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  1. H

    Injection challenges, possibly not injecting correctly. How to fix?

    I've had the same experience re spasms when injecting in the vastus lateralis, then it would feel bruised for a week after. I now make sure to inject higher up in the rectus femoris, but I don't have a problem pressing the plunger.
  2. H

    Should I Inject Every 10 Days?

    What's your SHBG? If your a low SHBG guy you will definitely be miserable on an every 10 day protocol. If mid to high you may be able to ride through without too much discomfort.
  3. H

    Low SHBG: T Gel along with Injected T has Helped Somewhat

    I had one doctor suggest I might have something he would describe as acquired Kallmann syndrome if such a thing exists. There is also idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, which has some similar symptoms. I would not be surprised if there are some genetic similarities between these...
  4. H

    Low SHBG: T Gel along with Injected T has Helped Somewhat

    That is good news. I know exactly what you mean about the difference between a 1 and a 3 considering I've been at a 1 so long myself. Hopefully after my next consult I'll get to try something similar. Hard to keep on the same protocol month after month and not feel anything from it.
  5. H

    Topical Testosterone Adherence Low

    This. I had a friend whose doctor gave him Androgel samples. Said he felt better using it but when he went to the pharmacy to pick up his prescription and saw how much it cost he never continued.
  6. H

    Libido correlated with Free T and T:E ratio

    But their average total T was 310ng/dL and their average E2 was 4.4ng/dL. I don't think this study is applicable to anyone on TRT who will have levels much, much higher than that.
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    Started Nature-Thyroid Yesterday

    Yes, I had that feeling when I started. Give it a few days and it should go away as your body adjusts.
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    Challenges With TRT

    I can tell you from my own experience that even someone with mid-range SHBG can feel no benefit from TRT, although this seems quite rare, at least in online t-forums. I do get one objective benefit from TRT in that my lipid panel is the best its ever been.
  9. H

    Starting TRT - Testosterone and HCG Twice Weekly

    I'm a big fan of starting low, testing, and adjusting from there. I started at 120mg/week in divided doses. That put my total T over 1500, and E2 and DHT were more than double the top of their reference ranges. Felt like S**T.
  10. H

    On TRT, Great Two Weeks, Now Nothing

    Why do you think anyone on this forum guessing about your situation will help you in any way? Get labs and find out what is gong on. :)
  11. H

    Royal Men’s Medical destroyed my Estradiol!!! Beware!!

    My own N=1 trial with 20% compounded cream resulted in supraphysiological levels 2 hours after application dropping down to about half that 8 hours after application. I guess everyone in different. Since switching to every other day injections I've seen much less variability.
  12. H

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Sildenafil (Viagra) is also FDA approved for daily use under the name Revatio. Although with the short half life it is prescribed to be taken 3 times a day.
  13. H

    Axiron or Androgel: Any Differences?

    As you've seen, online forums like this one highly biased against transdermals because most of the guys who end up here have failed to get good results with them.
  14. H

    I think that my E2 has spiked

    Sounds like you went through the honeymoon period that many who start TRT feel, and now you body has adjusted and come back down to earth. Only real way to know for sure is to get labs.
  15. H

    New to Defy: Protocol and Supplies - Questions

    It's not the labels on the vial that's a problem, it's the label with the prescription information that is almost illegible. At least the the prescriptions I've received.
  16. H

    New to Defy: Protocol and Supplies - Questions

    My experience as well. The labels make it look like the stuff is made in a back alley lab somewhere, not in an FDA approved facility. It just gives the wrong impression.
  17. H

    Low Dose test cyp

    No, it's made no difference in symptoms. Other than the tingling nipple feeling.
  18. H

    Low Dose test cyp

    Very interesting. I've had that tingling feeling since I started an AI and got my E2 down to 20. Has me wondering if I stop the AI and let my E2 rise if it will go away.
  19. H

    Any need to raise low DHEA if I feel fine?

    I dropped it specifically because it disrupted my sleep. Made me wake up every hour all night long, even if I took it in the morning. Weird thing is that my last 4x cortisol test looked OK.
  20. H

    Any need to raise low DHEA if I feel fine?

    I had the same bad reaction from Life Extension DHEA as I did from compounded DHEA from Hallandale, I don't think either is micronized. I tolerated transdermal DHEA OK, but it didn't raise my DHEA-S levels much. I've quit all DHEA supplementation for now.
  21. H

    Finding that sweet spot after adding HCG to protocol.

    I've found I tolerate HCG better injecting 100IU daily rather than 350IU twice per week, even though the total weekly dose is the same.
  22. H

    Defy Medical - overmedicated on Thyroid Medication?

    1. The half life of the T4 in the NDT is about a week. It will take 4-6 weeks for your levels to reach steady state. 3 days is not enough time to draw any conclusions about your dose. 2. As Will said, conventional doctors are taught that levo is all you need and that your body will make the T3...
  23. H

    Best thyroid Med

    STTM has a page on the available brands of NDT:
  24. H

    Best thyroid Med

    Since the manufacturer of Armour jacked up the price significantly a lot of people are switching. I don't think you can make a blanket statement that one is better than the other, different people will react differently to different meds. I know one guy who gets ERFA from Canada since he doesn't...
  25. H

    Im vs. Subq?

    Dr. Crisler states this in his book and I find him credible. Of course YMMV and only labs will tell if this is the case for you.
  26. H

    Stopping NDT..

    The different components will have different half lives. The half life Vince is referring to is for the T3 portion. NDT also contain T4 (and some other minor components), the half life of T4 is about 7 days. So if you stop NDT cold turkey the T3 will clear out of your system quickly, but the T4...
  27. H

    Defy - Insurance covering bloodwork

    If only it were this simple.
  28. H

    Defy - Insurance covering bloodwork

    I've also found that BCBS customer service is worse than useless because they give out contradictory answers. Honestly they are just not supplied with the information to answer the question. At one time several years ago I was considering going to T pellets and I called them up to ask if the...
  29. H

    Wellbutrin causing sexual dysfunction?

    Agreed, but finding a qualified competent therapist is almost impossible in my neck of the woods. The first time I tried to find a CBT therapist about 8 years ago he just told me to buy a copy of "When Panic Attacks" by David Burns and read it. That was it, done. He was the 5th and last pysch I...
  30. H

    Defy - Insurance covering bloodwork

    I also have a BCBS plan in my home state and they also process the claim through BCBS of Florida. But in my case my plan covers so called "out of state labs" even though I had the blood draw done in my home state.
  31. H

    Wellbutrin causing sexual dysfunction?

    I had gotten a nice libido boost and improved sleep taking Wellbutrin a couple of years ago. The effect lasted for maybe 8-10 weeks and then faded. Over the past 9 months or so I've been tapering off and it has now been a couple of months since my last dose. At this point I'm back to my original...