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  1. P

    More bad info about Statins

    Has anyone tried turmeric for there pain if so how long did it take to work.
  2. P

    Statin use and TRT

    I have been off them over 19 yrs. and I am no better still going down hill. It's called Peripheral Neuropathy from Statin use. I got a lot of info and help Dr. Graveline and his web site at God bless him he died some yrs. ago.
  3. P

    Statin use and TRT

    Yes Dr.'s took me off all of them when one morning I could not get out of bed. It was after that I was put on CoQ10 and other supplements
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    Statin use and TRT

    Yes it is a lot most of them I was told to take by my Dr's. I was just told about trying Turmeric hope this works. Phil
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    Statin use and TRT

    Hear is a list of all my meds and supplements. PHILIP’S MED’S Aromasin(Exemestane) 25 mgs E3 days. Aspirin 81 mg 2x’s/day. Alprazolam(Xanax) .5 mg. 3x’s/day. Atenolol 25 mg. 2x/day morning and noon for heart beta-blocker. Triamterene/HCTZ 37.5/25 mgs. One pill every M,W,F,S&S 5 pills/ week...
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    Statin use and TRT

    My story us very log so here is the short of it. I had heart bypass surgery in 2009 and it went bad. I got an infection in my chest and was put in a coma for 14 weeks. After I came too and was going home the Surgeon told me he was putting me on Statin drugs. I told him I never had high...
  7. P

    High Estradiol in Men: How High is Too High?

    Make sure you do the E2 sensitive test other wise you might not be high.
  8. P

    self injecting vs going to Men's clinic for injections

    I use a 27g 1/2" lg. syringe and all I do put my dose into vile with air. I then pull the plunger all the way down and hold it this takes less then a min. to do a 40 mg. shot. pmgamer18
  9. P

    self injecting vs going to Men's clinic for injections

    Yes after all these years on TRT doing shots E3D works best for me and doing HCG the day before works great. I am 76 now been on TRT over 40 years an tried them all. pmgamer18
  10. P

    Looking for Dr. in or around Minneapolis MN area

    Go to this link at collage and fill it out they will send you a list of Dr.'s they have. pmgamer18
  11. P

    New and interested in hCG

    Nick, Can you post your labs a level of 400 is not all that low for a man not on TRT and adding HCG you shut down LH. And in most men trying to get higher T levels might need a lot of HCG doing this can drive Estridol E2 levels very high not good. And with that there goes your sex life...
  12. P

    New and interested in hCG

    Hi Nick, You would need a full work up of labs and if your T is low and your LH and FSH are high. This could mean your testis are not working and if they are damaged from the infection HCG will not help. HCG acts like LH and if your testis are not working HCG acting like LH will not get...
  13. P

    Insomnia difficulty falling in sleep

    For me *** oil was a waste of my money I am in a lot of pain from Peripheral Neuropathy from Statin Use. I tried 5 brands and think they are selling watered down junk. Then Dr. Marcola came out with hemp seed oil and it was good but did nothing for my pain...
  14. P

    When does estrogen become a concern?

    I agree with Indy for me being secondary doing 80 mgs of test C E3D. I take one pill of Aromasin the day of my shot that I do subQ into my belly fat. Doing labs every 12 weeks the E2 sanative test comes back at 12 and I feel dam good and I do gauge my E2 levels by TRT over 30 yrs. pmgamer18
  15. P

    1 month on HCG Mono-therapy - struggling

    Hi All, Yes HCG will shut down LH but it acts like LH and when one stops HCG LH will or should start back up again. I am A mod at Yahoo's form for low T been one for over many years I have had a few men on HCG only for low T and the same thing happened to them high levels of E2...
  16. P

    test c expiration

    I have been using over one year after the expiration date and I feel fine and my labs that I do ever 90 days are the same not lower. Phil
  17. P

    Insomnia difficulty falling in sleep

    I do this laying down it puts me to sleep every time. Phil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steps to Elicit the Relaxation Response The following is the technique reprinted with permission from Dr. Herbert Benson's book The Relaxation Response...
  18. P

    can testosterone cause anxiety

    Check your E2 Estratiol levels doing sanative E2 test High E2 levels even give me Panic attacks.
  19. P

    What’s the general consensus on AI’s here?

    I cant tell you what to do I am not a Dr. just have been a Mod. at a lot of forms for over 25 years. For me high E2 Estradiol means huge Panic Attacks, ED, Sweating and feeling hot, Rash's sore and hard nipples and so on. I am secondary and my pituitary dose not tell my body to make any...
  20. P

    What’s the general consensus on AI’s here?

    If your labs show your E2 high take something to get it down you will feel much better. pmgamer18
  21. P

    Best medication for anxiety?

    After my Heart Bypass surgery Anxiety got real bad so I take Xanax and do The Relaxation Response 2x's / day and doing this laying down putts me to sleep. pmgamer18
  22. P

    Best at home blood pressure monitor

    I have white coat fever an when the Dr. takes it it is allwaya high. And them arm gauges are to dam slow putts my arm to sleep and hurts. I now have congestive heart and am on 2 diff. water pills that drive my BP to low so I drink more coffee to get it a little higher. I use a wrist type...
  23. P

    SubQ experience?

    Hi All, I have bee n on TRT over 35 yrs. I tried shots of test C everyday for 6 months felt up and down from week to week. At the time my Dr. tried this he did labs once a month. And they were all over the place up then down. My Dr. said this is no good the half life is stacking up on...
  24. P

    SubQ experience?

    I do 70mg subQ shots E3D doing smaller shot work for me. pmgamer18
  25. P

    SubQ experience?

    Not sure about your question but doing my T shots subQ into my belly fat after all them years. It is the best thing I ever did I feel more even and have E2 problems. pmgamer18
  26. P

    A must read on Statins.

    I got most of my help about this from the Spacedoc who passed a short time ago Duane Graveline, MD,MPH. He was one of the Dr's working at the space program. Statin-related muscle complaints may be exacerbated by exercise or...
  27. P

    A must read on Statins.

    I am secondary and was told most of the cause was low Growth Hormone. And a birth defect.
  28. P

    A must read on Statins.

    No I don’t have Diabetes 3 Dr.'s told me it was caused from the Statins I was put on after my heart surgery. I got a bad infection in my chest and was put into a coma until they could figure out how to hold my chest together. I came out of the coma and needed to learn how to think and talk...
  29. P

    A must read on Statins.

    Your dad is one of the lucky ones. After having heart bypass and it went bad I was put in a coma for 14 weeks long story. After that I was put on statin agenst my will and ended up with Peripheral Neuropathy from Statin Use. At age 75 I am in a lot of pain and cant walk need walker and...
  30. P

    A must read on Statins.

    Statins shown to extend life by mere days and not good ones. I got this Email this morning from Dr. Mercola a dam good read. Eye-Opening Finding: Statins Extend Life by This Mere Number of Days Phil
  31. P

    Need suggestions for supplementing iron and ferritin?

    Yes stop using it for 5 days then test. pmgamer18