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  1. M

    Women Need Testosterone, Too!

    Glad to hear. Is she on a full HRT program? Why did she start? What have been the results?
  2. M

    Male regenerative therapies - Start of the art

    I have had Gaineswave and PRP. I really like the PRP for a bit but man did it hurt getting the injections there!!! if it did not hurt would get it done every few months. I just keep taking my arginine-citrulline if kept pain free-cheap and easy.
  3. M

    Why do so many Quit TRT?

    Hematocrit low 40's before now mid 40's I drink a lot of water! A1C was 5.8 now 4.9-5.1
  4. M

    Are Beef Protein Powders real?

    I have tried aa few beef protein powders but did not care for the taste. I can down almost anything but maybe it was just a mental thing for me. We eat a lot of beef however....
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    Treatments that may increase sex drive in women

    My 59 year old wife is on 2.5mg 2X per week Test C Injections puts her well over the top and huge libido! I would be careful at 10mg might get some sides with that. Keep us posted.
  6. M

    TRT question for female

    2.5mg 2X per week of T cypionate puts my 59 year old wife at or over the top of range. She has been on injections for 1.5 years and much more effective than cream. She has very strong Sex Drive! probably average 3-5 times a week. No kids at home really helped years ago. Be realistic for your age...
  7. M

    FYI for those on statins

    It will not show you the soft plaque but it does the hard plaque. Just good to use as a reference IMO. My PCP will also say why are you running a high T level....never mind it crushes my glucose to great levels and helps sleep and everything else.
  8. M

    FYI for those on statins

    Did I miss it? have you run a calcium cardiac score? I am 61 high LDL my whole life at 41 HDL low 100's on trig but zero on my calcium cardiac score. My PCP always loves to talk statin and plant diets. Does not work for us.
  9. M

    Women Need Testosterone, Too!

    Just 2.5mg 2X per week of cypionate has been a game changer for my 59 year old wife.
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    Best Medications to improve Ejection Fraction in Testosterone Users?

    I am on 20mg of Nebivolol and find it to be very effective and do not notice any side effects while on it. I dropped my BP from 145-90ish HR 80 to 120-70 HR 55-70 now. I also take arginine-citrulline everyday along with Ultimate Prostate from Life Extension. I have great erection quality for age...
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    TRT for Elderly (80 years & up)

    What do your labs look like on this protocol? Well done!
  12. M

    Pharmacokinetics of nebivolol

    I have had good results being on 20mg daily.
  13. M

    Why do so many Quit TRT?

    I am NOT a doctor....I had great luck with L citrulline and arginine helping with urine flow along with BP and erections.
  14. M

    Empower Pharmacy review

    I bet he does not sleep that great. Little stress going there I bet......America-capitalism is great if you do not like them go find another.
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    Empower Pharmacy review

    Sorry. I did not mean to come off as insensitive. I just think we are in crazy times and it seems like this ends up being a beating session for Empower....IMO if you are unhappy with the value-quality proposition they offer just make a move. I think that everyone is different and some will spend...
  16. M

    some advice for wife needed, is HRT in pre-menopausal woman advised?

    My wife 59 now has been on T injections for two years very easy to maintain steady state. She is on full HRT and taking 2.5mg of T 2X per week for 5mg total. she responded very well.
  17. M

    Empower Pharmacy review

    I will ALWAYS be willing to pay more to get my products from Empower! Whenever I order I always pay for UPS next day priority! I NEVER have an issue. I am embarrassed to see you guys whining like babies when when bombs are dropping on innocent people today. Start your own compounding Pharmacy...
  18. M

    Why do so many Quit TRT?

    Realistic expectations are most important! I started at age 50 after things just caught up to me from high stress 24-7-365 business life. It really made a big impact on body composition, Ha1C and others....It was not the magic bullet however. You cannot fix 35 years of high stress burnout with...
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    cypionate dose protocols for woman

    Do it correct...See a doctor and go on need to make this complicated and possible set up for possible failure....
  20. M

    What other supplements are you taking in addition to your TRT regimen?

    okay, stupid question, any other benefits from the zinc?:)
  21. M

    cypionate dose protocols for woman

    I would NOT do the double dose!!! thats a lot my wife is at 5mg per week split in two.
  22. M

    What other supplements are you taking in addition to your TRT regimen?

    how do you respond to 100mg of zinc? I think it helps my libido.
  23. M

    Magnesium as a marker of chronic prostatitis

    I know the range but with all things what is optimum for RBC?
  24. M

    Cialis side effect management

    I use L citrulline instead cheap and no sides for me.
  25. M

    TRT Lab Results ?

    Did I miss something??? How do you feel????? What were you on???
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    Magnesium as a marker of chronic prostatitis

    Do you guys get a number???? nobody is giving an actual number here...Where is Mad Man when you need him:)
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    Magnesium as a marker of chronic prostatitis

    So my RBC runs 4.8. What is optimum?
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    Magnesium as a marker of chronic prostatitis

    I thought RBC is way to test your magnesium levels?
  29. M

    Unbelievable email exchange with Jay Campbell

    What I would tell you guys take what you learn from everyone and use the information to better yourself! I spent 35 years in a brutal business dealing with people all over the world of all types. I used every experience to build a great business. I tell our adult children all the time you must...
  30. M

    cypionate dose protocols for woman

    She is 59 nice shape about same build when we married 41 years ago. She sees a HRT doctor and on full program including 150mg oral progesterone, estradiol patch-not sure on dose and the 2.5mg 2X per week of T cypionate. She had been on creams but all over the board! if she does not take her...
  31. M

    cypionate dose protocols for woman

    2.5MG 2X per week puts my wife in a great spot top end to just over. Any larger dose it is just to much! This along with her estradiol patches she is great.