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  1. P

    Estradiol Obsession

    I am 75 yrs. old now and had Heart Bypass surgery it went bad got an infection and they needed to put me in a coma for 14 weeks until they got it fixed. When I was sent home the surgeon put me on Statin drugs. This caused me a lot of pain and gave me Peripheral Neuropathy from Statin Use in...
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    Estradiol Obsession

    Ok a little history back in the day many yrs. ago there was only one Estradiol out and this is what men had to go by. Then the new sanative Estradiol test came out and it did not work right showed men to low most of the time. Doing this test and lowing or stopping there E2 meds messed them...
  3. P

    Estradiol Obsession

    Hi all, I don't know what to believe the reg. E2 tests show me to high above the top of the range. Now every time I do the sensitive test it would show me lower. Now a little about me I am a mod at Yahoo for men with low T been one for yrs. I am not new to all this been helping men for...
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    Estradiol Obsession

    My E2 is above zero at 3.1 and I have been at this for yrs. it comes up very fast at one time I needed 5pills /day. There are other men on TRT that have the same problem. Most men cant take Aromasin at all. Phil
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    Estradiol Obsession

    Vince, Yes two pills at 3am 25 mgs. is the dose it comes in. I have a big problem with Estradiol. Phil
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    Estradiol Obsession

    Vince, Yes I am pmgamer18 don't understand what your trying to say. I take 25 mgs. of Exemestane (Aremasin) now 2x's/day down from 4. Yes I have posted a ton of info about E2 and did well on my dose. Never could figure out why the 2 E2 tests showed different levels but we stopped...
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    Estradiol Obsession

    Thank you I will check this out I don't want to go back to high for men it's worse then being low.
  8. P

    Estradiol Obsession

    Hi all, After yrs. of being mod for low T I need help on E2 testing in the last few labs we did both the Estradiol test and the sensitive Estradiol. The reg. Estradiol comes back high above the top of the range the sensitive test shows below normal. I have Peripheral Neuropathy from...
  9. P

    CoQ10 confusion

    Yes I take 6 100 mgs. caps / day and when I was first taken off stain drugs I was on 12 caps / day. My labs showed my CoQ10 way below normal. Today they are at the top of the range and this is the best I will feel with this problem. Phil
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    CoQ10 confusion

    Hi I am on CoQ10 in the form of Ubiquinol, I buy this from After trying many brands this one works the best I take 200 mgs. 3x'/day and it helps. I have Peripheral Neuropathy from Statin Use the...
  11. P

    Hypopituitary, testosterone and estradiol.

    Peter, That is what my Dr. does he runs both my health care plain covers it the sensitive test a ways shows me much lower then what the reg. test shows and I don't feel low like <3 pg/ml and its funny all most every test says <3 pg/ml when the reg. test would be between 20 to 30 higher because...
  12. P

    Hypopituitary, testosterone and estradiol.

    Your right about the math 3.7 pmol/l is 1.007 pg/ml and I am sorry about the mistake after having a stroke I have days like today it's been one thing after the other. Here is a copy of what I have been telling men for a long time about using Arimidex or Aromasin and not going to low...
  13. P

    Hypopituitary, testosterone and estradiol.

    What can I say do you live in the UK and if you do I see why your reading this the <3 is pg/ml = .82 pmol/L 3.7 pmol/L is = to 14 pg/ml not less then 3 pg/ml. I don't need this do your home work before you ask me where I am getting my information. I was only posting to keep it real and help...
  14. P

    Hypopituitary, testosterone and estradiol.

    Hi tmekenzie, I see this all the time on the sensitive estradiol labs both from Quest and Labcorp labs they just don't work right I can't believe your that low how could you live this low <3 is not possable even for women on it nothing I read about women on Arimidex show low levels like this...
  15. P

    Hypopituitary, testosterone and estradiol.

    In the study they talk about the Estradiol in the units of ng/dl I can't find Estradiol mesured in units of ng/dl we need to see apples to apples here what are the units in pg/ml or in pmol/l. So are they talking about Estradiol and what is TST. HarryCat I am not saying I am the last word on...
  16. P

    Started test cyp injections-- Don't feel any different

    Here is a link that shows what a 200 mgs shot of Test C levels out at over 2 weeks. Look at Fig. 1.
  17. P

    Hypopituitary, testosterone and estradiol.

