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  1. D

    First day of injections :)

    Palermitano, I read your post with interest as I too have had some ups and downs with TRT, starting with once weekly injections, now trying twice weekly. Would you mind sharing with me what were the "ups and downs" you were experiencing? And why and what has been your experience with Defy...
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    New to Forum with some questions on TRT regimen.

    I have seriously thought about Defy. What has been your experience with them? The TRT clinic I go to opened up about 2-4 years ago. The doc running it is a medical director of Aetna and has nurses staffing the clinic. He's not usually at the clinic but looks over the lab results when they...
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    New to Forum with some questions on TRT regimen.

    Thanks guys. This throws me for a bit of a loop because I've been thinking my E2 is too high but you're suggesting it is too low. The reason I thought it was too high is when my E2 hit 69 (with TT 1056 and FT 321) I noticed an arousal and erection issue. So I figured my E2 is too high.
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    Why does anastrozole lower my T levels?

    So what would be the optimal E2 level for TT in the 800s? Is this where the 14-20 ratio comes in? I have always used the 20-30 scale and have never been able to get my E2 in the 20s (standard test). I could never figure out why I would have an erection or arousal issue with E2 in the high...
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    Weekly vs. more injections

    Coast Watcher, why do you stress the part about changing nothing for 4 weeks? Perhaps that is part of my problem. If I sense something is not right, or libido crashes, or my erections are effected--- I have a difficult time waiting 4 weeks. I want to change something right away.
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    Weekly vs. more injections

    Vince, I don't use HCG. The TRT clinic doesn't usually use it unless it is a man wanting to keep his sperm in tact for having more children. Why do you ask? I have read about guys using it. I never have.
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    Weekly vs. more injections

    EROS, I sat down with the doc running the TRT clinic I go to and explained things to him that I haven't been able to get on a consistent regimen that keeps E2 levels and libido stable. He suggested either going back to 60 mg twice weekly or to the 150 mgs (.75cc) weekly. He wanted to try this...
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    Weekly vs. more injections

    ERO, when I used the .25 mg anastrozole it knocked my TT down from 832 to 601. Wouldn't that be going in the opposite direction for consistent libido? I guess to summarize things, I've been frustrated since this summer when my E2 crashed to 5 and 10 on the standard scale. Since then I've had...
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    Free T question

    Vince, My SHGB usually runs in the high teens and low 20s. So I've haven't had much issue with my Free T counts being low. Nelson, what do you mean when you say am I using any other compounds? I do twice weekly injections, I have sporadically used anastrozole, no HCG.
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    Estrogen lab question

    I have struggled with trying to stabilize estrogen. I've had different blood tests, some using the sensitive assay and others using the standards. It's been difficult to compare the two. I've noticed that sometimes when I'm in the high 30s and low 40s even on the standard test I have symptoms...
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    Weekly vs. more injections

    My TT on 60 mgs twice a week was 832, FT 239 and E2 37 (standard scale, didn't have it measured on sensitive scale). But after about 3 weeks I didn't sense a raised libido so I went to 80mgs (.4cc) twice weekly and measured at TT 844, FT not measured, not sure why, E2 38 (standard). So to get...
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    Why does anastrozole lower my T levels?

    It was the standard test? I've only recently learned about the sensitive assays. But I have different test results from different labs, some use standard and some use sensitive (I've actually had to call them and ask which method they use, now I know what to ask for). Maybe this is why I...
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    New to Forum with some questions on TRT regimen.

    Thanks ERO. So what is the ration supposed to be? When my TT was in the 600s, my E2 was in the high teens. When my TT was in the 1000s or 1100s my E2 was in the high 30s or mid to high 40s. I've read that E2 should ideally be 20-30. Is that generally true? I weigh 185 and my body fat is...
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    My doctor so stupid it takes her 2 Hours to watch 60 minutes. This is my 3rd year on test...

    Mojave, I am new to the forum. May I ask a question? I too have had issues with estrogen. What was your estradiol count? I have issues even when it is high 30s or 40s. Did I understand some of you to say that what is more important is the ratio of TT to estrogen, rathern than just the...
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    Weekly vs. more injections

    I have been reading this form for some time but this is the first time I've joined and started asking questions. I've done this because I have been able to relate to a lot of the posts. Does anyone on here take weekly injections, or have taken them? What was your experience? I started on...
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    Free T question

    While on TRT, I've noticed my free T levels can be in the 190s 230s on a scale of 30-150. It even reached 325 once. Is that OK? Everything I've read says that you want a high amount of bio available free T.
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    Why does anastrozole lower my T levels?

    Hi Guys, I am new to the forum and this is my second post. I've been on TRT for two years now. I wish I would have known all the things I learned on this forum when I started TRT. Here's a question. Most of the reading I've done and posts I've seen mentioned how an AI (like anastrozole or...
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    New to Forum with some questions on TRT regimen.

    I have read a number of things on this forum to try to educate myself on TRT. I've been on TRT for about two years and wish I would have known some of the things I've learned when I started TRT. Recently, after doing a lot of research, I switched to E3D injections hoping to control E2 and...