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  1. maxadvance

    Estradiol issue...

    You brought this response on yourself. You gave no specific details on your E count, you didn't say what test, you said your count on 350mg of T is high but no AI needed, and then you say you're not on TRT. If anyone sounds drunk and isn't making sense I'm going to have to say it's you.
  2. maxadvance

    IMPORTANT: Questions About Defy

    Absolutely agree with this. I have answered questions regarding DEFY and my experience with them. I have NEVER just commented 'Call Defy' and left it at that. I have spoken about my personal experience with them, and have spoken of positives and a few negatives. They are constantly referred to...
  3. maxadvance

    IMPORTANT: Questions About Defy

    1. I'm planning a visit to FL, would having my physical and blood work done at Defy speed up the process any? not really, usually have to visit a labcorp facility anyway, 2-3 days for results 2. Do prescribed meds cost more through Defy than normal? a little bit, but that's what keeps the...
  4. maxadvance

    Abstracts from the 2016 AUA Convention

    I agree, that was pure speculation. ;) RBC doesn't fluctuate like T levels do, if that were the case I could expect my Hematocrit to drop a few points by skipping a dose, it doesn't, I tried. This finding is very interesting.
  5. maxadvance

    Prolactin High End (13.0 ng/ml (4.0 - 15.2) - Is Cabergoline Justified?

    Your prolactin is not high, it is in normal range. Mine was 37 and though high it wasn't freaky high, libido was still good and I did take caber to see if it could improve. It did nothing. What I have taken that helped libido and drop water weight is proviron, it also lowers SHBG though mine is...
  6. maxadvance

    you want to know who has best...Whey, Vitamins, supplements

    Good link thanks. My protein got an A-, Dymatize ISO100, though not top 5 it's a whey hydrolysate , which is faster absorbing than just about all the wheys ranked above it. Plus I get 5lbs for $70 through, a huge discount.
  7. maxadvance

    Should one supplement with Iron after Blood donations?

    lol, I posted 2 threads, one about Iron supplementation being viewed as a death sentence, one about lowered iron levels after donation being looked upon as beneficial. Both relevant. Got 2 big thank yous from posters. Actually gave some personal input, and didn't post some stupid generic article...
  8. maxadvance

    Should one supplement with Iron after Blood donations?

    There's an ongoing argument about iron supplementation, to the point where some think it''ll kill you. Read this article to get that side of the discussion. Here's a relevant excerpt, "[h=4]Blood Donors Are Healthier Than Non-Donors[/b]Blood donors lose large amounts of iron with each...
  9. maxadvance

    Has anyone tried Bpc 157?

    Hers's a study where they actually had to inject the stuff into the body cavity in addition to using a topical cream to get results. Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 (PL 14736) Improves Ligament Healing in the Rat - PubMed Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 (PL 14736) improves ligament healing in the rat...
  10. maxadvance

    Has anyone tried Bpc 157?

    Sounds promising, BUT as in stuff like this and sarms, etc. finding the real peptide, with real potency and more importantly a legitimate biodelivery with proven bio availability is the trick. Impact of Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on Muscle Healing Impaired by Systemic Corticosteroid Application -...
  11. maxadvance

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    Deca takes up to six weeks to start to really feel the effect. 50mg a week is a dose that may have no effect at all. I ran 100mg of Test and 75mg of Deca every 3.5 days. My prolactin went from 20 to high 30's, and my hematocrit went from 48 to 55. No negative effect on libido, in fact it got better.
  12. maxadvance

    Labcorp Alternatives When Working With Defy

    Lol, I just dropped $280 for bloodtests with Discounted labs and guess what? I just got a free consult with a RN from Defy! Nelson, who should I ask for? :rolleyes:
  13. maxadvance

    My experience as a Clomid Unicorn

    Am I missing something here? Why haven't you or your docs tried to address the E2 issue?