Search results

  1. T

    Syringe change??

    Why did you change barrel size .5cc to 1cc? I'm getting ready to change the other way.
  2. T

    The benefits of long term use of Cialis

    You can get 90 tablets of tadalafil (Cialis) 20mg for $91 at Krogers now through goodrx and $73 at Jewel-Osco. What is the best way to break the pill in quarters?
  3. T

    The benefits of long term use of Cialis

    Why vodka and how and where do you inject?
  4. T

    blood test time

    Switched to 3.5-day shots Tues.- 6 am and Fri.- 6 pm. Coming up on 6 weeks Fri., should I give blood early Fri. morn when they open at 8 am or when they close at 4 pm? Do most people not drink or eat the night before giving blood?
  5. T

    3 1/2 d- bt

    Switched to 3.5-day shots Tues.- 6 am and Fri.- 6 pm. Coming up on 6 weeks Fri., should I give blood early Fri. morn when they open 8 am or lastest they take 4 pm? Do most people not drink or eat the night before the test?
  6. T

    3.5 day testosterone injection blood test time

    Switched to 3.5-day shots Tues.- 6 am and Fri.- 6 pm. Coming up on 6 weeks Fri., should I give blood early Fri. morn when they open 8 am or lastest they take 4 pm? Do most people not drink or eat the night before the test?
  7. T

    3.5 day injection blood test time

    Switched to 3.5-day shots Tues.- 6 am and Fri.- 6 pm. Coming up on 6 weeks Fri., should I give blood early Fri. morn when they open 8 am or lastest they take 4 pm? Do most people not drink or eat the night before the test?
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    Insulin Syringe Help

    Must different state rules.
  9. T

    Insulin Syringe Help

    They are asking me for scrip. and dr. already prescriped me some that I already turned in at pharmacy with drawing needles too. Was wanting to try the easy touch too.
  10. T

    Insulin Syringe Help

    Do you need prescription for them?
  11. T

    Will heating testosterone degrade it?

    What keeps syringe from fall into the soda bottle, just vacumn pressure?
  12. T

    average weekly T dosage on this forum

    Are those EOD shallow IM?
  13. T

    average weekly T dosage on this forum

    Started 60mg twice a week a couple weeks ago. Will need to get blood checked in 4 more weeks to tell. Was taking 100mg once a week not much pos. results, but no neg., just nothing.
  14. T

    The Hidden Benefits of DHT and How to Increase & Reduce It

    Are you still drinking the Sorghum beer and getting positive results and what brand?
  15. T

    Shortage of Injectable Testosterone C Reported

    Mine says on box West Ward Pharm. New Jersey, got come Walgreens $39.
  16. T

    Shortage of Injectable Testosterone C Reported

    I know the price has went up from $31 to $64 for 10ml -200mg test cyp..
  17. T

    Best testosterone injection site, no aspiration needed, avoids all nerves

    Do you use z trackin Do you use z-track method on shoulders and vg injections? I also use 27 gauge -1/2 inch needle.
  18. T

    Is Mucuna Pruriens Effective to Improve Libido?

    Is there a brand you recommend?
  19. T

    Is Mucuna Pruriens Effective to Improve Libido?

    Does anyone have any experience with this - Mucuna Pruriens? Reading it will lower stress, reduce anxiety, improve focus, boost libido and improve mood.
  20. T

    Best testosterone injection site, no aspiration needed, avoids all nerves

    How are you loading-drawing needle, back fill, same needle as injecting?
  21. T

    When will the search feature be back?

    Trying to search the last couple days and get this every time - Oops! We ran into some problems. A server error occurred. Please try again later. Wanting to switch to insulin syringes and stick twice a week and thought would be lots of info here already. Like how to fill syringe, can you use...
  22. T

    Is HCG safe for long term use

    Would 250iu every 3.5 days be to low a dose?
  23. T

    Should I fast before bloodwork?

    By fasting will it make the total and free higher or lower?
  24. T

    Hair on head turning curly after trt.

    I'm 55 though, at least it isn't falling out yet.
  25. T

    Should I fast before bloodwork?

    Lab appointment is 3pm through dis. labs so I have to wait.
  26. T

    Should I fast before bloodwork?

    I do my weekly shot on Thurs., so will do blood before shot.
  27. T

    Should I fast before bloodwork?

    Should I fast before bloodwork for free and total? This time the nurse told me to fast before I go get blood test, never has before. Test isn't till 3pm haven't ate since 5pm last nite.
  28. T

    Hair on head turning curly after trt.

    My hair on my head is turning curly after being on test. cyp. for 6 months. Does anyone else notice this or is it a coincident? The lady the cuts my hair mentioned it too and asked if I was on some kind of medicine. I told her I was and she asked what and I said I would rather not say. She said...
  29. T

    martial arts for seniors

    I was thinking of starting a MA class tomorrow myself. Strking/kickboxing non combat first hour-BJJ second hour- tues, thurs, sat.
  30. T

    Vince's new testosterone panel 1/21/2019

    Do you take both at night? I reading to take preg. in morning because it causes sleep problems. That is more exp. than the DHEA.
  31. T

    Vince's new testosterone panel 1/21/2019

    I just did some googling and looks like its pretty cheap anywhere.