    Nelson, I can't tell you what to do but I stopped reading crap like this yrs ago in Europe you can't get Dr.'s to even test Estrogens let alone Estradiol. And when you do get one they will not treat it. I don't waste my time reading black and white studies which are prefabricated to...
  18. P

    Started test cyp injections-- Don't feel any different

    Gene, Is on the money with this the more T you do that your body dose not need the more stress your going to put on your Adrenals and you could end up with Adrenal Insufficiency. I have this due to being Hypopituitary and believe me it's not fun. Too many men think more is better and...
  19. P

    Hypopituitary, testosterone and estradiol.

    Hi Nelson get reply, I am not being defensive it just worries me when I see people saying levels of 60 pg/ml are fine for men when most men I have talked to have a big problem with levels over 30. I am not by any way the last word on E2 but if your search back at MESO when Dr. John...
  20. P

    Hypopituitary, testosterone and estradiol.

    Gee what is going on with this forum I spent a lot of time replying to this thread only to send my post find it's gone. So I don't have time for this but men need to read these links. If you think your going to feel better with higher E2 levels go luck...
  21. P

    High Estradiol Boosts Libido in Men on Testosterone Therapy

    Nelson, I don't know many men that keep there E2 levels to low and as for that Ultra Sensitive Estradiol test by Quest levels <29 from day one Quest labs as had problems with this test telling men they are to low when in fact going by how they were feeling they felt to high. My Dr. called a...
  22. P

    Hypopituitary, testosterone and estradiol.

    Hi Peter, And what are you saying Nelson that we are driving down E2 to low I don't keep my E2 levels to low yet one needs to gage E2 by what there SHBG is if your low on this you need to keep your E2 lower. I don't buy that study out saying higher E2 helps with libido and it's from the UK you...
  23. P

    High Estradiol Boosts Libido in Men on Testosterone Therapy

    I don't buy this study and most of the study's coming out lately none are approved study's all I can go by is to tell what I leaned from being on TRT over 33 yrs is high E2 is very bad there is a sweet spot for E2 levels and when your in this sweet spot you will get your Rem Sleep Wood back...
  24. P

    Started test cyp injections-- Don't feel any different

    I am not a Dr. just a guy that is a mod at yahoo doing that much T is what I do but I do my shots 80 mgs E3D subQ doing this with a small 27g 1ml. x 1/2" lg. needle and I do 250 IU's of HCG the day before my Test C shot E3D and I take Aromasin to keep my E2 down. Now as for how long it takes...
  25. P

    How much testosterone

    Hi John, I am not going to tell you your dose it to high but when I did that much it did start to cause me problems my Estradiol went nuts and I was needing 4 to 5 one mg. pills / day of Arimidex. And I took the pills at about every 4 hrs. I stayed in my Dr. Office doing an E2 test every 4...
  26. P

    Need some advice

    Yes I had the same problems with the patch at the time it just came out and my BCBS would not cover my Compounded T cream anymore. I had to put up with the rash for about 2 yrs until Androgel came out. Yet using 2 patchs / day got my levels much higher then 10 grams of androgel. On the patch...
  27. P

    SubQ Injections and blood test

    Hi Gene, I wish I could five yrs. ago I had open heart surgery never had a heart attack just some bad heartburn thanks to having a great Dr. he found 2 blocks going to my heart 99% blocked up. I got a bad infection in my chest after the surgery and they could not get it cleared up so they put...
  28. P

    SubQ Injections and blood test

    If it helps I do labs every 10 weeks here are the last two on T levels and E2. And one thing the first set of numbers for TT was using the brand name Depo T the second one is using the Generic Test C. I think the generic is weaker. =======================================================...
  29. P

    SubQ Injections and blood test

    I knew about doing subQ shots over 13 yrs ago after reading that Dr. Shippen was doing this to his self he was doing 2 shots / every 3 days at 40 mgs. / shot for a total of 80 mgs. He said doing this keeps one more leveled and helps to keep Estradiol down. I asked my Dr. about doing this he...