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  1. maxadvance

    Doctor just put me on dutasteride for BPH

    tangent, but Cialis kills me with leg cramps for days, even low dose
  2. maxadvance

    Melatonin gives me insomnia?

    agree w hi dose theory, I was just like you, I'd wake up in the middle of the nite. I started taking Life Extension 6 hour timed release 3mg tablets, and it's perfect. No insomnia, great nites sleep.
  3. maxadvance

    nandrolone- atrophy in quads? Also, legalities and terminology

    You absolutely did refer to this at one point in the past, and there are studies that cite this phenomena. And honestly, I can attest to the fact when I was on deca quad size was one area that did not respond to weightlifting, presses, squats, etc. Strength is another story.
  4. maxadvance

    How long does it take for hematocrit to normalize after stopping TRT?

    take 3 grams of curcumin per day in 2 doses with 5-10 mg of bioperrine each dose for a month, your hematocrit will drop 3-5 points. I use Jarrow Curcumin 95 w C3 complex and a 10 mg bioperrine supplement from Carlyle. Taking bioperrine is critical to making this work. Works fast for me and I...
  5. maxadvance

    Naringin supplement to lower hematocrit

    take 3 grams of curcumin per day in 2 doses with 5-10 mg of bioperrine each dose for a month, your hematocrit will drop 3-5 points. I use Jarrow Curcumin 95 w C3 complex and a 10 mg bioperrine supplement from Carlyle. Taking bioperrine is critical to making this work. Works fast for me and I...
  6. maxadvance

    Curcumin to Lower Hematocrit ?

    Well first you can try to take curcumin of at least 3 grams a day like I suggested here in this thread. If not, get a script from a doctor for a therapeutic phlebotomy. Defy would do this if you're their patient. Likely any other T doc would as well. Find a blood bank in your area that will...
  7. maxadvance

    Curcumin to Lower Hematocrit ?

    not sure, only time i had ferritin checked was a couple years ago and it was in the upper normal range. My RBC is 5.86, last month it was 6.02. Not sure if that helps, both are above normal range.
  8. maxadvance

    Curcumin to Lower Hematocrit ?

    Some stomach issues the first few days, other than that not really. Once I get the hct to about 52 Ill probably do 1.5 grams a day
  9. maxadvance

    Curcumin to Lower Hematocrit ?

    Saw the thread a few weeks back regarding a cancer patient that took curcumin to relieve his arthritis while undergoing chemo. His hemoglobin dropped a few points in a short period. So being the lab rat that I am, and having some pretty juicy hct numbers, I had to see for myself. Let me start...
  10. maxadvance

    Turmeric and iron?

    hemoglobin dropped 1.5 points in less than 2 months, that's 5-6 points off your hematocrit. When he stopped the turmeric his hemoglobin went up 2 points in a matter of weeks. He took 3.25 grams of oral capsules, and who knows if they were typical poor bioavailability or they were enhanced with...
  11. maxadvance

    Turmeric and iron?

    interesting, didn't say what dose he was taking of turmeric, scratch that it was about 3.25 grams a day
  12. maxadvance

    Discounted Labs- Outstanding

    Just some evidence based results. Ordered online for Test-total and free, and hematocrit for $34 plus labdraw at 12:45 Thursday pm. Made labcorp appointment for 1:30 same day. Got lab requisition at 12:55, printed it and arrived at Labcorp at 1:05. Checked in and seated right away, was finished...
  13. maxadvance

    EOD vs twice weekly Sustanon fluctuation could be the key

    He writes this less than 14 days into a new protocol, cmon man
  14. maxadvance

    Successfully lowered my Hemocrit

    I just started taking natto, will report back
  15. maxadvance

    MK677 Who's Using

    Couple things. He never says it is his 'go to' peptide, on top of that he clearly states that MK677 is not a peptide, it's not legal, and he makes zero mention of actually prescribing it.
  16. maxadvance

    Hematocrit - The Cause of My Problem?

    hemoglobin needs to be under 20 on their test, that's about a 59 in hematocrit
  17. maxadvance

    Hematocrit drives Blood Viscosity- Does that Matter in Men on TRT? Effect of Altitude?

    I wrote a thread about it, like I said 57 feels like a world of difference than 55 to me Evidence Based Symptoms, High Hematocrit Effect on Blood Pressure
  18. maxadvance

    Hematocrit drives Blood Viscosity- Does that Matter in Men on TRT? Effect of Altitude?

    my resting heartbeat doesn't change either, between 55-60 regardless of hct, and I've had hct as high as 58. BP triggered at 55.
  19. maxadvance

    Hematocrit drives Blood Viscosity- Does that Matter in Men on TRT? Effect of Altitude?

    Everyone is likely different, if your hct went to 57 it may go up dramatically. For someone else 55 might be a trigger level. For me personally My body feels fine under 55, over 55 and it's a different story.
  20. maxadvance

    Hematocrit - The Cause of My Problem?

    chest pain and itchy skin, ok, what led you to suspect it's high hematocrit?
  21. maxadvance


    more cardio, more veggies, and exemestane is a suicide inhibitor, that shit is hardcore
  22. maxadvance

    Well, this can't be good, high dose aas >>>Dementia

    Supraphysiologic-dose anabolic-androgenic steroid use: a risk factor for dementia? Kaufman MJ1, Kanayama G2, Hudson JI2, Pope HG2. Author information Abstract Supraphysiologic-dose anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) use is associated with physiologic, cognitive, and brain abnormalities similar...
  23. maxadvance

    Dr scare tactics

    that's interesting, I wonder if that's the norm or an exception. But having half of your T producing engines eliminated can't be ideal or expected to produce normal levels afterwards.
  24. maxadvance

    Dr scare tactics

    Not to be an ass, but you citing T levels after at least one nut has been cut off is pretty laughable too
  25. maxadvance

    Ditch your AI now - you don't need it!

    I'm just saying you're being premature in your diagnosis. An ai won't make gyno worse, or give you gyno on its' own. You never said that you were medically diagnosed with gyno, but if you were there is a possibility it will come back harder than before irregardless of you taking an ai or not. If...
  26. maxadvance

    Is a one inch needle too much?

    I use 1 inch in my glutes, 5/8 anywhere else
  27. maxadvance

    DHEA Dosing Protocol

    I tried it years ago and I was dosing 50-100 mg a day and it just felt bad. Now I'm seeing protocols of 10-25mg per day by some and saying that it's perfect for them. Others saying that anything over 30mg a day is too much and kills any benefit it may provide at a lower dose. And others like...