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  1. B

    The “joint problems” from Arimidex, is it the E2 or?

    I don't know if shriveled was the proper way to describe my penis after my former doctor's office crashed my estradiol level. Non-functioning would have been a better term but I guess we could call that shriveled in a way since it wouldn't get fully erect. :( Regardless, I NEVER want to go...
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    Important when using T and not feeling good

    I want to try the synthetic route just because of availability. I think I will ask my new doctor if that is a possibility after my 90 day lab results.
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    Important when using T and not feeling good

    I was told by two different pharmacies that the company manufacturing Nature-Throid rebuilt its factory. As a result, I was switched to NPThyroid. On my next set of labs, I may inquire about the synthetic versions if the shortage is still in full swing.
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    Doctor changed my protocol

    Thank you. I believe I am on the right road now. Also, I see what happened at my former doctor's office. I was dismissed by a nurse playing doctor who never relayed my complaints to the doctor. If the doctor calls me, I'm going to make it a point to tell him!
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    Doctor changed my protocol

    Currently, I am prescribed 97.5 mg daily of Nature-Throid. Since that has been unavailable due to their retooling, I was temporarily switched to 120 mg of NPThyroid daily. I take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach prior to beginning my day and give it an hour before eating...
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    Considering HCG

    I was led to believe that they were going to look at my LH and estradiol levels to see how I am responding to the HCG.
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    Considering HCG

    That is weird because I was put on HCG due to my LH being <0.2 mIU/ml (Reference Range 1.7 - 8.6). I was told that HCG should put my LH in the normal level and that my LH is suppressed from being on testosterone. Starting next week, I'll be injecting 500 IU every 3.5 days.
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    The “joint problems” from Arimidex, is it the E2 or?

    I can say with absolute certainty that a 6.8 estradiol level was no fun for me. My elbows, knees, and wrists hurt and my plantar fasciitis came back with a vengeance at such low estradiol levels. I begin my new protocol next week. I can say this though, I am NOT taking Anastrozole for at...
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    Doctor changed my protocol

    I'm hoping this is one of the last updates regarding my old doctor. I had one last appointment scheduled for today, and still did not have my medication from the new doctor, so I decided to keep my appointment. I gave them a copy of my new labs, and the nurse tried to argue with me saying that...
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    How long does it take estradiol to come back after a crash

    My DHEA was 79.1 on the last set of blood tests and the new doctor had me add 50 mg per night. He said if it gave me excess energy to take it in the morning instead, but thus far, nightly has been working fine. He also told me something else regarding all the labs that I submitted to him. He...
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    How long does it take estradiol to come back after a crash

    Right now it is dropped and I was considering leaving it out for a month. I think I will because this joint pain sucks.
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    HCG and vasectomy???

    I had a vasectomy and I was recently prescribed hCG. I was led to believe that it is a good thing to have your body producing a little bit of its own testosterone naturally versus being completely shut down. My LH was crazy low. It's still too soon to tell how it is impacting me, but I was...
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    How long does it take estradiol to come back after a crash

    Since my doctor managed to crash my estradiol and caused me to seek out another doctor, I figured I would ask this question... How long does it take estradiol to come back? Thus far all I was told is that it will take some time by the new doctor, but he really didn't want to give me a window...
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    Selling Testosterone: Review of the American Market

    After my ordeal with the original doctor who put me on TRT, I could see why people quit after a bad protocol. Between him crashing my estradiol and being unavailable for an appointment for 11 weeks, I would have chose to quit versus continuing this roller coaster ride if I had not found another...
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    Doctor changed my protocol

    I'm updating again. First off, I was extremely pleased with the Defy Medical doctor that I spoke to today. Dr. Calkins took the time to explain EVERYTHING to me. Next, it looks like things are changing drastically with regards to my protocol. I'll now be doing testosterone shots twice per...
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    Doctor changed my protocol

    I was taking 1mg of Anastrazole every Monday and the nurse practitioner wanted to INCREASE that dosage when I complained about symptoms. I'm just glad I had the wherewithal to NOT listen to her since they managed to crash my levels. I was also taking 300 mg of a DIM supplement daily, but I ran...
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    Doctor changed my protocol

