg, test 250 mg mean?

    What's your protocol? How often do you inject and how much? If it's once per week, it looks about right, if it's twice per week it looks low. Your E looks elevated, but if you feel great I wouldn't worry too much about it or adding an AI. Check your bloodwork so you know the Test isn't killing...
  6. maxadvance

    What does test 300mg, test 250 mg mean?

    UGL stands for underground labs. And since they're illegal many on this board will not be comfortable discussing them. But they are a reality, and in the end hopefully you can get steered to using an actual MD with actual pharmacy meds. What is the name of the company on the bottle you are...
  7. maxadvance

    What does test 300mg, test 250 mg mean?

    Dude the bottle should say 350mg/ml. PER ML! So when you inject .5ml you are injecting half of the 350mg so ....175mg in that injection. Get it? FYI, 350mg/ml is an overly potent concoction. It is especially difficult to keep the stuff stable in the carrier oil when potencies are 300mg/ml or...
  8. maxadvance

    SHBG Low, Confusing Results

    You feel fine, the TRT is working and ALL your tests are inside normal range. Dude, you are overthinking.
  9. maxadvance

    Without HCG and feel cooler and less face flushing

    Really? , I'm going to take a month off and see the effects then
  10. maxadvance

    Video: Interview with Dr Rand McClain About Testosterone and More

    lol, right? Nelsons face was not a happy face. But losing 8-10lbs in less than a couple weeks from taking arimedex to get that 15-20 number was pretty compelling.
  11. maxadvance

    Scream Cream to Increase Sex Drive and Orgasms in Women

    Bad link, goes to a search address
  12. maxadvance

    What You Should Know About the Main Side Effect of Testosterone

    That may be true, in my case the needle went through the other side of my vein and bled internally in my arm for a few minutes, they got between 1 and 2 units before that happened. And the Second unit of plasma that usually goes back into your body didn't make it back into mine. Oops. They...
  13. maxadvance

    What You Should Know About the Main Side Effect of Testosterone

    Yes, I have. Every 59 days is the allowable period. It's called double red blood cell donation.
  14. maxadvance

    What You Should Know About the Main Side Effect of Testosterone

    This is false, in fact the truth is just the opposite, they will actually implore you to give a double red blood cell count instead.
  15. maxadvance

    Help with face flushing

    Whats your blood pressure?
  16. maxadvance

    Lipo-C - Who's using / what doses?

    I did 1ml twice a week in the beginning, subq insulin pin in the belly, honestly didn't feel much of anything. Another downside is that your whole body reeks of B vitamins for a day after the shot.
  17. maxadvance

    Nandrolone for CRPS/RSD

    I thought there was clear evidence that Deca raises prolactin levels, but pronounced when dosing is 300mg per week or higher. 200mg per week is def a conservative dose. I had DiscountedLabs run my prolactin, it was 37, but have no ED issues.
  18. maxadvance

    EPA vs DHA, Know the Differences

    If you suspect that then send it back, I've been buying direct from OmegaVia through Amazon and have had no issues. They bottle and test their stuff here in the USA and are based here in California. I cancelled my order of the blueocean and got this instead, I trust the company and this stuff is...
  19. maxadvance

    Soliciting Your Questions for Upcoming Interview with Dr Rand McClain

    Awesome! 1. What is his suggested course of action for men with naturally low SHBG, but definitely feel the benefits of TRT? The problem being that though Total T is great, the Free T is off the charts but fluctuates greatly between doses, ie. Metabolizes the drug way faster than average? 2...
  20. maxadvance

    EPA vs DHA, Know the Differences

    lol, that stuff looks good, but when I started my hunt for omegas I discovered that EPA was available exclusively, and EPA was the primary omega that fought inflammation between the 2, and that EPA competed with DHA for absorption. So there's that. But that looks potent, I'll order some right...
  21. maxadvance

    EPA vs DHA, Know the Differences

    Haven't seen that b4, but one it contains soy, and two I read somewhere that EPA and DHA compete witheachother for absorption so it made me want to take them exclusively if I took both. That being said I just ordered some of this on Amazon because of it's super potency of 1000mg per pill of...
  22. maxadvance

    EPA vs DHA, Know the Differences

    Wow, you have an actual opinion. Right on dude. In the interest of civility, nice post dude, how about trimming that first post of yours to under 4 screen shots.
  23. maxadvance

    EPA vs DHA, Know the Differences

    lmao, article was about EPA vs DHA, not Taking Fish Oil. You had zero take and zero response in your post, just a C&P of a lame mile long article that is barely related to the threads intent. And took 4 page scrolls just to get past it. Your web etiquette sucks. You added squat to any...
  24. maxadvance

    EPA vs DHA, Know the Differences

    I'm familiar with Lovaza, it is expensive but Docs make more money with statins and Lovaza is not profitable as it stands. I take purified EPA by OmegaVia, 500mg per cap, 120 caps for $28. A fraction of the cost of Lovaza. I can't personally attest to survival rate, but my triglycerides dropped...
  25. maxadvance

    EPA vs DHA, Know the Differences

    Both are uniquely beneficial, but when combating inflammation and omega-6's, EPA is a clear choice, my omega-3 consumption is split up between the 2. What are the real differences between EPA and...
  26. maxadvance

    Latest labs

    Your triglycerides are high your hdl is low, the ratio is over 8-1, ideally it should be 2-1. You are at a high risk of developing heart disease. With tris that high the ldl in your body are likely the small bad kind instead of the big puffy kind. So yes, your diet should be first on the list to...
  27. maxadvance

    6 month blood work - going to twice per week - update

    I'd guess it's your hematocrit to blame, 55 is pretty high. I was in a similar boat, 56, and did a double red blood cell last week. But my resting heart rate was still 70-80, still high for me. I was 155/95, after the phlebo it was back to 130/80 within a few days. I'm still guzzling extra fish...
  28. maxadvance

    Adenosine Monophosphate/ AMP-5 Injection

    I take CoQ10 and add D-Ribose in my twice daily protein shakes, same purpose
  29. maxadvance

    New labs 80mg T twice weekly, 150IU HCG daily, DHEA 25mg twice daily

    Dude, statins suck ass. LDL that gets too low actually causes memory loss and a host of other bad shit. You're Triglycerides to HDL ratio is practically 1-1, anything under 2-1 is awesome. Get the book , The Great Cholesterol Myth, guys on here have already touted it and it is a friggin eye...
  30. maxadvance

    New labs 80mg T twice weekly, 150IU HCG daily, DHEA 25mg twice daily

    Crazy panel. Kidneys fantastic, liver very poor, crazy low cholesterol. How do you feel?