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  1. buggies100

    Clomid (and maybe more) with Defy

    Today is my 14th day in a row on 50 mg of clomid daily. That is what TRT dr prescribed as his typical starting dosage. I can tell no difference in how I feel, still low sex drive and general lack of drive. I will do labs after another week, but like you said, some men have no results with...
  2. buggies100

    High Hematocrit & Update Labs

    Have not checked sleep apnea. But my wife is a neuro nurse practioner and says she has sat up at night a few times and has not seen any thing leading her to believe I should be tested.
  3. buggies100

    Just Started Clomid, Will Keep Forum Up to Date

    Beginning of clomid trial 3/29/17 .Since I have been off T for 2 months, I am having some restart. T was up to 364 and LH up to 3.4 2 weeks ago. Since my red blood cell count has been so sensitive to T cyp and I am already starting up again my new dr and I decided to try the clomid route and...
  4. buggies100

    High Hematocrit & Update Labs

    tjlab, I can feel your pain. I was using 200 mg every 2 weeks for 3 years and HCT was at 55-56. I went to 40 mg twice a week, so a lower dose but more frequent. I felt fine but HCt went to 62.1!! Obviously not conducive for living long! I came off everything cold turkey and did monthly...
  5. buggies100

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Thank you, are you saying that with hcg i might be able to use a lower dose of T cyp and still have similar results?
  6. buggies100

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Thank you, are you saying that with hcg i might be able to use a lower dose of T cyp and still have similar results?
  7. buggies100

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Dr Rotman, i am 54 and have been on t cyp flr almost 3 years. I had to come off early feb as my hct had reached very high levels. Since i have been off and done several blood donations, things are lookimg good. The interesting thing is that 2 weeks afo my total t had come up to 364 and LH at...
  8. buggies100

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Dr Rotman, i am 54 and have been on t cyp flr almost 3 years. I had to come off early feb as my hct had reached very high levels. Since i have been off and done several blood donations, things are lookimg good. The interesting thing is that 2 weeks afo my total t had come up to 364 and LH at...
  9. buggies100

    Post workout recovery drink

    What has worked for me I get up at 4 am and in the gym by 5. I first started with a fasted workout, only have a whey isolate drink, which has BCAAs in it. I work out with heavy weights and work to failure quite a bit, so arms, chest, shoulder.... are spent they day they get worked out. I...
  10. buggies100

    Start again with labs and info, hopefully more clear this time

    HA, Yes I am not in my spa, but was talking PSA! TIBC 364 250-450 Uibc 183 111-343 Iron serum 181 38-169 Saturation 50 15-55 There is no hemochromatosis in family. The hematologist tests cam back negative and he was not concerned about this...
  11. buggies100

    Start again with labs and info, hopefully more clear this time

    Also my PSA is never above >5 and TSh has not been checked in a couple of years but is alway in low range. Iron is actually still a bit high after 3 donations over 3 month period
  12. buggies100

    Start again with labs and info, hopefully more clear this time

    Ok, let me see if I can make this more understandable and easier to read.I apologize if it was scatter brained before, I was trying not to make it so cumbersome, but probably made it worse in the process. Sorry Vince Carter and Johndoesmith, thanks for patience I am 54, and have been on TRT...
  13. buggies100

    Post workout recovery drink

    I use whey isolate protein. I find isolate mixes up lots better I am in the gym at 5am, so od do use a prework out mix, has caffiene, nitrus oxide, beta alinine. I mis it with a scoop of whey protein. It is a supplement, so real food is still important, learned that the hard way. Post work...
  14. buggies100

    Totall T went from 49 to 364 in 3 weeks with nothing

    Ok Vince Carter and jds, i hear you. My mind goes faster than my fingers so i do not always explain things completely. Vince i hear the irritation in your post towards my post. As you have gathered i apparently produce a extra ordinary amout of red blood cells with T cyp injections. So what...
  15. buggies100

    Totall T went from 49 to 364 in 3 weeks with nothing

    Just go labs back from last Thursday from discountedlabs, smoking fast! I stopped T back on feb 4 due to 62.1 HCT. Foir weeks ago I did a Total and free T test and I was at 49 total T, 348 being low. Of course I felt pretty poor and absolutely no sexual desire. I have taken no Clomid, HCG or...
  16. buggies100

    Traveling with T and HCG

    I always have. I even mix a few other pills in with the dilaudid, I figure that pill is the one that would wig them out the most.
  17. buggies100

    Are guys that do well on low dose clomid unicorns...or do they really exist?

