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  1. buggies100

    Trough and Hematocrit post yours

    vince, I don't like you anymore either!!!! Congrats to you and CW for working your way to good numbers on HCT
  2. buggies100

    Trough and Hematocrit post yours

    You know us guys with high hct dont like you anymore!!
  3. buggies100

    Trough and Hematocrit post yours

    Total T. 583 free T. 22.4 hct. 52.1
  4. buggies100

    Travelling with medication

    i take a bottle with as little in it as possible, in case it gets confiscated I am not out an entire bottle. I put it in the box it came in with script on it so it looks legal. I have not been to Egypt but all over Africa with no issues.
  5. buggies100

    I just had my HCT checked yesterday HCT 46.9 % 39.0 - 51.0 % range

    That is fantastic news Vince! I know you worked to get to this point, glad to hear this news. Good job
  6. buggies100

    how to cut tadalafil tab into quarters?

    I do same as vince. I have a cheap little plastic splitter. Keep the pills all mixed when split, some days bigger piece some days smaller ipece. Doing daily, it will not affect your theraputic level
  7. buggies100

    And so it begins.....DEFY MEDICAL

    GC, i have found patience is the key. I have landed on start low and go slow mentality. Started my journey in oct 13. That enitr summer i had zero energy and low libido. But what sent to dr for help was a sudden anxiety, when i had never experienced that. I thought i was having heart...
  8. buggies100

    Shout out to bombproof coffee

    Imposted a few weeks back regarding coffee. I do not like coffee at all. Will Brink as aellmas a couple other guys helped me along. I have been successfully getting it down, LOL, formthe last few weeks. While certainly mot something i sit back and enjoy, i can throw it back and get a cup...
  9. buggies100

    How long to run hcg experiment

    I switched over to defy and dr calkin last dec. I had been pretty dialed in prior to but needed a new dr moving forward. Dr calkin added hcg to my protocol. 350 iu every other day. The thinking was that for some folks it can back fill the channels and make you feel better. Of ocurse it can...
  10. buggies100

    Traveling with T

    I travel inside and outside us several times a year. I alway have a labeled box with script on it from pharmacy. I always save a little bit in last bottle to travel with just in case i loose it, it breaks or gets confiscated. If i am not in a situation of low bottle, i make sure i keep empty...
  11. buggies100

    Prostatitis Questions

    Doxy worked for me as well. It was a few years back, but seems to me it was relatively high dose and a long course of it.
  12. buggies100

    Cialis, hit or miss

    I can say somedays it seemed to work better than others. I have gone to 5mg/ day of cialis and that seems to have solved the problem of some inconsistency
  13. buggies100

    Initial blood work.

    Why did you seek out Defy originally? Are you feeling poorly, exhibiting any other signs of low T? While your numbers may not look horrible, they are only numbers. Plus there are other things that may solve your problems that they may help you with. I know it is $250 and that can hurt, but if...
  14. buggies100

    HCG and Test into same Syringe

    I inject both at the same time. I draw up .35 mils of hcg, and then draw up .10 mil of Test and then inject. I do this for each injection. I agree with ratbag, I believe test in fridge would be too thick. I have not tried leaving hug out of fridge to notice if there was an efficiency difference.
  15. buggies100

    In the hospital. Almost died of low potasium

    If I am going to cheat, she must have college cheerleader quality legs as well. That is funny! Glad you are on the upswing. Prayers that they can quickly find the issue with an easy solution!
  16. buggies100

    Can i use tea for coffee in bomb proof

    So for a new drinker who is not fond of coffee. What are suggestions for a starting place? I do not like bitter
  17. buggies100

    Can i use tea for coffee in bomb proof

    Hey Will, I have tried stuff from starbucks, to K cups, to coffee I brought back from Costa rica farms. I have tried dark roast and light roast with chocolate and without. Still tastes like coffee, LOL!!! I think dark beers, porters and stouts, taste like coffee and don't drink them either...
  18. buggies100

    Can i use tea for coffee in bomb proof

    I am the one wierd dude that you know that just can not stand the taste of coffee. I would like to try going with bomb proof coffee, but i am sure i will struggle to choke it down. So i am wondering if tea could be substituted. Any ideas?
  19. buggies100

    "The Big Picture of Permanent Weight Loss" Free

    Thnaks Will, i had not seen this. Appreciate it. Happy new year
  20. buggies100

    Defy Medical Doctors

    My first consult was with dr calkin. It was great. I feel when you deal with ond of the staff you are dealing with all of the staff. If you are moving along with no problems maybe just fine tuning, you are great. If you have a problem you will be delaing with tem all as they will discuss...
  21. buggies100

    Cialis and sleeping

    My resulta follow that of vince and CW. I had fairly u co fortable back pain for 7-10 days. Felt like i was really tight. Nasal congestion if i take a 20mg at once. I have been doing 5 mg every morning. No problem congestion or with sleep.
  22. buggies100


    Congrats on loosing the 15#. Plenty of guys here have done that and more! Enjoy the ride
  23. buggies100

    Carbs in Wines, Whiskeys and Beer

    I really like begin triples and quads, very high carbs and cal... Unless you are going to die, life is too short to fuss over every carb. Drink a few beers here and there and enjoy life. Buy bigger pants!!!!
  24. buggies100

    had first defy consult today

    I agree with starting low and working up. My e2 is running 15 at t his point, so if it goes up a bit not too big of a deal. I just thought changing 3 things to my protocol at one time seemed like a lot. No control to measure against.
  25. buggies100

    New labs Hemotrocit high 51.2 up from 48 in March

    roadglide, in my case it takes two three months to creep up, just intake to do another donation. I also agree with vince, hit the gym and stay hydrated. I took 4000 mg day good omega 3 and 3 baby enteric baby aspirin daily
  26. buggies100

    had first defy consult today

    So I had my first defy consult with dr calking today. Went very well, I felt he heard me and let me talk. I obviously am not a rookie to the entire TRT thing since I have been at it over 4 years. He adjusted his conversation to my level of understanding, nice. I did not feel like I was just...
  27. buggies100

    New labs Hemotrocit high 51.2 up from 48 in March

    I can definitely speak to this as it has been a problem for me for years. I stayed at 55, give or take, for 3 years while on a 200mg every two week protocol from my PCP. It finally crept over 57 and we came off T completely for a miserable 4 months and tried climbed. It did not work. So...
  28. buggies100

    First defy consult

    I ma in process of switching over to defy, have a scheduled call monday at noon. I just got all of the lab work back last week that they require. I have been injecting 30 mg of testosterone cyp every 3.5 days since may after an 3 month clomid restart failure. All of my tests have shown...
  29. buggies100

    All Day Every Day Headache

    I had headaches nearly everyday a few years back. I went to see Chiropractor and that problem was solved rather quickly. Just what worked for me, maybe you are dealing with something different. Worth a try
  30. buggies100

    "Is vegetarianism the natural option?"

    I agree with the omnivore statement. Below is the GI statement that I found questionable. Like everything else, all to often people make studies to be about the results they want. In conclusion, we see that human beings have the gastrointestinal tract structure of a “committed”...
  31. buggies100

    "Is vegetarianism the natural option?"

    I struggle a bit with the gastro comment. I see that we have canine teeth and eyes on the front of our face, like all predators. Prey has eyes on the side of face in order to see a wider field of view. SO by that we are designed to eat meat like predators. Then this comment stating our GI...