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  1. J

    T3/T4 therapy - weight gain

    Very low free t3 but good Tsh. Were you dieting when you had your initial labs done?
  2. J

    Effect of Low and High Doses of Testosterone Injections on Hematocrit, PSA and HDL

    7.3kg of ffm gained in the 600mg group without any exercise, amazing.
  3. J

    Effect of Low and High Doses of Testosterone Injections on Hematocrit, PSA and HDL

    I wonder if the authors of this study follow the men after stopping the testosterone to see if their levels come back up?
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    Vince's new testosterone panel 1/21/2019

    Vince I have also noticed my ldl go down when I take t3.
  5. J

    How long does it take for exogenous thyroid to stabilize levels in the blood?

    Boneti this is an interesting study about t3 dosing. Daily Administration of Short-Acting Liothyronine Is Associated with Significant Triiodothyronine Excursions and Fails to Alter Thyroid-Responsive Parameters
  6. J

    How long does it take for exogenous thyroid to stabilize levels in the blood?

    I’ve had problems with my thyroid treatment as well. Right now I’m experimenting with higher t4 doses while keeping my t3 dose the same. Ive stopped having hyper symptoms. I believe more physiologic dosing is better for long term health. The natural thyroid preparations might have too little t4...
  7. J

    Varicocele and low t

    If you have a varicocele it’s best to correct it with surgery asap. Varicocele damages the testicles. I had one since I was 14. Didn’t have it fixed till I was 27. No increase in testosterone after surgery. If your doctor asks if it hurts and you say no they will not fixed it unless you have low...
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    Arimidex discontinuation update

    Problems with cortisol can cause water retention. I’ve experienced this. Anyway, the ai isn’t helping you. No need to take it.
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    New Study:TRT Causes Heart Problems?

    Dr Nichols no longer works with jay?
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    my TRT dilemma

    Trt isn’t cheap. Blood tests hit the wallet hard. You get what you pay for though. The nhs is free so no wonder they won’t cover trt unless absolutely necessary. Pay a little more and you can get the care you want.
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    my TRT dilemma

    There’s no trt clinics in the uk?
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    my TRT dilemma

    Actually from what I’ve read guys with high shbg have more success with trt. The key is taking enough testosterone to increase your free test to where you feel good. I haven’t heard of anyone having success with lowering their shbg in order to increase free test. Injecting isn’t bad at all. Just...
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    my TRT dilemma

    Great post madman. Mlc2010 you need to try trt.
  14. J

    Injection frequency with now higher SHBG

    Trt is for life. It doesn’t hurt to try.
  15. J

    my TRT dilemma

    Steroids are legal in the uk. If doc won’t prescribe use other avenues. Implant should be absolutely last option. Change docs if you have to. With shbg that high you probably need much higher total testosterone. Do you have any other symptoms of low testosterone?
  16. J

    Had consult with Defy, meds arrived, afraid to take the plunge.

    If you would’ve tested in the morning your total could be 700ng/dL or higher.
  17. J

    TRT erection issues

    I feel for guys that can’t seem to find a protocol that works. I can only speak to my experience on trt. Every time I’ve added an ai, even at a small dose, .25mg, I get erectile dysfunction and low sex drive. Even with estradiol at 78pg/ml taking ai killed my sex drive. Please don’t stop trt...
  18. J

    Many knowledgeable members on that board. Opened my eyes to the possible health effects of steroid abuse.
  19. J

    Trying to wean off of AI

    Tbh if you really want to see if you don’t need the ai, you need to drop it completely. You might feel symptoms for a couple of weeks or you could feel great. Give you body time to adjust.
  20. J

    What is an optimal DHT level?

    I’ve heard transdermals increase dht more than shots. Maybe the fortesta is giving you those higher dht levels? I must say I’m envious of your dht. Thinking about trying transdermal with my test c to boost my dht.
  21. J

    Are you scared about your HDL going down on T.R.T??

    The only time my hdl dropped while on trt was when I took anastrozole back in the day. I stopped anastrozole years ago and my hdl recovered to 50-55 and has stayed there ever since.
  22. J

    What is an optimal DHT level?

    Captain, how do you feel at 171?
  23. J

    What is an optimal DHT level?

    Ive only tested dht once. I was using 40mg cyp twice per week and my dht was 38 range (30-85), free test 24.9 range (8.7-25.1). For some reason I dont convert to dht as much as other guys. My libido isnt great on 80mgs. On 100mgs my libido is excellent.
  24. J

    TRT without the use of Aromatase Inhibitors

    Tot podcast with dr Neal rouizer. Dr rouizer states “young men have estradiol 75-90”. Where the heck is he getting his info?
  25. J

    Blood work

    When were your tests done in relation to your dosing schedule?
  26. J

    E2 Sensitive 276 - Help!

    How long have you been on this protocol? I would drop hcg, keep test dose the same and retest in a month.
  27. J

    E2 Sensitive 276 - Help!

    22pg/ml optimal e2? Sounds like you’ve been hanging around t-nation? It will be difficult to interpret you value because that range isn’t typically used.
  28. J

    How Much Cypionate For Reaching Optimal Testosterone Level

    Unfortunately it’s impossible to predict what your levels will be while using different dosages of testosterone. I’ve actually decreased my dose and my levels increased. You will have to find the right dose through experimentation. As Vince stated, give your body time to stabilize before blood...
  29. J

    Damn do I envy you guys

    Don’t give up zizshitwork! Drop hcg and ai and just use testosterone and see how you feel. After 6 weeks run blood work and adjust from there.
  30. J

    E.O.D protocol typical doses

    Strange that your estradiol is that high on 80mgs per week. The hcg could be the cause of the high estradiol? Have you tried stopping the hcg and seeing what happens?