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  1. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    I seem to have shitty sleep the night after evening injections. I'm thinking about switching to morning injections now that I don't have early morning sessions with a gym trainer. About to collect a full set of labs for Defy tomorrow. Seeing three potentials options for a protocol...
  2. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    I haven't updated this for a while. Starting end of April been trying different protocols for AI: 0.125 x 2 a week and x 3 a week. Both kept E2 sensitive down to 20 (from 40), but I'm still having back acne. Tried both protocols for 4 weeks plus. Been having very WEIRD issues after starting...
  3. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    Something weird is happening, recently did a test on usual Thursday morning, 10 hours before next injection (in a "valley"). Expected my T to be around 600 in a valley, since earlier in a peak it was 793. My Total T is 906 this time, high E2, which doesn't make sense if Test Cyp half life is 5...
  4. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    @Systemlord I was 70 days without porn, and now 15 days on daily porn use, which messes up probably with my libido so it's harder to asses TRT impact, although yesterday I was closing the distance to a woman in front of me before stopping her with ridiculous hips to waist ratio and I started...
  5. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    @fifty below are fluctuations of testosterone cypionate daily ester release within one week after reaching a steady state based on my calculations, spreadsheet... (3 times a week; tue, thu, sat; Tuesday [I'm doing evening injections] it's going to be the day when the least amount of ester is...
  6. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    Got puzzling results from a third set of blood tests. Expected Total T to be around 1000. Turned out that my Total T in a peak and after a week of HCG is nearly the same as Total T in a valley prior to introducing HCG... I know that I felt pretty good libido wise on the day of my first set of...
  7. H

    No Drive, Energy...Life-Long Problem...TRT Not Helping

    How are things going for you now, Sloth?
  8. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    14 days passed and LabCorp finally gave me my E2 and Free T results (measured in a "valley"). Looks like due to me not taking HCG, combined with lowered Test Cyp dose from 44mg TIW to 40mg TIW my Total T dropped to 760, E2 dropped to 26 (Sensitive). And I guess due to my low-low-normal SHBG I...
  9. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    LabCorp messed up their machine for E2 Sensitive testing and apparently all E2 testing is backed up, I still didn't receive results since last Thursday and may not even see them this week... and tomorrow I'm doing another E2 Sensitive test, Friday morning I"m going to be as close to as a peak I...
  10. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    Pin #10. Tue 10/2 evening. Test Cyp. 0.20ml / 40mg. Ventrogluteal. 27g 1/2" 0.5cc. HCG 300 IU. Shoulder Subq 29g 1/2" 0.3cc Some morning wood Wednesday morning. Lowish libido. I've been stuck with deadlift at 235# x 4 since May, 265# x 4 this morning. Maybe due to test cyp or maybe due to a...
  11. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    First date with a stranger, from dating apps or from anywhere. Lying I had my first instant date with an ivy league school sophomore just a couple weeks ago. I met a really hot mid 20s being x-rated by in BDSM way before (from Tinder). But this time I got really horny being so long without porn...
  12. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    Pin #9. Sun 9/30 evening. Test Cyp. 0.20ml / 40mg. Ventrogluteal. 27g 1/2" 0.5cc. HCG 300 IU. Stomach Subq 29g 1/2" 0.3cc My lover (S) stayed with me for Saturday and Sunday. Soft erections during sex on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday took 12.5mg Viagra. Sunday was without. By early Saturday...
  13. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    Pin #8. Thu 9/26 evening. Test Cyp 0.20ml / 40mg. Stomach Subq. 27g 1/2" 0.5cc. HCG 300 IU. Lovehandles Subq 29g 1/2" 0.3cc Tinder date flaked on me for the second time (Thursday night scheduled date), ended up masturbating to orgasm without a porn. Soft erections. Sexual thoughts are still...
  14. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    At an urgent care on Saturday blood pressure was measured at 130/80, my previous measurement before Defy consult was 117/69
  15. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    forgot to mention to Defy RN about chest tightness when waking up Pin #7. Tue 9/24 evening. Test Cyp 0.20ml / 40mg. Dorsogluteal Shallow IM. 27g 1/2" 0.5cc Switched to 40mg TIW. Holding off HCG for now until Thursday morning blood collection. Feels like testicles got smaller. Folliculitis...
  16. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    Pin #6. Sun 9/23 morning. Test Cyp 0.22ml / 44mg. Ventrogluteal Shallow IM. 27g 1/2" 0.5cc Another ventrogluteal went good. Morning wood kinda gone, along with morning horniness. Some libido is probably still there, just not too overt. Maybe it's because I was masturbating without orgasms...
  17. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    Scheduled a 15 min appointment with RN Damaris
  18. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    damn! I only injected 176 mg TOTAL (4 pins, 44mg each) over the last 9 days (132mg per 7 days, prescribed), and while in a "valley" at 10 hours before the next injection my blood markers are sky high: I probably should contact Defy, maybe I'm fast metabolizer, and I need to inject much less...
  19. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    Having easy boners from random sexual thoughts this morning, and just got blood collected at the same time, would be interesting to see at what levels that happens. It also might be due to 60 days without porn and 23 days without any kind of release.
  20. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    Pin #4. Tue 9/18 evening. Test Cyp 0.22ml / 44mg. Shallow IM Delt. 27g 1/2" 0.5cc 27g is a nice "fast" gauge. Painless shoulder injection. Some weird sensations in some parts of a left arm during 1-2 hour after the pin. Trying second time the AirLock injection technique with 0.03cc of air, but...
  21. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    Thanks @MarkM ! I roughly understood where it was, but surprised that there were no photos on how to locate it using your own hand without breaking it
  22. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    I'm probably going to go shallow ventrogluteal next, seemed like it can be tricky to "self" locate the area. Cyp from Empower seems to be in grapeseed oil, I used to use that oil a lot for cooking, but maybe having an allergic reaction doing it subq.
  23. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    injecting very slow, no bump, but feels lumpy a bit to the touch. Maybe because I was doing 31g and 29g which take a while and create a lot of pressure in a small area (my guess, even during slow injection)
  24. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    Tue 9/18 Love handle subq pin area got pretty sore today (no bruise or anything visible), belly fat subq pin area from Thursday feels sore too but less.
  25. H

