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  1. Kirk001

    New to TRT, Going with Defy... Protocol thoughts?

    Ah the subject matter gave people pause I guess. Yeah I'm not too worried, I plan to stay on top of it from the get go. Anyhow thanks, glad to have found this place.
  2. Kirk001

    New to TRT, Going with Defy... Protocol thoughts?

    Oh, yeah is it just a ratio of one number over the other? If that's the way it's done then you're right it's 2.8%. But the units on the two numbers are different... ng/dL vs. pg/mL... so I thought they needed to be converted into the same units which is how I got 0.28%. Thanks.
  3. Kirk001

    New to TRT, Going with Defy... Protocol thoughts?

    I feel like Patrick Swayze in "Ghost," I can see everyone else but nobody can see me... Nobody has any thoughts? Ok how about a general question then -- the main reason for going with clomiphene over exogenous testosterone is due to fertility concerns, right?
  4. Kirk001

    New member in hawaii anybody else?

    Couldn't say but then again everything is expensive out there from what I hear :cool:
  5. Kirk001

    Back waxing, acne, and TRT

    Was it a different waxer or do you always see the same person? It may be totally irrelevant and I haven't experienced as bad as what you did, but I do seem to notice a difference depending on which gal does the waxing. This last time I went I got a lot of bumps on my back afterwords, whereas the...
  6. Kirk001

    New to TRT, Going with Defy... Protocol thoughts?

    Hey guys, newbie here. So glad to have found this site and I want to say thanks to Nelson and the old pros who provide such a great resource for information. So I kept hearing about the symptoms of low testosterone and decided I'd like to get tested. Male, late 30s, diet and exercise are pretty...