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  1. J

    What is Optimal Estradiol Range for Libido/Erection

    35-45 is good for me. My shbg is 18.
  2. J

    Anybody Else a Thyroid Med Non-Responder?

    If you take too much t3 that can increase your rt3
  3. J

    Anybody Else a Thyroid Med Non-Responder?

    How much t4 were you taking with your t3?
  4. J

    Anybody Else a Thyroid Med Non-Responder?

    You need to check out The best information I’ve seen on hypothyroidism treatment
  5. J

    200mg + a week trend.

    There might be benefits to adding deca to your trt. Nelson used deca for ten years if I remember right
  6. J

    200mg + a week trend.

    I did 350 mgs per week without and ai. LOTS of water retention. I was ok for the 8 weeks that I did it. Running that much indefinitely would be far too much for myself.
  7. J

    200mg + a week trend.

    didnt know dr nichols and bossa got into it... Makes sense, dr nichols hasnt been on the youtube channel in awhile.
  8. J

    3 weeks into TRT - Hair Loss / Thinning

    Just saw this thread was started in August...
  9. J

    3 weeks into TRT - Hair Loss / Thinning

    You might need to reduce your dose. What’s your blood work look like? Is your thyroid working well?
  10. J

    What is my Peak TT based on known trough level?

    Hard to say. Your shbg levels will play a role though. lower shbg higher peaks. If your shbg is high there might not be that big of a difference between peak and trough.
  11. J

    How to optimize libido and erections on TRT?

    Agree with s1w, get that free test higher. Don’t block e2
  12. J

    How to optimize libido and erections on TRT?

    I would try more test without ai. Don’t worry about e2. Free t3 isn’t great but if Tsh is good than thyroid isn’t an issue
  13. J

    How to optimize libido and erections on TRT?

    What’s your current dose protocol ?
  14. J

    How to optimize libido and erections on TRT?

    Ok sounds more hormonal than something wrong with penis
  15. J

    How to optimize libido and erections on TRT?

    If your dick is not hanging fat throughout the day you need to look at diet as well. Muscle gain diets are horrible for erections
  16. J

    How to optimize libido and erections on TRT?

    If your not doing cardio that’s a big problem. Huge benefits for erections.
  17. J

    How Long to Feel Better Off AI??

    I’ve tried trt with and without Arimidex and I can say that both protocols have benefits. With Arimidex I was the leanest I’ve been in my life. I had lots of energy too. The downside was I couldn’t get it up at all and my libido was non existent. When I dropped the Arimidex, I gained water and...
  18. J

    Injecting twice per day?

    Thanks madman
  19. J

    Injecting twice per day?

    I have thyroid issues. My free t3 was 2.5 pg/ml last blood test
  20. J

    Injecting twice per day?

    Guess I’ll really have to take 1000mgs a week...
  21. J

    Injecting twice per day?

    18.5 shbg, total test 798ng/dL.
  22. J

    Injecting twice per day?

    Thanks guys. Thought I was on to something.
  23. J

    Injecting twice per day?

    Ok, I entered 140mg, twice per day, thinking it meant that was the amount I was using per week.
  24. J

    Injecting twice per day?

    I was assuming the mg box meant mg per week?
  25. J

    Injecting twice per day?

    Maybe I’m not using the plot right. Did you make sure to change the length of time to greater than 4 weeks? With 140 mg test cyp per week, injecting twice per day, I’m getting 200mg peak.
  26. J

    Injecting twice per day?

    I’m interested in injecting twice per day simply to experiment. I want to see if I can achieve higher testosterone levels by increasing the frequency without increasing the dose. I understand for trt injecting twice per day would be pointless. I probably should have posted this topic on another...
  27. J

    Injecting twice per day?

    Has anyone experimented with injecting testosterone twice per day? I found a website called where you can plot different steroids,doseages, injection frequencies and it will show how many milligrams are in your blood. Maybe some of you have visited this website before? One of the...
  28. J

    Thyroid labs results - Insane Rt3?

    To the op, I hope you didnt start any thyroid meds because you dont need them. Calorie restriction will increase rt3. This is a normal response to dieting.
  29. J

    PCT for 8 week Test cycle

    If you want to make some real gains in muscle mass take a real dose. 8 weeks at trt won’t do much. If your going to shut down your Hpta you might as well make some real gains. If your not trying to build muscle dont do a cycle. Athletic performance is up for interpretation...