    I agree, I have never chased numbers, just well being. I have stayed at 400 give or take, 54 year old, for almost 3 years and felt great. Sex 2-3 times weekly lots of energy, great outlook.
  18. buggies100

    Traveling with T and HCG

    This is my same experience, never been questioned. If you have labels no problem, especially in states. Overseas could be a bit different. But in 30 plus trips out of country, into dozen of countries I have never had anybody even ask.
  19. buggies100

    Help with weekly dosage question

    Thanks Vince, I have read that thread. it basically comes down to donating. As fast as mine went up last time at a dose I thought would work, I probably can not keep up with the red blood cell growth, even at monthly donations. Contrary to some, I actually felt fine at 80 mgs per week, juast...
  20. buggies100

    Traveling with T and HCG

    I travel quite a bit via air, mostly out of country, 2 -3 times a year. I always try to save a dose or 2 in a vial of T to take, that way if it gets confiscated I did not loose an entire bottle and then have to explain to Dr why you need a new script, kinda like my dog ate my homework story...
  21. buggies100

    Help with weekly dosage question

    I hear you on consistency, i had been doing the same dose,for three years. Only change was going to 80mg weekly, 40 twice a week. That is what messed me up. I agree that hct can be higher, but at 62 i was short of breath, so it was symptomatic. That is why i stopped, i am afraid a bigger...
  22. buggies100

    Help with weekly dosage question

    I need help trying to find a solution to doseages. I had been in 200 mg every two weeks, yes i k ow it is old school, but that is what Dr had me on for last three years, and it kept my total T in 400 give or take. I felt ok and good sex drive. Hct stayed at 55-56. Being concerned about that...
  23. buggies100

    shortness of breath/fatigue when H&H in range??

    Interesting seeing those symptoms at only 49+ hct. I had those symptoms but not until i hit 62+. I was 55-56 for two year with no symptoms. Hematologist said 56 was fine, but for you obviously it would not be.
  24. buggies100

    Motorcycle Lovers Thread

    I am curretnly riding a 2014 harley ultra. Had a big dog chopper woth 300 rear tire a few years back. Not real good for more than 250 miles in a day, but was fun to ride for short trips
  25. buggies100

    Blood work back from hematologist

    Vince, I woild love to post studies but we were just talking kn the phone and he did not give any specific names. Though he did mention that one in particular was an older study and somebody pocked it up again and proved it true a second time. Sorry i dont have any specifics for you. vince...
  26. buggies100

    Blood work back from hematologist

    Well my hematologist finally got back to ,e today with results from my bloodwork a couple weeks ago. I was sent to him by my trt doc trying to see if there were issues behind my high red blood cells. I was always at 50 gct prior to trt, and went to 55-56 with trt. So i was tested for genetic...
  27. buggies100

    can HCG allow me to take a lower dose of Test and give same effects

    Yeah James, no FSH numbers were ever taken. Guess they figured a 53 year old man with a vasectomy already done..... Thanks for info on stickies
  28. buggies100

    can HCG allow me to take a lower dose of Test and give same effects

    Will, I agree that 400 range is pretty low, I felt good and great libido. Problem is that even at that hct was 55-56. So going higher put hct over 60! That is the question. What can I do to get higher without increasing T dosage. I do every 4 week phlebotomy now, just started that so not...
  29. buggies100

    can HCG allow me to take a lower dose of Test and give same effects

    Vnce, my orignal protocol was the 200mg every two week. That kept my total T in the 400 range(348-1197) and my hct in the 55-56 range. Platletts, wbc, rdw all great, just rbc increase. Trying advice from here and from a phone call with a clinic I went to 40 mg every 3.5 days. That is when...
  30. buggies100

    can HCG allow me to take a lower dose of Test and give same effects

    I am apparently one of those guys whose body produces a lot of extra red blood cells while on T. I do another blood draw down on Thursday and will get a HGB check, I am anticipating it being down to mid 17 range. It has been as high as 62, at which time I stopped all T, about 4 weeks ago. I am...
  31. buggies100

    Any reason why I have been rejected from donating blood?

    I got black listed first time in. They also told me my Iron was high, when in fact they tested hemoglobin. I was over 18 and was denied. Asked if I was on TRT. SO now I have to do the special collection way. Exactly same procedure I just have to pay $60.00 and had to go thru about a month...