    How long before T, LH and FSH endogenous production shut down after starting testosterone?

    I wonder what 1000 IU of HCG do to testicles in terms of amount of testosterone (mg per day) produced, and what percentage of Total T serum could be attributed to HCG use, is it substantial or less than 50 ng/dL for example
  26. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    Apparently a terminal half life of a test cypionate is only 5 days, so the spreadsheet has to be recalculated. Thu 13/09 Test Cyp. 31g 5/18" 0.5cc . Stomach subq Impatient me started googling about pre-loading, loading phase, frontloading. There was barely anything, except in steroid users...
  27. H

    Lowering Reverse T3

    My thyroid numbers I believe are almost exact like yours (in my thread), free t3, free t4, Reverse T3. But I have no problem loosing weight eating 2300 Cals a day and less. (low cortisol all day after morning)
  28. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    Alright. Wed 9/12 8pm. First testosterone cypionate shot. 25g 5/18" needle from Defy. 0.22ml. Upper thigh area, quads. Darted the needle straight in, not enough force, only half in. Probably it didn't penetrate the muscle, so I was left to experience slow puncturing of muscle tissues with a...
  29. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    Yesterday's night, Tue 9/11, I took a shot of HCG 300 IU (0.3 ml) (29g / 1/2" / 0.3cc syringe) into the left delt: first time shooting anything into the delt (I had experience doing melanotan 2 subq injections before, and some painful antibiotics into upper glutes IM). Darted it straight in...
  30. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    @MarkM thanks for the input! I included Free T (Direct) results and Free T Calculated. Free T Direct is claimed regularly to be totally useless and unreliable, and I've never done more expensive version (Testosterone, Free, Equilibrium Ultrafiltration). My Free T Calculated (based on Albumin...
  31. H

    (not for me?) Hombre's TRT Log: 34yo, low E2, norm SHBG and LH [Defy]

    Height: 6ft (Lifetime underweight, never on any psych meds) Motivation (libido mainly): tried cialis Nov 2017 after a year long break and it wasn't working the same, sudden weak erections during porn use Feb 2018 (after 6 years of minimal porn use, nofap with relapses for 6 years), 10%...