    I added a DHEA supplement this morning and I'll discuss it with the doctor this afternoon.
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    Doctor changed my protocol

    It sure is under range. I guess that explains the night sweats and joint pain too. My elbows and knees have been killing me and my elbows used to NEVER bother me. As for the night sweats, I wake up soaked in sweat at around 2 am. I'm soaked, the pillow is soaked, the sheets are soaked...
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    Doctor changed my protocol

    I figured I would update my thread to let everyone know what is going on. My testosterone level at 11 days was 634 and my Estradiol was 6.8 on the Sensitive method. Could that explain my irritability due to the change in protocol? Regardless, I questioned going from 260 mg per week to 260...
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    Buying test locally with a prescription

    It is my understanding that they charge $25 for a paper prescription, which kind of negates any cost savings you will obtain by sourcing your prescriptions locally. I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong on that one.
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    5 months on trt with Universal Men's Clinic

    Your local clinic sounds like the one that started me out on 260 mg of Propionate (or a custom compound depending on which nurse I spoke to) once per week, then switch me over to 100 Propionate (or quicker acting ester depending on the nurse)/160 Enanthate every other week while taking 1mg...
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    Doctor changed my protocol

    My last level was 36.2 PG/ML, but I am not certain of the test method AND this was prior to the one injection every two weeks protocol. I'm having new labs drawn on the 21st for my second opinion consultation, so I'll post more about it later. Call me crazy, but I like the idea of multiple...
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    Doctor changed my protocol

    Thank you for the information. Now, you are going to love this. The nurse I spoke to today stated that my initial, once per week injections, were their own proprietary custom compound designed for weekly injections. The protocol that I am on now contains 100 mg of that compound and 160 mg of...
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    Doctor changed my protocol

    The lab before my last set had SHBG at 39.4 NMOL/L. The last set hadn't changed much, so I didn't bother asking for a copy. Tomorrow, I think I will. I'm also going to complain that this every other week protocol is not so good. I'll keep my mouth shut about a second opinion though.
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    Doctor changed my protocol

    My wife is mad at me because I won't speak to my current doctor about his change in protocol. I told her why should I pay for an office visit and injection every single week when this is something that I can do myself? Besides, I want a second opinion now because I really don't like this every...
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    Doctor changed my protocol

    Once per week, done at the office. I thought it was cypionate, and the nurse told me otherwise when they switched me 6 weeks ago. From my research, propionate is a fast acting ester and strangely enough, the labs had me all over the place while on it once a week. For example, one set had me...
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    Doctor changed my protocol

    About six weeks ago, my doctor changed my protocol, and I'm not agreeing with it. He had me on 260 mg of Testosterone Propionate every week and about 6 weeks ago changed it to 260 mg of Testosterone Enanthate every 2 weeks. As a result, I find that I have been much more irritable around the...
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    Disagreement With My Internist on TRT

    I guess I'm lucky because my TRT therapy is administered by another doctor. Sorry, but I am not going to follow my internal medicine doctor's advice on this area. I was tired all the time, had no labido, had hypothyroidism (missed by the internal medicine doctor), couldn't concentrate to save...
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    Disagreement With My Internist on TRT

    Today I had a disagreement with my internal medicine doctor regarding my own TRT therapy. He essentially told me that low 300s was in the acceptable range for a 44 year old male and I should get off of TRT. He even went on to say that I would go back to feeling crappy, lacking energy, etc. and...
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    Anyone take Nature Throid for hypothyroidism?

    My TSH was "within range" which is why my internal medicine doctor never picked up on it. He just runs that one test because it is the only thing insurance covers. My individual levels were all out of whack though, but I don't remember which ones. I was kind of overwhelmed with information...
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    Anyone take Nature Throid for hypothyroidism?

    So far, so good. I seem to have leveled out versus feeling like I had a supercharger installed in my body though. I guess you could say that first weekend after receiving treatment, I felt like I was on speed. Now that I am going into my third week on treatment, I have more energy...