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  1. Dave Barry

    Serum Estradiol, Testosterone, and Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin as Regulators of Peak

    Nelson, This study is thought-provoking because the average person does not realize that bone is living, growing tissue, and that the bone turnover rate is quite high. "In young adults, almost one-fifth of the adult skeleton is recycled and replaced each year." (Martini, Nath) Based upon...
  2. Dave Barry

    Testosterone gel/cream vs injectables?

    Nelson, Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions as I really appreciate the time and effort you spend. I got a kick out of my doctor explaining the difference between creams and injections today in his office. The only difference he noted, was that injections are "very painful."...
  3. Dave Barry

    Testosterone gel/cream vs injectables?

    I need some information to pass on to my dr and was hoping you guys could help me out. Why does it seem that more often than not, most patients receiving TRT, are given some form of a testosterone gel/cream to start but as time progresses, it appears that a considerable percentage of patients...
  4. Dave Barry

    Best days to use HCG, when inj. testosterone bi-weekly?

    Nelson, Thanks for the reply as that tells me what I needed to know. You are correct about the fat-loss occurring slowly (and other health benefits) at the dose that I am using. I would probably move the dose up a little, but it's very expensive as you know so I opt for slowly but surely method.
  5. Dave Barry

    Bringing dhea levels up

    Dhea I am not an expert on DHEA, but from what I have read, some people seem to believe that European-derived DHEA (99.9% purity) that is micronized, delivers maximum absorption and utilization. Since DHEA is metabolized in the body within 8 hours, it makes sense to take one capsule 3x/day or...
  6. Dave Barry

    Best days to use HCG, when inj. testosterone bi-weekly?

    Thanks for your replies. I may have not worded my question properly. Theoretically, based upon inj. testosterone (M-T) what days would be best to take HCG (if you'd inj. more than 2 days, how many and which days?) and anastrozole (considering its half-life)? My blood-work appears to be in order...
  7. Dave Barry

    Best days to use HCG, when inj. testosterone bi-weekly?

    Any advice that you guys could give me to increase the efficiency of the below program, would be greatly appreciated. My current regime: 1. 100mg of Depo-Testosterone 2x/week. (Mon-Thur) 2. 500iu of HCG 2x/week. (Sun-Wed) 3. 1mg Anastrozole 2x/week. (Tues-Fri) 4. 2iu Serostim hgh daily...
  8. Dave Barry

    How long does HCG remain active after mixing it with water?

    For convenience and consistency when mixing HCG powder, create a solution = 2000iu/ml 11000iu mix with this much solvent-----> Add 5.5ml bacteriostatic water 10000iu mix with this much solvent-----> Add 5.0ml bacteriostatic water 8000iu mix with this much solvent------> Add 4.0ml...
  9. Dave Barry

    Nutri Bullet NBR-12 12-Piece Hi-Speed Blender/Mixer System

    No matter how dedicated you are, the value of convenience cannot be underestimated.
  10. Dave Barry

    Penile constriction rings to improve ED

    They have always worked like a charm for myself.